Arguments against Christianity

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and what would be the prescriptive requirements required to come to such a level of qualification?
(apart from agreeing with your values)

I'm very sorry. You're not qualified to have this discussion with me.
if you can't talk about the issue and if you can't talk about the qualifications required for discerning the issue it must be an issue of belief

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
in short, lodging a claim of delusion without a clear definition of reality


I have found that both those atheists as well as those theists who accuse their opponents of delusion, either refuse to produce a definition of "reality", brush the issue off as "philosophical angst that is a sham", or insist in their self-referential positions.

I think if those theists and atheists truly made an effort to understand their opponents -and thus ensure that the communication would be meaningful-, such effort to understand the opposing party would equal giving up their respective theistic or atheistic positions. Which of course they will not do, at least not within a foreseeable time.
I think it was plato who suggested that at the core of any claim to reality are some axiomatic truths.
Miscommunication on the subject seems to arise from the insistence on using one's preferred axiomatic truths as the foundation for valuing conclusions drawn from a different set.
It is kind of like trying to validate/invalidate volume with a thermometer (a thermometer is perfect for measuring temperature, but completely useless for measuring volume).
Real philosophical discussion (the like which one is rarely likely to encounter on sciforums) is the discussion of these axiomatic truths and the extent of their applications.
The popular alternative is simply to talk about the applications of these truths as the all in all ("Can your scripture help you manufacture a computer?" "Can your computer help you find a solution to the inevitability of suffering in the material world?" etc etc)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and what would be the prescriptive requirements required to come to such a level of qualification?
(apart from agreeing with your values)

I find that one of the bigger problems in discussing with many "Western" atheists is that their arguments against theism in general are formulated mainly in relation to a particular brand of Christianity - the kind of simplistic, blind-faith, threats-of-hellfire, kill-the-heathens brand of Christianity.
thesis and antithesis
radical theism nourishes the radical atheism
On what basis then can a person discriminate between scripture? IOW for what reason would you forego getting mummified even though the Book of the Dead expresses its importance for gaining an afterlife? Or, perhaps better asked, how do you go about ascertaining which scripture is the right one to look at?
there are a variety of arguments for discerning the hierarchy of religious principles within what's available
in short, it boils down to two considerations

  1. discerning the result of different religious practices and the hierarchical significance (emancipation, piety, wealth, long life, facility to fulfill one's desires, mystic powers, etc etc are all fine, but how would you place them in terms of level of importance)
  2. discerning the ontological implications of oneself, thing's related to oneself (ie this world and everything in it) and god (for instance if the body is ultimately a temporary designation, one could question whether any eternal benefits can be drawn from it by merely treating it in a mechanical condition in either its states of living or death - eg "If you undergo ritual X when you are living/dead you get eternal life")
You could say that one decides by looking at how many adherents it has or how many claimants to qualification there are. If we were to go by that then surely christianity would be the way to go?

Clearly therefore it can't come down to numbers.
philosophical and moral issues are not resolved by vote
my issue was that there is not a shred of philosophical or moral issues to even begin to approach (outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists)in regard to pink elephants, et al
The distinct problem here is that your general argument precludes you from saying anything until you are "qualified". As a result of that you have a lot of scripture to be going through. You can't, as per your argument, say anything about that scripture until you're qualified in it.
having a hierarchical model, as illustrated earlier, enables one to navigate between higher and lower religious principles
And even then, if the end result is nothing you would need to ascertain that it is the scripture that is wrong and not just you that has applied the methods incorrectly. But as you'll argue, any high school dropout can claim he did study correctly, but that the thing he was studying was faulty.
one could have a faulty hierarchical model - and that is the topic of religious debate (at least in india) - namely philosophy
therefore religion without philosophy is the absence of a sound hierarchical model - and admittedly that seems to be the trend of many contemporary abrahamic religions (for instance I think it was thomas aquinas who institutionalized this organized persecution of bodies outside of christianity) .... and that also tends to be the model of theism that you model your atheism on too
You could listen to those that claim to be qualified but how do you establish that they are qualified, (when you are not and thus can't say anything)?
we may not be qualified but discerning qualification is possible
if it wasn't, there would be no way to know who was a qualified lawyer, mechanic, doctor outside of their hearsay
I would assume that you'll try to argue emotional states, but that establishes nothing more than an emotional state. If a certain scripture mentions being free from wrath, and this person appears to be free from wrath, it merely establishes that this person is free from wrath, it does not attest to the validity of scriptural claims, (gods, heavens, souls or "zombie messiahs").
these "emotional" states are indications of material contamination (sometimes it is referred to as the presence of "false ego") - IOW a sense of "I" that has a false foundation) - possession of false ego is what qualifies us for material life ( the reason we are in this world is because we have the strong desire to expresss ourselves "falsely" - namely we express ourselves through lust, through wrath etc etc)

