Are you people even christians? or remotley helpful for that matter?


Registered Member
:confused: Do you people just think of rude things to say to people..? This is a religous website and i thought that religious people were helpful..people have criticized me when they have not known the whole story and told me to become atheist and told me my priorities are wrong(in the most part) and you people call yourselves christians excuseme and all but i know what i am and you can't tell me other wise...I mey be questioning what I want to believe but none the less i am a child of God and you can't change that :p

always in christ Jessica
Do you people just think of rude things to say to people..? This is a religous website and i thought that religious people were helpful..people have criticized me when they have not known the whole story and told me to become atheist and told me my priorities are wrong(in the most part) and you people call yourselves christians excuseme and all but i know what i am and you can't tell me other wise...I mey be questioning what I want to believe but none the less i am a child of God and you can't change that
It is true that this is religious forum, but we also debate whether any religion is worthwhile.
Welcome To SciForums Jessica, I haven't read any of your posts, but there is something you ought to know.

There are many scientists, cynics and skeptics on this board; most of them being extremely intelligent, you must expect to be challenged by them, unless you have something useful to contribute and can back up your claims with provable evidence. Give SciForums a chance and you may learn a lot. :)
I'm sorry if we seen rude Jessica. But Christian website? This is It has a section for religious topics, but it is far from a Christian website.

I am not a Christian. I try to help people by making them aware of the hopeless logical contradictions of religion. I feel that as Lucretius said, religion is a disease caused by fear. I feel that we are all better off to be brave, and try to see the world as it really is, rather than try to humanize the void by inventing some sort of caring father figure creator.
tablariddim said:
Welcome To SciForums Jessica, I haven't read any of your posts, but there is something you ought to know.

There are many scientists, cynics and skeptics on this board; most of them being extremely intelligent, you must expect to be challenged by them, unless you have something useful to contribute and can back up your claims with provable evidence. Give SciForums a chance and you may learn a lot. :)

Thank you you must be one of the kinder people on here.I did come here to get information.and to let someone else on here know when i posted i ment to write religious forum not website and i know their are suppose to be opinions on here not insults
Jessica_lds said:
Do you people just think of rude things to say to people..?
sometimes,:D most of the time I try to be nice.
This is a religous website and i thought that religious people were helpful..people have criticized me when they have not known the whole story and told me to become atheist and told me my priorities are wrong(in the most part) and you people call yourselves christians excuseme and all but i know what i am and you can't tell me other wise..
I dont think you will find many religious people on science forums,
Im atheist born and raised and xians and their stupid beliefs are seriously p...g me off.
Im glad I dont live anywhere near the bible belt,or I might be as angry as
these guys
.I mey be questioning what I want to believe but none the less i am a child of God and you can't change that
always in christ Jessica
child of God,huh?so your mom is a Goddes!?
If your mom is a goddess... wow... do you have a picture of her?

I feel that we are all better off to be brave, and try to see the world as it really is, rather than try to humanize the void by inventing some sort of caring father figure creator."


Anyway, I live near the bible belt... Kansas... it isn't near as bad as Tennessee or Alabama... but the majority is white christians. And growing up jewish in this neighborhood is annoying. Stupid jesus freaks. Godiots. Psycho-christians. Things of that nature.

Religion is flawed. We all know this. Everyone knows this. Even you, Child of God.

The problem isn't the flaw itself. Many things are flawed. The problem is that people think it is perfect. People think the idea of god is perfect. We all know and understand and love the logical contradictions that exist. This is what causes a supernatural being to cease to exist. Flaws in a "perfect being" cause it to cease to exist. By taking out the perfect, god becomes just a being. If it is just a being, then there is absolutely no reason to worship him... it becomes totalitarianistic... wow. I haven't thought of this before. And no christian would worship a being just because they were told to, would they?


Oh, by the way... everyone needs to see Butterfly Effect. No matter what your preconceived notions of this film are... you have to see it. It is wonderfully amazing.
Jessica_lds said:
:confused: Do you people just think of rude things to say to people..? This is a religous website and i thought
BTW (by the way), welcome to Sciforums!

Jessica, the hardest thing about being in the internet is that people are anonymous behind fake names, & can act very childish or mean without regret, you just remember that as a person you are entitled to your opinion & have a right to defend it.

This is an open forum, even anti- this or anti-that people post here.
Ellimist said:
Anyway, I live near the bible belt... Kansas... it isn't near as bad as Tennessee or Alabama... but the majority is white christians.

