Are you going to Heaven?

If heaven was real im sure I could go I havent done anything that bad, and the couple big f-ups ive had I feel bad for doing
So, just because you're an atheist God will throw you in hell? God knows he exists, and I'm not sure he would be all the bothered by the fact that you deny his existence. Any other reasons you would burn? Perhaps, porno addiction?

Death again I see, you are a morbid person aren't you?
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I don't obsess about death, if that's what you mean. But, death is a fairly strong motivator here on Earth - and because of that characteristic it is often involved in the topic of discussion. What would you like us to talk about, some moldy cheese you have in the back of your refrigerator perhaps?
I don't obsess about death, if that's what you mean. But, death is a fairly strong motivator here on Earth - and because of that characteristic it is often involved in the topic of discussion. What would you like us to talk about, some moldy cheese you have in the back of your refrigerator perhaps?

There's so many things that are living or deal with life that are more than interesting to discuss. It would seem that you may not have the capacity to deal with life for you must not have experienced much living as yet.
I believe overall I've lead a pretty moral life, so unless god is an asshole who only wants to reward people who pay homage to him then I would make a good candidate if such a place does exist.
I am in heaven.

it's only temporary. sooner or later you will go back to hell, because life is eternal. if not in this life, then in your next life.

hell is to be in this world where we constantly go from heaven to hell and from hell to heaven... we never get to stay in heaven forever, because we can never die and become non-existent bliss
Read Gospel of Thomas, 113 "His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

Or if you like the Buddhist path - The one who is trying to get away from life to nirvāna is still caught in pairs of opposites. But when you get there, you realize that this is right now.

Or Hinduist - Tat tvam asi: You yourself are that which you would know. However this 'you' is not the you that you identify with, not this phenomenon in time and space that can be named, that can be identified, that can be described. The you that you think you are is not it and the you that you can't even think about is it.

Isa Upanishad:
It moves - yet it does not move
It's far away - yet it is near at hand!
It is within this whole world - yet
it's also outside this whole world.

When a man sees all beings
within his very self
and his self within all beings,
It will not seek to hide from him.

When in the self of discerning man
his very self has become all beings
What bewilderment, what sorrow can there be
regarding that self of him who sees this oneness.
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there is no eternal happiness (there is no eternal non-existence). that's ALL i know.

idiots like buddha try to say that there is eternal happiness... but he was just lying so that we could become happier, or that we could have hope

without hope they would drown in their sorrow
i wish i was so ignorant that i didn't even know i existed.

but if you feel negative energy coming from me, don't blame me, blame the god who created me against my will
it's not my fault i'm IGNORANT

and so what if you have infinite knowledge, you will still lose it later when you become so enlightened that you become stupid so that you "choose" to forget the knowledge that you hate anyway

that idiot buddha... he became enlightened, but in his next life (only a couple of 1000 years later), do you know what happened? he became an idiot that suffered again, so he was wrong,there was no end to the suffering

i should know... because i am that buddha i am talking about.

the best thing you can do is think positive, but if you can't do that, then you can't do that
i wish i could say something nice because you are so nice but i have no choice but to be the idiot god programmed me to be, like he progarmmed you not to believe in god or whatever

but the death nothingness thing, who knows, maybe i should give it a try
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i wish i was so ignorant that i didn't even know i existed.

but if you feel negative energy coming from me, don't blame me, blame the god who created me against my will
it's not my fault i'm IGNORANT

and so what if you have infinite knowledge, you will still lose it later when you become so enlightened that you become stupid so that you "choose" to forget the knowledge that you hate anyway

that idiot buddha... he became enlightened, but in his next life (only a couple of 1000 years later), do you know what happened? he became an idiot that suffered again, so he was wrong,there was no end to the suffering

i should know... because i am that buddha i am talking about.

the best thing you can do is think positive, but if you can't do that, then you can't do that
i wish i could say something nice because you are so nice but i have no choice but to be the idiot god programmed me to be, like he progarmmed you not to believe in god or whatever

but the death nothingness thing, who knows, maybe i should give it a try

You don't... know that you exist ;)