Ascension - fancy a bit?


A search for this yielded zip, so it's up to me to kick off the thread it seems.

There is some talk around the net, and a lot of excitement about the possibility (some would say sureness) of us mere mortals actually being rather more than simply bags of accidental matter and even evolving into the 4th density (or dimension), at some time very soon.

Much of this information has come from channellings, though the sources could be regarded as rather more than the run of the mill ones, since they have gone further than the usual 5 minutes of fluffy nonsense and have even written 'channelled' books on the subject, imparted techical info decades before it was later 'discovered' and generally been unreproachable in their accuracy and consistency over the space of many years.

A lot of it ties in with the anciet civilizations of earth, especially the Maya.

I'm thinking here of The Seth Material and Ra/The Law of One stuff. (links can be given).

This is of course not yer average topic, but I'm looking for a serious discush with some folks who have perhaps read a bit of this stuff and or have an opinion. I'm not out to convert anyone, so no flame wars necessary, thanks.

Any takers?

No offense it's just that what you mentioned sounds damn interesting and i would like you to elaborate more on it. Thank you:cool:
The Mayan Calendar apocalypse thing is pretty crazy. It's merely a very well calculated planetary cycle that ends every few thousand years and begins anew seconds after it does end. The planets visible without a telescope align and then they separate. That's it. Nothing more. This event is supposed to take place sometime in December, 2012, and should make for a hellofa stargazing year, since the planets will all be in one little cluster (I think).

The most pragmatic way to approach the whole aaaahh we're gonna die hypothosis' is to merely look at the dates various prophets give for the end of the world. Take for example a random date, June 2nd, 2003. Judgement day.

But in what timezone? Will the other 23 sections of the divided earth have warning and thus be able to prepare? Shot down!:D
Well if it’s a glow around the whole body usually it’s called an Aura, not a halo, as for what’s causing it, I’d say it’s probably your eyes playing tricks on you, or you playing tricks on us, or maybe just you playing tricks on yourself because you’re really bored. Oh, enough prophesies of doom, or transcendence, already, I say, there's been enough of those already, and they've all been a bunch of BS, and obviously so from the get go.

There's nothing particularly special about anything going on in the world today (nothing that will make or break the world, anyway) so how about everyone quits getting so damned upset and certainly stop convincing yourselves that some thing big is coming, especially if all you have to go on is the diluted hallucinations of complete wackjobs.
Yes, all the planets will be in alignment on 22.12.2012, and this happens approx every 25920 years, according to the precession of the equinoxes.

In other words, the earth wobbles a bit as it spins so that its N pole (for arguement's sake only, you could pick any spot on the globe) points exactly towards the same spot in the sky every 26000 years or so, and this is termed by some as 1 cycle.

Apparently our earth goes through three (3) cycles over 80,000 years-ish, and at the end of this the whole planetary body moves into the next density or dimension. The effects of this change are all around us, but only if you're looking in the right places (sacred geometry, gematrian numbers, earth grids, pyramid codexes, monuments on mars, mayan calendars and more).

Sounds mega doesn't it? But what does it mean?

Well, some physicists are tieing it in with spiralling vortexes of energy (superstrings has been but one name given, or 'zero point energy', or the old favourite, 'aether' are others), and coming to the conclusion that everything everywhere is simply energy vibrating at different frequencies. There is no 'matter' as such (99% plus of the mass of an 'atom' is empty space), and all around us is merely a very impressive group hologram/projection of our inner and collective selves.

So, change the projection, change the word, maaaaan.

And when this alignment comes, the alignment of spiralling energies (the combination of a planetary body's orbit and rotation on its axis) will hit us like nothing we know of and shift the planet and all who remain on it into 4D ('100 times more harmonious than 3D', the channellings say). That's partly what allowed the Maya to disappear en masse it seems.

