Area 51

The dreaded disease...

Infected by the horrid e-mail bug, no less! And what symptoms shall we look to appear? We certainly hope that it is not contagious. We do not believe that one good bug deserves another. By we I mean me and my symbiotic partner
Fascinating. Pure energy/non cop...

Damn Wet!!! It's good to know that someone else had read such magazines........Pop SCI, Discover, SCi American....

I feel as though I am again in the presence of informed peoples.

A little history of area 51

I will attempt to stretch and elaborate.
When Groom Lake was originally chosen for a test bed it was in a relatively unpopulated area. Further, the names like Area 51, were developed to designate areas for nuclear tests. Security was so tight for the tests that no name with any kind of information was given. Just a nondescript designations. When requesting this site it was figured that the radiation threat would keep most away, especially at that time when not much was known of radiation and it’s effects. (other than it was bad) But it was not figured that it would become a tourist attraction for those trying to figure what secrets the government was hiding and what it was developing. So they left a large area out that had line of sight from the mountaintops! When it was finally figured out that people were going there and camping out looking for whatever might fly out a night, security devices were put into place. Everything from roving armed patrols to ground sensors and signs warning that intruders could be shot. The patrols had orders to ensure that all intruders were hassled to as to discourage all but the most determined. This included destroying any film, whether it had been exposed or not. Also vehicles were targeted for flat tires (usually more than one).
The salt flat or dry lakebed made an excellent area for a runway. All that was needed was to pave it.
So this is the basic history as I remember it . A lot of secret and experimental craft were tested and developed for this facility. Including the U2 spy plane, SR71 Blackbird Spy plane, and the B1 bomber. However, problems had developed because planes could not file flight plans when out of the restricted air space surrounding the facility. After all they were secret! California started see unexplained tremors showing up on seismograph from sonic booms. Air line pilots reported seeing strange craft of no known configuration. Some people just happened to be in the fight spots. This made the folks in charge of the skunk works security very uneasy.
It is now speculated that cryogenics are required to cool leading wing surfaces to keep control of heat generated from the passage through the atmosphere. This also requires large areas of security in air space to allow ever-faster craft the long approaches needed. It is thought that the base has been moved into a mountainous area, allowing for easier reach into rarefied atmosphere, better control over the secrecy of viewing the base and greater isolation. Yes they did close the loophole of view from afar.
… I find that time has allowed no more time for thoughts and speculation so I’ll leave this post for a later time.
(timed out)
I agree

I totally agree with wet1. When faced with the Area 51 mystery, the only fact you have to work with is the fact of the Government's total secrecy and a few sightings of aircraft. these two basic facts can become roughly two conclusions.

(1) that aliens are being held at the base, the need for secrecy being the precept that any knowledge of aliens will cause mass hysteria amongst the public.


(2) that new technonolgies are being tested there that, because of standard military policies regarding developing technologies, must be kept secret.

I'm not saying there is sufficient evidence going to either side. the fact that this base and its contents are kept classified helps only in speculating and leaves most of the doors open. The question, then, pertains to the sightings.

It's up to you whether or not you want to believe that the lights in the sky surrounding area 51 are aliens or top secret planes. But, ask yourself: What makes more sense, having US military planes flying in the vicinity of a US base, or having alien planes flying in the vicinity of one. In a case with (seemingly) so little facts, simple logic seems to be the best tool.

I'm no expert, though. I dont know much about area 51 or all pseudoscience in general. However, I do like to think on my own values and morals and be free from the traps of conformity. NEVER trust eyewitness accounts over hard facts!

hey all :)
well now that i have read several doven reports and observations crossmatched with medical reports and missing person reports i can honestly say that i personaly belief that the USA military have anti gravity devices that are used to monitor people and places!
they look like hovering balls of light but they are just recon devices that have anti personal devices attached to stun or kill people close by!

hows that for a flight of fancey :D

groove on all :)
Is it me or has Aussieaboriginal been smoking the ghanga?

I don't know why you're pretending to be a future man, but I can tell you that Area 51 is probably an AFB with no actual name, where secret aircraft are tested. They keep it secret because of aliens? NO, because they don't want other counties to know what type of multi-billion dollar aircraft we have.
You are a very paranoid person that has been watching too much X-files and Discovery Channel programs.

hey all
thnx for the grammer lesson!
I will try and take more care while i'm typing in paranoid terror.
so which government agency do you work for?
the secret face on the end of the nose?
or maybe the "i'll never believe it cos i aint seen it with my own elbows" club?
or maybe you are a scientist that believes in god for the answers to the big questions?



are you constructing or destructing?

"how can i help"..." or should i stab? how much fame can i grab?"

groove on all :)
peace... love... and vegetables for fuel! :)