Area 51

I could be wrong however I'm pretty sure that the Area's in the US are called so because the land set aside for Military use takes up a lot of Area. These area's are justified when you take into consideration that any Military project that involves testing requires a safe, secure and made a secret as possible location to test in. Tests can range from creating a large "Atomic Bomber" to trying out new explosive payloads at test ranges.

Obviously this is based upon old cold war usage of such area's, however if you were building an "Atomic Bomber", one of it's many tests would require being loaded with an atomic bomb and just in case it crashed on take off you'd definitely want a large "ground zero" area sealed off.

But we all know the real reason was Aliens... yep foreign powers have a problem with spying.
this is an older threat but i just watched a show on area 51.. and it seems they show force if you aproach the red posts.. I wonder what would happen if someone just took off twards the base "suicide mission" or of 3-500 people all went up to that imagionary line or even better a few thousand people to walk onto the property what the response would actually be.
this is an older threat but i just watched a show on area 51.. and it seems they show force if you aproach the red posts.. I wonder what would happen if someone just took off twards the base "suicide mission" or of 3-500 people all went up to that imagionary line or even better a few thousand people to walk onto the property what the response would actually be.

What would you expect at any military base with a stricted discipline towards civil disobedience to do?

According to the web (and common sense), The Guards (Which are armed) will intervene if they see people posing a threat and/or attempting to invade the area.

They will likely broadcast an announcement for a person or group to turn back or be taken into custody. If the individual or group continues they will likely point weapons (possibly some non-lethal ones) at them and tell them that they are being taken into custody for not adhering to the warning to return to beyond the perimeter.

At this point if they resist being taken into custody, they could be stunned, bean-bagged or actually shot depending on the threat level. Once in custody they would hand you over to a local sheriff on the grounds of Trespassing along with potentially other charges (depending on how reckless you've been).

While indeed the notion of a conspiracy is romantic and an area designated as "off limits" might make you want to take a peak, what exactly do you expect to see there if you did look? I mean to be honest you have the capacity to answer what you'd see without jeopardising your life or someone else's.
(You might ask what they are hiding, well it might be the remnants of depreciated laws based upon a different time period, perhaps with a "Leased area" for a defence contractor.)
What would you expect at any military base with a stricted discipline towards civil disobedience to do?

According to the web (and common sense), The Guards (Which are armed) will intervene if they see people posing a threat and/or attempting to invade the area.

They will likely broadcast an announcement for a person or group to turn back or be taken into custody. If the individual or group continues they will likely point weapons (possibly some non-lethal ones) at them and tell them that they are being taken into custody for not adhering to the warning to return to beyond the perimeter.

At this point if they resist being taken into custody, they could be stunned, bean-bagged or actually shot depending on the threat level. Once in custody they would hand you over to a local sheriff on the grounds of Trespassing along with potentially other charges (depending on how reckless you've been).

While indeed the notion of a conspiracy is romantic and an area designated as "off limits" might make you want to take a peak, what exactly do you expect to see there if you did look? I mean to be honest you have the capacity to answer what you'd see without jeopardising your life or someone else's.
(You might ask what they are hiding, well it might be the remnants of depreciated laws based upon a different time period, perhaps with a "Leased area" for a defence contractor.)

the signs say use of deadly force is authorized.. so they do not have to warn you if u step over that imaginary line u can legally get a bullet to the head with no warning. what type of area warrents that type of force.. being u would have to walk 15-20 miles before u even saw the base
Aurora is real, it probably going to get found out in the next couple years. A disgusting use of U.S taxpayer dollars.
the signs say use of deadly force is authorized.. so they do not have to warn you if u step over that imaginary line u can legally get a bullet to the head with no warning. what type of area warrents that type of force.. being u would have to walk 15-20 miles before u even saw the base

Soldiers are Human, while they might well be taught to have no feeling for those they have to shoot, they usually won't shoot someone unless their is an elevated threat level. If they were given the opportunity to use alternative measures, then they will likely do so.

If they truly wanted to make it a shoot on sight/site policy, they would put up automated gattling guns that shoot without warnings.
I wanna know what's in areas 1 to 50 -they must be super secret cos no-one talks about them at all

I know this is a bit of an old post to respond to, however it's likely during the time period where various types of development was going to be required because of war, that a number of "Potential Area's for Research" were likely drawn up. Engineers and Surveyors would of then identified if the area's were any use for that particular study and the best ones would have been picked to be used for a number of strategic reasons, the others would likely be dismissed and perhaps not have become enclosed military area's.

Obviously having more than one area on the board allowed more than one option and also dealt with any potential threat of espionage, after all "which area is project X being tested in?". Also this would reason as to why an "Area" was "undesignated" as opposed to being called a particular name, since you couldn't exactly call it "Project X Base" because it's kind of a tell as to what goes on there.