You don't have to go into any of the reasons why or the physics of it, cos the only thing that comes out of all this is that ascension is absoultely indiscriminate of religion, race, creed, colour, wealth, penis length etc,etc, and comes down only to the individual's capacity to love others as one loves oneself, and become more gravitated towards service to others than self.

So, no fees, no clubs, sects, or societies. No 'you must go through me to reach your god', no more 'cross my palm...' etc etc.

Even if it IS all a load of old toss then if the upshot of people believing in service to others is a better world then I say 'hey, ho, bring it on'.

Only, the modern day sources that brought this info are saying the numbers of 'service to others gravitated' souls is much less than expected/desired.

There you have the briefest of explanations as I see it (and I'm still devouring books and articles, so by no means have I set these opinions in stone) , but I'd like to chew it over with a few others purlease.


Originally posted by dickbaby
You don't have to go into any of the reasons why or the physics of it,

haha, of course not, because everything you just said is complete and utter BS trying to sound almost like science, but was clearly thought up by someone too drunk or just outright stupid to even make a good mockery of it.
Originally posted by Mystech
haha, of course not, because everything you just said is complete and utter BS trying to sound almost like science, but was clearly thought up by someone too drunk or just outright stupid to even make a good mockery of it.

That's fine. You have your free will and that is the most important thing of all. If you believe that this is all bollocks then good for you. Nothing I or anyone else can say can make you change your mind. Only you can do that, providing you want to.

I have not the least bit of interest in persuading you though. I'm interested in learning a bit, not fighting.

So, which bit would you like to discuss?

Originally posted by dickbaby
Nothing I or anyone else can say can make you change your mind.

Why jump to conclusions? You are completely wrong in this asumption, if you can show me acctual evidence, proof, or even just a coherent argument for WHY this could so much as POSSABLY have ANY credability, I could very well start going with it. I'm not a braindead moron, I know sence when I see it, I know a logical argument, and I know what an arbitrary claim looks like.

If you could show that it had validity my mind would be changed, so far you haven't done that, and saying that you won't even try doesn't help things at all.
I meant no offence

It was meant in the terms of:

Bottom line is, nobody can really tell anybody else what to do or believe. That was all.

For evidence, well, this guy's writings are very interesting. Check out 'The Shift of the Ages', but it's a bit of a read.

Originally posted by dickbaby
Bottom line is, nobody can really tell anybody else what to do or believe. That was all.

Sure they can, don't you believe in knowledge, or authority? What do you think schools are about? If knowlege is universal, if anything can be said to be true, then certainly one person can be more qualified to tell another what to think, so long as he can say why.
In theory, yes, I believe in knowledge and wisdom.

But schools? Indoctrination to me, sorry.

I'm talking about standing up, saying what you believe in your heart to be your truth, and asking of others only that they listen a little with an open mind.

For each individual must make up it's own mind and form it's own opinions and conclusions, else we all live on 'planet CNN'.

If anything anyone tells you sounds a bit dodgy to you, discard it, for your truth is your truth, would be the best way I can put it right now.

That's a horrable road to take. Your views should always be held with a grip that is neither too firm or too loose. You should know why you hold an idea, what it's foundation is, but you should also know that it's possable that you could be wrong, and if you ever find something that contradicts the foundation of a beleif, even a deeply held one, it can be destroyed, and replaced, and you'll be better off for it.

Your beliefs should be fluid and malliable, based on concrete things, firm premises, which, should they ever be disproven, can be thrown out to build a more acurate picture of the wolrd.

The things you've said SHOULD have very concrete premesis, and be quite proveable, you claim they are based on physics. As such they should be easily proveable, however you decline to even argue the matter, what does that say about how credable your view on it is? Clearly, not even you feel it can be proven, so why, then should anyone else believe you, or even pause to consider what you have to say?
Well, other than your first sentence I agree with the first two paragraphs.

Here are my summaries of some of the initial points, but please bear in mind what I said at the beginning of this thread - that I'm not trying to tell anyone how it is, but discuss the material on offer. And that I'm by no means finished learning.