And growing up jewish in this neighborhood is annoying.

Stupid jesus freaks. Godiots. Psycho-christians.

Things of that nature.
you may not like Fresno then, we're all around this place.

for someone that wants to study theoretical physics, you don't believe in God? Then what was before the so-called 10th D? And how does anyone know that there were 10 to begin with? By Faith? In numbers? Welcome to religion Jake!

As you have now realized this is a religious forum but that doesn’t mean it is pro-religion. You will see insults but they may well be aimed at religion and not at you personally. If you are offended by insults about your faith then this is not the site for you. And whether you argue in favor or against a religious idea then be prepared to defend it strongly otherwise you will receive no mercy.

If anyone insults you directly then raise the issue with the moderator because I think that is against the forum guidelines.

If you stay and survive in a forum like this then you stand to learn a great deal, but you must expect to have your deepest beliefs exposed, ridiculed and questioned – if they are worthwhile then they will survive, if they are wrong and you know them to be wrong then be prepared to change them.


i am a child of God and you can't change that
Hmm, a child of something imaginary - does that mean you are imaginary as well?

always in christ Jessica
There isn't much around to suggest he existed either - dream on kiddo.

It seems like the majority of the people on SciForums are skeptical, mainly atheists. If you're going to post a religious thread, expect to have to defend your position, but I'm sure everyone has something to teach you. :)
How could this be a Christian website? I'm just curious, since I've been around here for quite a while, and have yet to encounter a Christian at Sciforums.
Tiassa's got a point here, where do you interpret this is a religious website? It's a website where you may speak about religion, but it is not oriented towards any one or another. I think the emphasis of these overall forums is on Science [hence the name ;)] and that a Religion forum was added as an afterthought..
less i am a child of God and you can't change that
Wow, hey God is a child of mine, so that would make me your grandpa! ;)

Seriously, the most helpful thing you can hear is that you do not have to follow an organized religion. Did Jesus follow a religion? No, he trusted himself see the truth. Was Martin Luther following his religion when he broke from the Pope? Was Joseph Smith following a religion when he invented Mormonism? If you are truly created in the image of God, then you should be able to trust yourself, did God make you with something lacking? How could he?

The purpose of a church is a social one, to keep a community together, if you like someone at a particular church, that is a better reason than any to join, but, to restate my premise, joining is for losers.

I apologise on behalf of some of the people here who have been quite insulting to you since you've arrived. Some people cannot respect the fact that other people have different beliefs to them.

If you stick around here for a while, you'll see many interesting discussions about different religions and their beliefs. You'll also see many debates over whether God even exists (or, more accurately, the same debate over and over again. :)).

There are many atheists and other non-believers who post here regularly. Some are very set in their ways. Some make good arguments against religion; others do little more than make fun of religions which they don't know very much about.

Welcome to the forum. Please enjoy reading the different opinions here. Expect to find a lot of people who disagree with anything you post, and some others who agree with you. Often, it is the people who most disagree with you who will respond, whilst people who agree with you may just sit back and enjoy your posts. Try not to feel bad if people challenge your views. There is no harm in considering other points of view; nobody can force you to change your mind against your will.

I would hope that people here will be polite to you regardless of what you believe. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen around here, and discussions can sometimes get quite heated. Don't let it get to you. Enjoy this forum as place to learn about other points of view, even if you don't agree with them. Some people here will appreciate what you have to say, too, even if it is not always obvious from the responses you get.
Seriously, the most helpful thing you can hear is that you do not have to follow an organized religion. Did Jesus follow a religion? No, he trusted himself see the truth. Was Martin Luther following his religion when he broke from the Pope? Was Joseph Smith following a religion when he invented Mormonism? If you are truly created in the image of God, then you should be able to trust yourself, did God make you with something lacking? How could he?
Aside from Jesus, who did not trust himself but his father, those don't seem to be good examples. No one should trust themselves alone, for it leads to disaster. Martin Luther was anti-semetic, with what many historians would consider minor mental illness, and for Joseph Smith, well I think you know what I would call him.
Katazia said:

Hmm, a child of something imaginary - does that mean you are imaginary as well?
yes, since god is imaginary she too must be imaginary. if she really exists kill her so that god and his child should always remain imaginary..
GOD should not exist i say, how dare he..

but mormons can exist, i wish to have some wives for next week..