Are you very shy?

How shy do you consider yourself to generally be?

  • Extremely shy

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Somewhat shy

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Just a little shy, not much though

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Not shy at all

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
Depends who I'm with. I can change from really loud and annoying to quiet and not saying a word.
I'm not shy.....much.

No, I am extremely shy. I cannot talk to people I've only just met or haven't seen in a while. Its impossible for me, well, except online
Sweet i'm in the big group LOL. We'll i guess it does depend on who you are with (alone in a place filled with strangers or with friends in a place filled with strangers). Though i make contact quite easy with people at times.

/edit Who the hell is the oversecure person who filled in "not shy at all" ? :p
Nah, neva shy, neva that.

I learned in life it's better to do it, then wonder what could've happened. Then in some other cases, it's better to do something and learn a mistake, then to wonder for the rest of your life what would've happened if you did.
I don't know i i'm shy - not arround people i know or complete strangers - but yes arround people who i've only just met or like. i think i'm just paranoid ( and maybe a little shy)
Originally posted by Bebelina
I'm shy, but I think going to drama school will cure that.

Didn't expect you to be shy :)
Your typing usually sticks out alot (color and size)
At this point in my life, I would not call myself shy.

I get embarrassed very easily (don't want to trip on something and fall on my face at the store), but I have no problem approaching people and talking to people - though I generally tend to avoid people when possible (just have little interest).

Due to my serious nature, when I am out in public, I almost always wear a straight face, no smiles or frowns.

I spare my enemies little mercy and don't talk to much, unless there is a purpose behind it (if I am talking to a nerd, I might ramble on all day about computer stuff). I generally don't have a prob meeting new people and talking to them as long as there is a reason for it.

Sometimes I do get nervous, so I guess I'd go with "Just a little shy, not much though"
Is there a word to describe someone who is exact opposite of shy?

That is me.

I used to have a problem of feeling starved for attention when I was in grade school. I would do things to attract attention from people, especially from opposite sex. That mental disorder is already cured a long time ago. I think partly because now I get a lot of attention from people around me without even trying :p

Anyways, just remember this. Life is too short to be shy.
Conceited, haughty, egotistical,big-headed, self-supirior, proud, overconfident, extrovert, codescending, obnoxious, supercilious ... ...... ..... .... glad you asked(?)
I'm terribly shy, especially with girls. Having a messed up face with scars and such tends to have that effect on people. Girls are never attracted to my looks, so my only chance ever is if they get to know my personality enough and like me enough to overlook certain things.

I think your a little hard on your self - i saw your picture in the picture thread and your quite cute
(NB: Thats a BIG compliment from me!!)

Ink x

Ps: Though not as cute as me (!) Teehee!
That's an old picture, from before getting all messed up. But thanks anyway. :)
COLOR=indigo]Look mate, unless u had ur face burned off (aka English Patient) it can't be that bad - Put a new pic on and we'll decide for u!![/COLOR]
Originally posted by Inka
Conceited, haughty, egotistical,big-headed, self-supirior, proud, overconfident, extrovert, codescending, obnoxious, supercilious ... ...... ..... .... glad you asked(?)

Shy means withdrawn and inhibited. I don't think any of the words here are opposite of shy.

You are talking like not being shy is a bad thing.

Oh well, nevermind then.... You are just not very intelligent.
Well you were right about you not being shy!!!!

And not being at all shy IS a bad thing especially if your overly confident nd obnoxious as u seem to be ..... so there ;-p

Ps Am SO Intellegent ( that means cleaver right??)
Originally posted by Adam
I'm terribly shy, especially with girls. Having a messed up face with scars and such tends to have that effect on people. Girls are never attracted to my looks, so my only chance ever is if they get to know my personality enough and like me enough to overlook certain things.

Same here, hence i do not own a webcam :)