Anyway, here goes.

Ancient Civilizations

The Sphinx shows definite signs of water-weathering, from a time when Egypt enjoyed abundant rainfall. Even the most conservative estimates of when Egypt had rainfall date back to at least c8000 BC.

The alignment of the 3 great pyramids at Giza reflects perfectly the constellation of Orion, whilst the path of the Nile river reflects the milky way. But ONLY at the time c 10000 BC.

It is well known that many ancient sites and structures display knowledge of sacred geometry in their construction. The irrational, inexpressible numbers (square roots of 2, 3 & 5, Pi, Phi, e) crop up consistently in the sizes and ratios of the sites and structures.

These ratios have also been discovered in the monuments and face at Cydonia on Mars, as brought to the public's attention by ex-NASA Scientist Richard Hoagland.

Since mathematics is the oldest and best method of communication is it not of interest then that these same ratios appear on ancient earth and mars? Proof of ET intelligence?

And mathematicians have been discovering these ratios all over the place. In the musical (diatonic, or white piano notes) scale, in the geometries of the platonic solids, in the construction of the human body (DaVinci and The Golden Mean / phi (1:1.618...) ratio) and other animals on earth, in the relationships between the speeds of sound and light in air, the size of atoms, planets, the spacing of the planets in a galaxy (Bode's Law)...

Really, that list goes on, and there is a wealth of material data, evidence and experiments to back it up.

(and the book 'The Shift of the Ages') is a good place to kick off from, but most of the books to be read are big fat ones, so the link below is one to a not so long interview / discussion to get started on.

So, harmonics.

It is then discovered that the makeup of our galaxy, the sizes, speeds of rotation, orbit lengths etc can all be expressed by harmonics of just a few (large!) numbers, such as The Nineveh Constant.

Then we learn that The Maya knew and recorded these numbers. Other ancient civilizations (the vedics in India among others) also knew this. They had maps of ice-free north poles and new the orbit of distant planets centuries before we 'discovered' them.

(There is also of course the whole sub-plot of who stole, kept and guarded this knowledge over the centuries in the form of 'illuminated ones' and secret societies etc)

The Maya all suddenly pissed off without a word, and still we don't know why. They left behind a number of interlocking calendars and mathematical cycles, preserved in part within the structures of the monuments they left behind (Kulkuan pyramid among them).

The Vedics, as noted on the ancient civilization post elsewhere on the forums, had detailed scripts and records of what seem to be planes, shuttles, flying people etc.

They also had fantastically detailed astronomical records, and talked about the different dimensions of life, using the platonic solids to express this (the 'gods' Purusha and Prakriti, the Icosahedron and dodecahedron). These solids came from and returned to the perfect solid, the sphere.

All the platonic solids can fit perfectly within the circumscribed sphere, and this model, in the books linked to, is used to come up with an octave structure of eight densities or dimensions, at prescribed intervals - sphere at both ends, with the solids morphing on into the other until they return to the sphere.

Then we see what looks very much like the effects of these solids inside a sphere on our very own sphere right here. The points of a star tetrahedron (two vertically interlocking pyramids, one of them inverted), if stuck inside a sphere would touch the surface of the sphere at exactly 19.47 degrees latitude N and S.

Look on earth and we have the volcano on Hawaii, among many more.

Jupiter's red spot is at the same lat too, so is Mount Olympus on mars. And Hoagland has found signs of this on EVERY planet they've been able to look at.

Then you see how all the platonic solids shoved inside a sphere together would, if you joined together all their surface points, allow you to plot a grid over the entire earth's surface. Someone has done it, see the maps here

Then we see that the actual construction (such as number of steps, or faces etc etc) of these monuments PERFECTLY 9to the nth degree) encodes their position on the planet in terms of long and lat from the great pyramid at giza. Why there? Cos that's the geographic centre of the planet. This discovery is truly astounding. Please have a look at Carl Munck's site here

So, some ancient peoples, with their structures, mathematics, calendars, numerical constants and astronomical observations etc were trying very hard to preserve something over vast tracts (for us anyway) time.

