Are you going to Heaven?


Registered Senior Member
Even if you don't believe in Heaven - but it turned out you were wrong - would you be going?
So, just because you're an atheist God will throw you in hell? God knows he exists, and I'm not sure he would be all the bothered by the fact that you deny his existence. Any other reasons you would burn? Perhaps, porno addiction?
So, just because you're an atheist God will throw you in hell? God knows he exists, and I'm not sure he would be all the bothered by the fact that you deny his existence. Any other reasons you would burn? Perhaps, porno addiction?

LOL, no. I'm not going to heaven because the Bible says so. If I don't accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I'm not going. So, I'm not going.
So, just because you're an atheist God will throw you in hell? God knows he exists, and I'm not sure he would be all the bothered by the fact that you deny his existence. Any other reasons you would burn? Perhaps, porno addiction?

No, I don't think I would go to hell just because I'm an atheist. Isn't it about how you live, whether you are a good person ?
Porno addiction ? LOL
Yes, I do believe there is room for atheists in heaven - doctrinally speaking. So, you better shape up gang.
That's not one of the commandments. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Shape up!
Heaven is a useful metaphor. We create heaven or hell here in this life as a consequence of our actions.

His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?"
<Jesus said,> "It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it."

Gospel of Thomas
What's with this reliance on the Gospel of Thomas? Gnostic trash doesn't count.
Why? - What's there to shape up ? Do you want atheists to teach themselves your religion ?