the default position of coming free from this state of false ego is to be enlightened - IOW there is no question of being free from false ego, unless one is a properly qualified theistic practitioner

hence statements like this ....

For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same.
As an example: How would being free from certain emotional states indicate that " sooner had she ducked into the pond, than her husband turned her into a porpoise—she was the very first porpoise that ever swam in these waters." (Guiana Indians) this is true?
animism, polytheism and monotheism can also be placed in a hierarchy
the fact that there is very little room for philosophical discussion in animistic religion (because there is very little information about the ontological status of things in this world) indicates that validating/invalidating claims is not their major discipline - nevertheless, the discipline of becoming free from false ego remains a potent discipline for making spiritual advancement
In short what does your 'normative descriptions in scripture" actually amount to? Being free from certain emotional states does not attest to the validity of the claims in that scripture in any way whatsoever. There is something seriously amiss here for you to contend that such a description is the "foundation of evidence" for anything other than an emotional state.
the point is that being free from false ego is the qualification for being a thesitic practitioner - it doesn't matter whether the system be animistic, polytheistic or monotheistic (although there are good arguments that suggest getting completely free from issues of false ego is not tenable outside of montheism). If one is not free from false ego, one can not be a transparent medium to spiritual discourse and will simply elucidate according to one's conditioned nature (according to one's lust, wrath etc)

kind of like there are certain qualities a student must exhibit in order to learn something from a teacher (eg studious, attentive in class etc) - it doesn't matter whether one is doing a PhD at Oxford or learning times tables under a tree in a third world country - the issue of qualification aside, Oxford university and a tree in Kenya can also be placed in a hierarchy (you stand to learn more at Oxford than under a tree in Kenya)

As a final bit of interest given your arguments I would like to mention the word 'evolution'. I have seen you whine about evolution a bit and so would like to ask what qualifications you have in relevant fields. Without qualifications, and given that it has evidence and "foundations of evidence", are you not being a complete hypocrite when talking about it negatively or demanding that science needs to do more to convince you?
I don't over ride the finds of professional archaeologists - I don't even question the logical soundness of the models they construct out of those findings

what I do question is whether these models can be held as indubitable claims to which all other claims must be subservient since they are outside of the standard of science - namely falsification (and this is also a standard established by professionals too)

(IOW I don't argue that satan buried dinosaur bones to bewilder the atheistic or that the current understandings of how the eighth millennium BC moved into the ninth millennium BC has technical problems - I argue that it is all theoretical and outside of the practical fields of science)
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discerning the result of different religious practices and the hierarchical significance (emancipation, piety, wealth, long life, facility to fulfill one's desires, mystic powers, etc etc are all fine, but how would you place them in terms of level of importance)

I don't know, how would you place them in order of importance and how, more importantly, does wealth, long life, desires, mystic powers or piety attest to the existence of certain entitites? How does wealth, piety etc etc attest to the validity of certain scripture and its claims?

discerning the ontological implications of oneself, thing's related to oneself (ie this world and everything in it) and god..