Why? What?

OK, I'm gonna post this now and try to put together a part two, to get us a little closer towards this fantastic notion of ascension

Seting aside the issue of factuality of what you've just said, how do you even draw lines from one idea to the next? This seems to me like just a long rambeling about loosely related topics with no common thread to lead us to any conclusion.
I was getting to the point, it's just there IS such a lot of inter-connecting information. You should see how long part two is becoming!

Sometimes I can't promise to perfectly state the case. But then I didn't make it, I've just read about it :) I'm still trying to get my head around a lot of it. It's fascinating reading, well I think so anyway.


I'm curious about something on the Ascension website.
The title Psychic Counselor of Asc2k is listed after David
Wilcock's name - what does that mean?
in a nutshell this guy appears to be the rincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and for a few years has been doing dream readings for people, where he sleeps and records and analyses any dreams in realtion to the client

Reckons he's got a 6 month backlog...

Here's my best stab at part two for now, but not in any decent order, more just a string of points to discuss perhaps. Hope it gives some food for discussion now!

The earth's magnetic field is diminishing rapidly, and the poles are drifting and have in recent years temporarily moved up to 10% away from the usual position. This reduction in the field is tied in with the magnetic pole shifts evident from earth samples as having happened at approximately 25000 year intervals. All over the world airport runways are being relaid to account for the move in magnetic poles.

Uranus and Neptune were shown by voyager to to be spinning approximately 40 to 50 off from their central axis.

The earth's heartbeat, or Schumann resonance was for years and years a fixed figure of 7.8 hertz. Recent measurement show it around 8.6 and climbing.

Recent climatic and geological changes - in the last 100 years the sun's magnetic field has increased 230%. Natural disasters up 400% in last 40 years. Volcanic activity up 500% in last 30 years. The sun's heliosphere has grown by a factor of 10 in last 50 years, from 10 to 100 AU, and .

Professor Hans Jenny has made videos of his 'cymatics' experiments, wherein he vibrated a balloon filled with particles in a floating solution at pure diatonic sound frequencies. What he found were the platonic solids created according to the frequency of sound vibration. They would morph one into the next upon a shift in frequency.

Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of DNA later in his life mathematically proved that the DNA molecule was too complicated to have arisen 'naturally' through evolution. We simply haven't had enough evolutionary time to achieve it.

Later on Vladimir Populin put DNA in a tube, shone a laser through it, and watched as the light spiralled through the DNA helix. He removed the DNA and the light stayed in spiral shape.

The sun is not a nuclear furnace. Thirty years ago it was proved the sun doesn't produce enough neutrinos for it to be the byproduct of a nuclear reaction So, where does the sun's heat, light and energy come from?

NASA has discovered the Parker Spiral, of spiralling energies emitted from the sun. This exact same shape has been seen in crop circles. Crop circles with fantastic geometric precision, incorporating all our favourite sacred numbers. In fact, so many of the crop circles have been giving us advance notice, if you will, of future discoveries in hyper-dimensional physics and especially in relation to the octave model of the densities.

Then we have the channelling of Seth and Ra. Between them they channelled and wrote almost a dozen books of material, Ra describing the Law of One. Both of these channellings proved over time (they came about from the 1960s to now, and still continue) to be irreproachable in their consistency, often continuing on the same sentence interrupted in a session from many months before. Both are well worth investigating.

The Law of One material is available from here

A free study guide (and a wonderful read) is posted at

It talks about 'harvest', when the planetary body completes its third major cycle and shifts into the next density, which for us would be the fourth.

