arguments to defend the theory of God?

You say in effect: 'super intelligence can only be provided by God'
but what do you MEAN by'God' is the question you must consider. the idea of 'God' has a history. Are you are of GODDESS? for example........It is a whole new ball game going from 'god' to GODDESS.

For example fractal time is being discussed. This means the actual sense of time being organic. All happening NOW, right? Have you experienced this? i have, obviously in dreams, but also VERY much so when Tripping. One CAN sense time moving, in that things are changing, and the light may be getting darker, or vice versa. But it has a different FEEL than the so-called ordinary reality we are all enforced to live in by the fascist state

Now, when we talk about hallucinogenic insight into organic time, the MEANING of 'God' is REALLY importanto. WHY?????
beCAUSe it is the patriarchy which usurped the Goddess, and created a 'father/sky god' who PROHIBITEd the peoples freedom to EXPERIENCe DIRECT experience...OF organic time, spirituality, etc. And who put clocks on churches for the devious reason of mechanicalizing time, and tieing people to the regulated ways of State and Church, as our secular society does to Science and State
.....and i missed an important point. so...thus seeing the profound difference from a patriarchal idea of a transcendent 'God' and the MUCh more ancinet understanding of Goddess, when you ask about whether a 'uperintelligence can only be provided by 'God' this presupposes a god transcedndent to 'matter, right? This is a CRUCIAL difference from the more ancient concept and FEELINg of GODESS, in that Goddess WAs EARTH, was matter, was fractal time, WAs enpirited matter. Do you see? 'superintelligence' wasn't/ISN'T somewhere else. but right here NOW. as is TIME

Hey if there is a God then it only makes sence there is a Goddess also. We have both a Father and Mother in heaven.
Leo Volont said:
Atheists accuse the Religions of foisting fraudulent miracles upon the public. That is a naive view which only a little bit of study would dispell. Most investigations into the Miraculous, even by Religious Institutions, are biased toward denying the Miraculous.
Never the less, a whole slew of fraudulent “miracles” seems to have slipped past the Catholic church. Remember all those “incorruptible” saints whose bodies miraculously didn’t decay, but were later found to have been simply mummified?