I don't see how any of that attests to the existence of a certain entity or the validity of scriptural claims.

my issue was that there is not a shred of philosophical or moral issues to even begin to approach in regard (outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists)in regard to pink elephants

Morality is not an argument to the existence of an entity to begin with. Other than that are you arguing that there is no empirical evidence to show that pink elephants exist or that you honestly cannot think of one argument for the existence of pink elephants? Take into account that unless you're a qualified zoologist your own arguments preclude you from saying anything on the matter.

having a hierarchical model, as illustrated earlier, enables one to navigate between higher and lower religious principles

By what and whose standards? Furthermore, again I must ask how wealth and piety in any way whatsoever attest to the existence of certain entities or realms or indeed attest to the validity of scripture? god exists because I'm wealthy?

we may not be qualified but discerning qualification is possible

I don't remember saying it wasnt. I actually asked how you determine the qualification of those that claim to be qualified, (with regards to religious qualified claimants)?

these "emotional" states are indications of material contamination

They're indications that humans, (and animals), have emotional states. Certain chemicals can be shown to affect, change and determine these emotional states. How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?

possession of false ego is what qualifies us for material life

According to who and what do you have to attest to the reality of that claim? Right now what we have is this:

I ask what determines that scripture is valid.. You give me scripture and try to claim that it is valid.

the reason we are in this world is because we have the strong desire to expresss ourselves "falsely" - namely we express ourselves through lust, through wrath etc etc

According to... scripture. A response to me asking you to show how scripture is valid. "The book is true because it says it is". That is what this currently comes down to.

For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same

This claim attest to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how?

indicates that validating/invalidating claims is not their major discipline

That clearly goes for all theistic claims as well. Well, aside from the claim that humans have emotional states. :bugeye:

But now it seems you are adopting double standards. According to your argument, it can only be validated or invalidated if you are qualified in it. This is your argument and has been since you pretty much joined this forum.

the point is that being free from false ego is the qualification for being a thesitic practitioner

According to who? That scripture that you cannot show to be valid?

the issue of qualification aside, Oxford university and a tree in Kenya can also be placed in a hierarchy (you stand to learn more at Oxford than under a tree in Kenya

More about what? It's safe to say the boy in Kenya learns a lot more about digging wells, survival, hunting etc than the boy in Oxford. Your heirarchy is meaningless unless you claim that quantum mechanics is 'better' than survival ability? 'Better' how?

since they are outside of the standard of science - namely falsification

Which specific parts do you have contention with?


It has been established that humans have emotional states. It has been stated that humans can alter their emotional states, (something that medication can do without too much hassle). I have yet to see anything that even remotely attests to the existence of certain entities or realms and have yet to see anything that even remotely attests to the validity of scripture, (other than it's uncanny :bugeye: ability to show that humans have emotional states).

Did I miss anything?
if you can't talk about the issue and if you can't talk about the qualifications required for discerning the issue it must be an issue of belief

I could easily talk about the issues, however, there's no reason to think that you'd be qualified to understand or to be able to respond with reason since, as you put it, it is a matter of belief. You're a believer and, therefore, biased to a preconceived conclusion -therefore, you aren't qualified to evaluate the topic.

Sorry. I'd love to discuss it further, but you're simply too narrow-minded with your preconceived conclusions and not nearly as open-minded as someone such as myself who is willing to accept whatever truth there is based on actual evidence. (not the supernatural and pretend evidence proposed by those who make post-modernist arguments such as yours)
discerning the result of different religious practices and the hierarchical significance (emancipation, piety, wealth, long life, facility to fulfill one's desires, mystic powers, etc etc are all fine, but how would you place them in terms of level of importance)

I don't know, how would you place them in order of importance and how, more importantly, does wealth, long life, desires, mystic powers or piety attest to the existence of certain entitites? How does wealth, piety etc etc attest to the validity of certain scripture and its claims?
I thought you were inquiring about the practical application of scripture

IOW for what reason would you forego getting mummified even though the Book of the Dead expresses its importance for gaining an afterlife?

maybe you could re-state your question more clearly

discerning the ontological implications of oneself, thing's related to oneself (ie this world and everything in it) and god..

