Ascension - fancy a bit?

dickbaby, again everything you've written is completely fragmented and arbitrary, not only that, but it's also absurd! Channelings and all sorts of informatin which is simply false. DNA mathmaticaly calculated to not have been evolutionarily possable? You're out of your gord, go lay down before you hurt yourself.
I was hoping the same about you! Your argument is based on premises which are both flawed and false, end of argument, sorry.
Originally posted by dickbaby
hope this gives us something to discuss now!
To be honest with you, I think all this ascension stuff is
complete and utter garbage. There is a book out entitled:
"400 Years of Imaginary Friends" - I think you would be
better off reading that before you read all this other stuff.

Not only fun but very enlightening as well, I think you would enjoy
it. Are you familiar with Elizabeth Claire Prophet or The Ballards?
No, I can't say that I have heard of these books. Though I'll probably be looking them up online later tonight. . . as if my reading list wasn't long enough already, heh. Oh well, always having something to read is a good thing in my opinion.
Well, now that I'm at home, I think I'll give that a look.

*After having seen it

Haha, well that really is quite amusing, ascended masters sound like they really do keep bussy. There's a lot of mystic mumbojumbo in the synopsis that I don't remember a lot of the names they mentioned there ever having mentioned, or concerned themselves with.

It kind of inspires me to want to sit on the throne of the tamrylin, and summon the nine rods of dominion while peering into the aether or some such thing as that.
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It is amusing isn't it? The only other thing I
would like to add at this point is this quote:

"Keep an open mind, but don't keep it
too open or people will throw a lot of
rubbish in." -Unknown
And when this alignment comes, the alignment of spiralling energies (the combination of a planetary body's orbit and rotation on its axis) will hit us like nothing we know of and shift the planet and all who remain on it into 4D ('100 times more harmonious than 3D', the channellings say). That's partly what allowed the Maya to disappear en masse it seems.

May be there will be a hole in space and we all fall into another planet and start our fight there? :D
:p or maybe somehow physics will prevail and nothing like this will ever happen, because it frankly just doesn't make any sence at all.
I disagree Mystech. I think it makes lots of $ense
And it's all tax free. From a buisness stand point
I think it makes perfect sense. ;)
Of course physics always prevails even inside a computer simulation no matter how bizarre it looks! Played any AI based video game lately?

(Just saw Matrix - reloaded...)