Are you ready


Registered Senior Member
God gave many people faith to go on with life and there must be for a reason for this perhaps to spread the true word of God even against all odds. if you have new faith in God you to will see the wonders of the universe.

God will return and we will all be judged.
if theres one thing that i have learnt about faith in the last few days is dont give up no mater what is said.
Originally posted by Andrew111
if theres one thing that i have learnt about faith in the last few days is dont give up no mater what is said.

Obviously you haven't debated with some of the people on this forum. They will chew up your ideals and spit out your faith. I'm not trying to be mean it's just the truth.
Most of us (notice I said most) will do no such thing. All we will do is hope to show you that you have completely illogical blind faith in a superstition. He's already acknowledged the illogical blind faith aspect of it, and he still holds it as truth. So he'll never realize it's a superstition.

God gave many people faith to go on with life and there must be for a reason for this

The terms, "God" and "reason," are not to be used in the same sentence. It is an oxymoron.

perhaps to spread the true word of God even against all odds.

All faith is odd.

if you have new faith in God you to will see the wonders of the universe.

The wonders of your imagination will never cease to amaze.

if theres one thing that i have learnt about faith in the last few days is dont give up no mater what is said.

Be close-minded. Don't listen to reason. Uphold the fantasy. Die with regret.
QWhat is you pain

Nonsense and gibberish, not particularly in that order. ;)
Re: Q

Originally posted by Andrew111
What is you pain

MY pain? HMMM...
Let me think...
Almost there...
I've got it.
My pain is christian propanga crap. Why is it that for about 2000 years the christian's continually spew forth this crap. If the Atheist's don't want to believe or have not been "convinced" yet, why do the christians think that pouring this crap into society will change them now.

Does anyone know the definition of insanity?:D

Perhaps you think that christianity is an exclusive club but its not even you are welcome if you want to enter the kingdom of God.

No one fears you

Perhaps you think that christianity is an exclusive club are welcome if you want to enter the kingdom of God.

One need only to turn off their mind to enter and be accepted.

No one fears you

Fantasies are usually without fears. However, what you're referring is a nightmare.
Andrew, I would say the "get ready" thread is the oldest thing ever on this place. Dig em out and you would be ashamed of yourself for posting it.

I don't give a shit what you believe as long as you keep your ass out of my own beliefs. If you do, I will rip your ass apart. If you don't, we can be friends. Ain't that complicated.
"God" in most religions gave or taught people the concept of Faith. Faith is the focal point in religion because religion can not be proven, it can't be argued. That is the point.

Let me ask you this. A Muslim, A Jew and a Christian all believe in "God". All practice their religion on the same level. Each one believes in "God" just as strong just as blind. They all trust in "God" through the one thing that holds them together......Faith. Which one/ones go to "Heaven" if any at all?
Why have a forum that is for religion and then try to make it your own anti religion forum. if thats what you want why not start another forum called anti religion so you can all agree with each other all the time.
Originally posted by Zero

I don't give a shit what you believe as long as you keep your ass out of my own beliefs. If you do, I will rip your ass apart. If you don't, we can be friends. Ain't that complicated.
Its turns out to be very complicated. I suppose this was just a typo, but it became rather humouristic this way, and also totally lost its intentionally threatening logic. :D
Just a small question Andrew, since you said that God is coming back. Where has he been?

Yes Q, what IS your Pain? :D
My pain is that there's no frozen ponds in Toronto year round.

Andrew - answer the question I asked.

To answer yours...
This is a debate forum. Notice the word debate. It is not a back-slapping forum (though, it will sometimes turn into that). So if you want to go find a bunch of people who think exactly like you just so that you can hear someone say "you are right" you are in the totally wrong place. Atheism is an integral part of any theological debate. To say otherwise is to show that you do not wish to debate atheists and their side. And generally, that would be seen as quite the weakness.