I don't see how any of that attests to the existence of a certain entity or the validity of scriptural claims.
once again maybe you should clear up your question

my issue was that there is not a shred of philosophical or moral issues to even begin to approach in regard (outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists)in regard to pink elephants

Morality is not an argument to the existence of an entity to begin with.
but it does contribute to the performance of action (which seemed, at the time, to be relevant to the question you were asking)

Other than that are you arguing that there is no empirical evidence to show that pink elephants exist or that you honestly cannot think of one argument for the existence of pink elephants? Take into account that unless you're a qualified zoologist your own arguments preclude you from saying anything on the matter.
I'm saying that even if I was to sincerely go looking for the ways and means to approach a pink elephant, there is nothing outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists

having a hierarchical model, as illustrated earlier, enables one to navigate between higher and lower religious principles

By what and whose standards? Furthermore, again I must ask how wealth and piety in any way whatsoever attest to the existence of certain entities or realms or indeed attest to the validity of scripture? god exists because I'm wealthy?
it seemed that you were quibbling about practices since there are many religions that claim god exists - now it seems you are back tracking to quibble about whether god exists at all - hence my suggestion that you get your q's straight

we may not be qualified but discerning qualification is possible

I don't remember saying it wasnt. I actually asked how you determine the qualification of those that claim to be qualified, (with regards to religious qualified claimants)?
I suspect you are making a simple answer more difficult than it need be

If you were in a situation where you urgently required a plumber, how would you determine whether he was qualified or not?

these "emotional" states are indications of material contamination

They're indications that humans, (and animals), have emotional states. Certain chemicals can be shown to affect, change and determine these emotional states. How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?
quite simply - they cloud our vision and understanding - there are certain things that a person affected by false ego cannot approach

possession of false ego is what qualifies us for material life

According to who and what do you have to attest to the reality of that claim? Right now what we have is this:

I ask what determines that scripture is valid.. You give me scripture and try to claim that it is valid.
ok in that case your (new) question is a lot more simple
one can test any given instruction (ie normative description) by applying it

the reason we are in this world is because we have the strong desire to expresss ourselves "falsely" - namely we express ourselves through lust, through wrath etc etc

According to... scripture. A response to me asking you to show how scripture is valid. "The book is true because it says it is". That is what this currently comes down to.
actually when I look at your question it seems to be wearing two hats
if all you want to ask is "HOW" (practical inference) the answer is simple
-by practice

if you want to ask "WHY" (logical inference) you have to be prepared to run with a few theoretical concepts

For one who has conquered the mind, the Supersoul is already reached, for he has attained tranquility. To such a man happiness and distress, heat and cold, honor and dishonor are all the same

This claim attest to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how?
I quoted it to indicate that enlightenment and conquering false ego are the same phenomena - I submitted this because I interpreted you were asking a "WHY" question

indicates that validating/invalidating claims is not their major discipline

That clearly goes for all theistic claims as well. Well, aside from the claim that humans have emotional states.
assuming that all theistic claims are equal (ie absence of a hierarchical model - which practically means an absence of philosophy)

But now it seems you are adopting double standards. According to your argument, it can only be validated or invalidated if you are qualified in it. This is your argument and has been since you pretty much joined this forum.
a hierarchical model deals with this
for instance if claim doesn't have a philosophical framework to operate out of, it takes its place at the lower end of the hierarchy

the point is that being free from false ego is the qualification for being a thesitic practitioner

