Are you people even christians? or remotley helpful for that matter?

Jessica, You have to understand something. There are many nonbelievers of religion in these forums. Infact the most major debates on this forums is whether or not god exists. If you come on here expecting to find religious, kinda and sympathetic people who are going to agree with your views of god then you are sadly mistaken. While some may not understand your intentions they do see a christian trying to convince them of god being the all powerful being that you think he is. And while you are right, they shouldn't respond to such things the way they do, it is expected and it will continue to happen. I suggest you either find a different website or you get yourself prepared to follow up your statements with valid fact, and ready yourself for major critization.
Oh yes and one more thing Jessica. No matter what forums you go to there are always gonna be people who are going to be mean and disrespect you, no matter what forum or relgion the are. But do not ask for respect and expect to get it with the comment you made during your thread. You must show others the respect they deserve before they give you the respect you deserve. In these kinda forums people who have only posted around 9 times are entitled to get insults from a majority of the posters since you have yet to show or post anything worthy of reading. So be patient and calm and do not insult others.
To Katazia-Everneo.. How were humans made? And can YOU prove it? Do you love somone? You must be quite lonely...for Love is not tangeable. Therefore Imaginary? Question....what is one topic that is basically argued world wide? My vote..religion. Why?
Whether or not you believe in a God... There is no point in criticizing someone for their beliefs. Why not criticize the belief itself, and save yourself embarrassment of sounding like you're a second grader.
Remove the heart, remove emotion. Ask Barney Clark that received the first mechanical heart. Ask his wife. Love is tangable.
What is this?

She comes here, say she doesn't want insults and you insult her?

You don't even capture the reality of the Religion forums.

If I didn't know better, I would think that you were scaring her off??!

Sure sciforums have it's name for a reason, though it's not only science, it's finding the truth about things, thus including philosophy and, yes, religion.

Q25 said:
child of God,huh?so your mom is a Goddes!?
Why do you stop the pursue of truth? Why do you want to hinder people from making up their own decisions? You have successfully hindered the flow of this discussion, which were meant to be serious. Do you think she needs anything less?

You are one of two that I know of. Either you are the one that are frustrated with life and can't find anything of value and want to unbalance what is perfect.

Or you are the one that wants to belong in a group, that share the same behaviour, though you aren't one of them yourself.

Do you care to explain yourself so that I can understand you better? Maybe there is a third kind? A third reason? Do you understand yourself enough to be able to do that? Or are you going to respond with a stupid remark?

To the other people who followed Q25, sadness within you, see yourself for who you are.
right, this thing is based on a false idea, "Do you people just think of rude things to say to people..? This is a religous website and i thought that religious people were helpful" most religions dont seem to care about helping others
"There are many nonbelievers of religion in these forums." - vortox
isnt that a bit stupid, it seems that your putting all the blame on the nonbelievers
what is it that the people who cause all the trouble dont believe in? God?

"And while you are right" should be replaced with, and while i believe you