Armed Forces Obsession

No, that's not what I'm saying. In Australia all companies are required to pay an insurance premium to the state government for what's called "workcover". This then pays a worker if they are killed or injured at work. The who scheme is government run and recently the SA state government in its infinite wisdom decided to slash these benifits for all workers. The benifits are exactly the same wether the person is an office worker who's biggest risk is RSI, a construction worker who is at much larger risk of permident injury or death, or an Emergency service worker who deliberately goes INTO danger.

The ADF personal on the other hand have access to gold cards (which give all medical treatment in private hospital for free, reconstructed my grandmother's house because she needed a ramp and handles in the shower ect), they get very generous pentions and other benfits which are always expanding. My problem isn't that vets are entitled to these benfits, its that defense personal who have never seen a war zone, they have just had minor "industrial" acidents and got enough points for these to get these benfits while at the same time benfits for Emergency service workers killed or permidently injured in the line of duty have had there own very modest benfits slashed.

Now solders might not ever see an enermy but the Emergency service workers put there life on the line everytime the pager goes off, they never know if this is the time they wont come back
Well, then, you need to talk to your government representative or ombudsman or a journalist who will bring this injustice to public attention. I don't think we have a similar situation in Canada or the US.
No, that's not what I'm saying. In Australia all companies are required to pay an insurance premium to the state government for what's called "workcover". This then pays a worker if they are killed or injured at work. The who scheme is government run and recently the SA state government in its infinite wisdom decided to slash these benifits for all workers. The benifits are exactly the same wether the person is an office worker who's biggest risk is RSI, a construction worker who is at much larger risk of permident injury or death, or an Emergency service worker who deliberately goes INTO danger.

The ADF personal on the other hand have access to gold cards (which give all medical treatment in private hospital for free, reconstructed my grandmother's house because she needed a ramp and handles in the shower ect), they get very generous pentions and other benfits which are always expanding. My problem isn't that vets are entitled to these benfits, its that defense personal who have never seen a war zone, they have just had minor "industrial" acidents and got enough points for these to get these benfits while at the same time benfits for Emergency service workers killed or permidently injured in the line of duty have had there own very modest benfits slashed.

Now solders might not ever see an enermy but the Emergency service workers put there life on the line everytime the pager goes off, they never know if this is the time they wont come back

There are entire units on the western allies side in WWII that never fired their rifle, got the same benefits as a jarhead who fought in Tarawa, Iwo Jima and other campaigns in the pacific. An Omaha beach every 6 months.