According to who? That scripture that you cannot show to be valid?
regardless whether one is an animistic or a montheistic practitioner, getting free from issues of false ego draws top marks across the board
the issue of qualification aside, Oxford university and a tree in Kenya can also be placed in a hierarchy (you stand to learn more at Oxford than under a tree in Kenya

More about what? It's safe to say the boy in Kenya learns a lot more about digging wells, survival, hunting etc than the boy in Oxford.
would he learn them in a maths class under a tree?
Your heirarchy is meaningless unless you claim that quantum mechanics is 'better' than survival ability? 'Better' how?
I am claiming that you get a higher grade of knowledge about physics at Oxford than you do at trees in kenya
certainly explains the criteria for entrance ....

since they are outside of the standard of science - namely falsification

Which specific parts do you have contention with?
the claims that things which are not falsifiable (like macroevolution for eg) have the same status as things that are falsifiable

It has been established that humans have emotional states. It has been stated that humans can alter their emotional states, (something that medication can do without too much hassle).
I wasn't aware that medication was making the world more jolly and anxiety free

I have yet to see anything that even remotely attests to the existence of certain entities or realms and have yet to see anything that even remotely attests to the validity of scripture, (other than it's uncanny ability to show that humans have emotional states).

Did I miss anything?
you should focus on whether you want to ask a "how" or "why" question and accept the proper standard for receiving an answer
I could easily talk about the issues, however, there's no reason to think that you'd be qualified to understand or to be able to respond with reason since, as you put it, it is a matter of belief. You're a believer and, therefore, biased to a preconceived conclusion -therefore, you aren't qualified to evaluate the topic.

Sorry. I'd love to discuss it further, but you're simply too narrow-minded with your preconceived conclusions and not nearly as open-minded as someone such as myself who is willing to accept whatever truth there is based on actual evidence. (not the supernatural and pretend evidence proposed by those who make post-modernist arguments such as yours)
then better that you just sit in the back ground and pat your stomach in a contented fashion rather than opening diatribes
maybe you could re-state your question more clearly

It is asking which scripture is valid and how you ascertain that. It can be assumed that you put no stock in the Book of the Dead, (unless you're planning to be mummified), but that does indeed express the importance of doing so.

Unless you have been to an afterlife, on what basis do you determine that this 'scripture' is invalid and on what basis do you determine that the scripture you subscribe to is valid?

I'm saying that even if I was to sincerely go looking for the ways and means to approach a pink elephant, there is nothing outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists

Ok, so if I say so earnestly, in a non-rhetorical manner that there are pink elephants.. are you going to look sincerely? If so I am interested in what you would consider necessary in order for you to believe such thing. Remember that you can't ask me for evidence for your own arguments preclude you from being able to do so.

it seemed that you were quibbling about practices since there are many religions that claim god exists - now it seems you are back tracking to quibble about whether god exists at all - hence my suggestion that you get your q's straight

Your suggestion is not needed if you took the time to read my original post to you which says:

"it does not attest to the validity of scriptural claims, (gods, heavens, souls or "zombie messiahs")"

"Being free from certain emotional states does not attest to the validity of the claims in that scripture in any way whatsoever."


It seems quite apparent what I am asking you. What was so hard to get?

If you were in a situation where you urgently required a plumber, how would you determine whether he was qualified or not?

We're not talking about a plumber. Please, "how [do] you determine the qualification of those that claim to be qualified, (with regards to religious qualified claimants)?

quite simply - they cloud our vision and understanding - there are certain things that a person affected by false ego cannot approach

To ask it again: How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?

one can test any given instruction (ie normative description) by applying it

Such as? A scriptural example please that doesn't merely leave one with the understanding that one can alter emotional states. Anyone can do that - via scripture or prescription.