Einstein discovered that time and space are 'opposites'. Not like black and white but like sides of a coin, or as Frank sang, love and marriage - you can't have one without the other. Distance in time is equal to distance in space (look at the Andromeda galaxy and you see it as it was 12 million (million million?) years or so ago, look at the wall and you see it as it was a very, very, very...short time ago, the time it took the light to travel).

Time = Space

In the same way E=MC^2 shows us that energy is mass. The speed of light is there only to balance the measurements. To quote John Dobson

"If you're going to measure space in cm then time must not be measured in seconds, but 'jiffies'. A jiffy is the length of time it takes light to go one cm.' The universe being a trifle on the large side causes us to measure the time in years and the distance in light years. The speed of light in this system is 1. Squared it's still one.

Energy = Mass.

Dobson goes on to say that the energy that constitutes everything, if you could release it in its entirety, corresponds to 500 atom bombs per pound, and of the observable energies we know it can be trimmed down to be gravitational and/or electrical.

He then goes on to show that electrical and magnetic energy are opposites. Wind up a watch and it gets heavier and harder to shake. Why? Because you out potential energy into it and that's the only thing that's hard to shake or move.

You wind up against the gravitational field by moving further away from the object. You wind up against electricity by pushing objects together.

So, you get to a diagram of a square, if you will, cut into four smaller squares, with lines separating each box, as was traditionally thought.

Mass | Space
Energy | Time

Einstein removed the lines, but nobody has been able to tell us what remains behind the question mark. Dobson says

"When we look at this question mark, what we see is that it has to be beyond space and time. Our physics
is on our side of space and time, if you like, but Einstein's equations say that behind our physics there
is this question, "What is it?". We know that it has to be beyond space and time. And for that reason we
can get a negative statement about what it is. If it's beyond time, it must be changeless, because only in
time could we have change. If it's beyond space, it must be both undivided and infinite, because only
within space could we have things finite and divided. Without space you couldn't break a. cookie in two.
Without space you couldn't have cookie crumbs. And without time you couldn't do anything, because
you couldn't have any kind of change. So whatever exists behind this universe must be changeless,
infinite and undivided:"

So, we and all around us are infinite and undivided, yet appear finite and divided.The classic duality.

The Law of One, to my understanding, talks about the oneness experiencing itself subjectively through countless seemingly individual planetary and consciousness bodies, if you will. Everything is an aspect of The One experiencing itself in the process of returning to the one through the octave of densities. The platonic solids morphing from the sphere back to the sphere.

Dobson concludes

"Space is not really that which separates the many. It's that which seems to separate the one. There's
only one. And in that space that oneness shines. Therefore falls whatever falls. Space is not that in
which we see the finite. There is no finite. Space is that in which the infinite appears as small, and in that
space that vastness shines. Therefore bursts whatever bursts. Therefore every electrical particles wants
to become infinite. And therefore shines whatever shines. And time is not that in which we see change,
but that in which the changeless seems to change, and in that time that changeless shines. Therefore
rests whatever rests; therefore coasts whatever coasts.
Our problem is to discriminate between what's behind this notion of space and time and what's within it.
Our problem is to discriminate between the real and the make believe.

So, what is all this energy made of anyway? The greeks said 'aether' (direct translation:shine)

OK, that's enough for now, this post is already way too long. I know I haven't covered everything but please bear in mind I'm trying to summarize half a dozen books of brain-bending stuff into an easy to understand post. hope this gives us something to discuss now!

Originally posted by dickbaby
in a nutshell this guy appears to be the rincarnation of
Edgar Cayce, and for a few years has been doing dream
readings for people, where he sleeps and records and
analyses any dreams in realtion to the client
Oh ok I see. Thanks for the clarification, much appreciated. :)
Originally posted by dickbaby
in a nutshell this guy appears to be the rincarnation of Edgar Cayce, and for a few years has been doing dream readings for people, where he sleeps and records and analyses any dreams in realtion to the client

Reckons he's got a 6 month backlog...


Haha, well that just lends an amazing amount to his credability, then, doesn't it?