I quoted it to indicate that enlightenment and conquering false ego are the same phenomena

O...k and that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms... how?

assuming that all theistic claims are equal

What? Sorry, what theistic claims have been validated, (other than the ability to turn a bad mood into a good one)?

for instance if claim doesn't have a philosophical framework to operate out of, it takes its place at the lower end of the hierarchy

What qualifications do you have then with relevance to Guiana Indian beliefs? If none, why do you presume to say what it does or does not have?

regardless whether one is an animistic or a montheistic practitioner, getting free from issues of false ego draws top marks across the board

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how? Furthermore what board are we talking about? I see no mention of false egos in the OT, indeed that god seems more to incite human emotion such as fear, anger, wrath and basic intolerance.

would he learn them in a maths class under a tree?

What? Where do maths classes come into it?

I am claiming that you get a higher grade of knowledge about physics at Oxford than you do at trees in kenya

O..k and you get a higher grade of knowledge about well digging under a tree in Kenya. What's your point?

the claims that things which are not falsifiable (like macroevolution for eg) have the same status as things that are falsifiable

Reading that might help clear the issue up.

I wasn't aware that medication was making the world more jolly and anxiety free

You are now. My brother as one such example suffered greatly. He had a fuse shorter than an ants penis. He was the kinda guy you wouldn't dare be seen with in public. A few pills later and he's an almost charming individual who wont threaten the nearest car parking attendant with death if he dares look at him. If you think this is an isolated case you think wrong.

you should focus on whether you want to ask a "how" or "why" question and accept the proper standard for receiving an answer

As it's free advice day, perhaps you should focus more on what's been said to save given answers that weren't wanted.
maybe you could re-state your question more clearly

It is asking which scripture is valid and how you ascertain that. It can be assumed that you put no stock in the Book of the Dead, (unless you're planning to be mummified), but that does indeed express the importance of doing so.

Unless you have been to an afterlife, on what basis do you determine that this 'scripture' is invalid and on what basis do you determine that the scripture you subscribe to is valid?
in short - by forming a hierarchical model

I'm saying that even if I was to sincerely go looking for the ways and means to approach a pink elephant, there is nothing outside of the rhetorical arguments of atheists

Ok, so if I say so earnestly, in a non-rhetorical manner that there are pink elephants.. are you going to look sincerely?
probably not because it sounds like you are being rhetorical

it seemed that you were quibbling about practices since there are many religions that claim god exists - now it seems you are back tracking to quibble about whether god exists at all - hence my suggestion that you get your q's straight

Your suggestion is not needed if you took the time to read my original post to you which says:

"it does not attest to the validity of scriptural claims, (gods, heavens, souls or "zombie messiahs")"

"Being free from certain emotional states does not attest to the validity of the claims in that scripture in any way whatsoever."


It seems quite apparent what I am asking you. What was so hard to get?
so how does getting mummified fit into the picture?

If you were in a situation where you urgently required a plumber, how would you determine whether he was qualified or not?

We're not talking about a plumber. Please, "how [do] you determine the qualification of those that claim to be qualified, (with regards to religious qualified claimants)?
once again - it warrants a simple answer
if you can fathom how a plumber is qualified you can fathom how a religious claimant is qualified

quite simply - they cloud our vision and understanding - there are certain things that a person affected by false ego cannot approach

To ask it again: How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?
get back to me when you have the means to be chemically free of lust

one can test any given instruction (ie normative description) by applying it

Such as? A scriptural example please that doesn't merely leave one with the understanding that one can alter emotional states. Anyone can do that - via scripture or prescription.
ditto above

I quoted it to indicate that enlightenment and conquering false ego are the same phenomena

O...k and that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms... how?
that attests to the particular nature of the prescriptive description and why amiable pharmacists cannot really help us

assuming that all theistic claims are equal

What? Sorry, what theistic claims have been validated, (other than the ability to turn a bad mood into a good one)?
That clearly goes for all theistic claims as well.
I assumed you knew what you were talking about

for instance if claim doesn't have a philosophical framework to operate out of, it takes its place at the lower end of the hierarchy

What qualifications do you have then with relevance to Guiana Indian beliefs? If none, why do you presume to say what it does or does not have?
once again, if you have something philosophical to represent regarding animistic claims, go for it.
If you don't, I rest my case.

regardless whether one is an animistic or a montheistic practitioner, getting free from issues of false ego draws top marks across the board

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how?
it does attest for a certain commonality of practice
Furthermore what board are we talking about? I see no mention of false egos in the OT, indeed that god seems more to incite human emotion such as fear, anger, wrath and basic intolerance.
guess you missed the ten commandmants

would he learn them in a maths class under a tree?

What? Where do maths classes come into it?
where did learning about a digging a well come into it?

I am claiming that you get a higher grade of knowledge about physics at Oxford than you do at trees in kenya

O..k and you get a higher grade of knowledge about well digging under a tree in Kenya. What's your point?
you really think there is more to be learnt about excavation/engineering under a tree in kenya?

the claims that things which are not falsifiable (like macroevolution for eg) have the same status as things that are falsifiable

Reading that might help clear the issue up.
and to think you have issues with scripture

I wasn't aware that medication was making the world more jolly and anxiety free

You are now. My brother as one such example suffered greatly. He had a fuse shorter than an ants penis. He was the kinda guy you wouldn't dare be seen with in public. A few pills later and he's an almost charming individual who wont threaten the nearest car parking attendant with death if he dares look at him. If you think this is an isolated case you think wrong.
so is he free from anxiety or is he simply operating out of a socially acceptable level of anxiety now?

you should focus on whether you want to ask a "how" or "why" question and accept the proper standard for receiving an answer

As it's free advice day, perhaps you should focus more on what's been said to save given answers that weren't wanted.
good answers require good questions
in short - by forming a hierarchical model

Try the long answer, the short one is lacking. You mentioned this hierarchical model earlier which included: wealth and piety. I am still at a loss how wealth and piety attests to the validity of the existence of certain entities and realms or indeed attests to the validity of scriptural claims.

so how does getting mummified fit into the picture?

I would have thought that was quite obvious actually. Try reading my first response on my last post.

if you can fathom how a plumber is qualified you can fathom how a religious claimant is qualified

Ok, I can't. Kindly explain it to me from a religious claimant perspective. Thanks.

get back to me when you have the means to be chemically free of lust

What has that got to do with my question other than absolutely nothing?

"How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?"

that attests to the particular nature of the prescriptive description and why amiable pharmacists cannot really help us

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms... how?

I assumed you knew what you were talking about

How is that an answer to what was asked?

"Sorry, what theistic claims have been validated, (other than the ability to turn a bad mood into a good one)?"

once again, if you have something philosophical to represent regarding animistic claims, go for it.
If you don't, I rest my case.

This bears striking resemblence to what is asked of you on this very forum. The answer is consistently that they must be qualified. Can the unqualified really rest a case? Those double standards of yours really get in the way of an otherwise enjoyable discussion.

it does attest for a certain commonality of practice

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how?

so is he free from anxiety or is he simply operating out of a socially acceptable level of anxiety now?

He's certainly more jolly.

Actually now let me return your sentiment to you..

"I wasn't aware that religion was making the world more jolly and anxiety free"

Of course even if it was, which it isn't, I don't see how it attests to the existence of certain entities or realms.. which is the actual issue that still remains unanswered.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
then better that you just sit in the back ground and pat your stomach in a contented fashion rather than opening diatribes

This is demonstrative of what I'm saying: you aren't qualified to have these discussions.
all you have demonstrated in the past 2 or 3 posts is your proclivity to troll

in short - by forming a hierarchical model

Try the long answer, the short one is lacking. You mentioned this hierarchical model earlier which included: wealth and piety. I am still at a loss how wealth and piety attests to the validity of the existence of certain entities and realms or indeed attests to the validity of scriptural claims.
my mistake
I thought you asked this question

Unless you have been to an afterlife, on what basis do you determine that this 'scripture' is invalid and on what basis do you determine that the scripture you subscribe to is valid?

so how does getting mummified fit into the picture?

I would have thought that was quite obvious actually. Try reading my first response on my last post.
ok now what?

if you can fathom how a plumber is qualified you can fathom how a religious claimant is qualified

Ok, I can't. Kindly explain it to me from a religious claimant perspective. Thanks.
if you can't fathom how a plumber is qualified there's not much room for further explanation

get back to me when you have the means to be chemically free of lust

What has that got to do with my question other than absolutely nothing?

"How does the existence of emotional states, (and chemicals), attest to the validity of scripture or the existence of certain entities and realms?"
the italics is the loaded part of your question

that attests to the particular nature of the prescriptive description and why amiable pharmacists cannot really help us

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms... how?
by questioning the foundation of your loaded question

I assumed you knew what you were talking about

How is that an answer to what was asked?

"Sorry, what theistic claims have been validated, (other than the ability to turn a bad mood into a good one)?"
seems like you are confused
being free from false ego is the prerequisite for validating the claim of god's existence
at the moment it seems you are trying to suggest that such a state can be achieved by drugs/chemicals
hence my suggestion that you get back to me when you are chemically free from lust

once again, if you have something philosophical to represent regarding animistic claims, go for it.
If you don't, I rest my case.

This bears striking resemblence to what is asked of you on this very forum. The answer is consistently that they must be qualified. Can the unqualified really rest a case? Those double standards of yours really get in the way of an otherwise enjoyable discussion.
erm - there is philosophy that surrounds (mono)theistic claims
the only qualification required to discuss it is the ability to run with theoretical concepts
apparently this is beyond you

it does attest for a certain commonality of practice

And that attests to the existence of certain entities or realms.. how?
its not obvious how states of being affect our vision?

so is he free from anxiety or is he simply operating out of a socially acceptable level of anxiety now?

He's certainly more jolly.
but not anxiety free, right?
Actually now let me return your sentiment to you..

"I wasn't aware that religion was making the world more jolly and anxiety free"
since it seems you are not even aware what religion is, hardly surprising
Don't blame me because you lack the qualifications necessary to have a rational discussion.
yes and no.

Yes, I certainly am lacking a suitable qualification for a rational discussion
namely a counterpart who will desist from trolling

No, I am entitled to blame you
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I've deleted the off-topic post. I'm making the exact same point (albeit with considerably more brevity per post) that you have unsuccessfully attempted to make: you are not qualified to evaluate religious topics since you are biased by the delusion of belief.

Those who aren't, however, are most suited to the task since they aren't afflicted with the same bias you have. I have no "dog in the hunt" as it were. If the evidence supports the supernatural explanations, then I'll revise my opinions cheerfully. The religiously deluded do not hold that position: they are not swayed by evidence and are, therefore, not qualified to evaluate their own beliefs.

You call it trolling. I call it fair criticism: you lack the qualifications. Moreover, your willingness to use ad hominem attacks supports that. That you edited your post only shows that you recognized it was an ad hominem attack, your edit only slightly less.

By the way, I deleted your off-topic post that would have been better suited for the Site Feedback forum. Further posts of that nature here may result in warnings and other moderation efforts.
I've deleted the off-topic post. I'm making the exact same point (albeit with considerably more brevity per post) that you have unsuccessfully attempted to make: you are not qualified to evaluate religious topics since you are biased by the delusion of belief.

Those who aren't, however, are most suited to the task since they aren't afflicted with the same bias you have. I have no "dog in the hunt" as it were. If the evidence supports the supernatural explanations, then I'll revise my opinions cheerfully. The religiously deluded do not hold that position: they are not swayed by evidence and are, therefore, not qualified to evaluate their own beliefs.
and you manage to pull all this off without offering a definition of what is reality
