Are you concerned about finding the truth, for once and always?

But I think it is important to emphasize in this context that each person needs also to ponder (in private) the question:

"Am I concerned about finding the truth, for once and always?"
What if the 'truth' turned out to be horrible...would you still want it???
Which God don' I believe in?

I am confused if I am an atheist is it that I don't believe in: Allah, Geb, Buddha, Hari, Jehova, Ra the sun God, Mazda, Apollo, Hera, Aken, Ba-Pef, Minerva, Kami-no-Michi, Atea, Zoroaster..........................

This would assume that, since most of these gods condone often fundamentallydifferent philosophies and only one is the true god. That would mean that the majority of the planets population (The remaining religions) were deluded.

Following logic, we could assume that if the majority of the population is deluded, they probably all are.
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Here we are in the religion forum, so I guess that everyone (well, not everyone), wants truth in that context.

Truth. What a question! Truth of or about... what?

Everyone it seems is attuned to that question: What is the truth?

Why and how is it that everyone (almost) entertains that, or similar, questions? What will be accomplished when and if something like the truth came along? What does one think "the truth" will do for them? Will it bolster them in arguments? Will the answer put an end to the questions?

Why don't people become obsessed with a question like: Color? What is THE color? (would it be white?). Or the question regarding time, not, what is the time which is constantly changing, but... What is THE time? Or, mountain. Which is THE mountain? (I guess for the Japanese, THE Mountain would be Fuji, eh?)

What is this question... TRUTH? What are people questing after? What kind of answer will satisfy? Is idle curiousity prompting the question? Perhaps, if so, we might use our time and mind of curiousity to better advantage...

Why are people asking this in the first place? Did you think of the question on your own? No! See? That's the problem right there. Everyone has had a lot of help with this question; with the ideas and with the formulation of the question. Who put you up to asking that question? Is someone playing a joke? "Send that kid out for some truth! and don't come back without it."

So first ask: Why am I concerning myself with that question? What am I actually looking for or asking about? Seriously.

The question keeps coming up, so it seems that if it had been answered sufficiently, then we wouldn't have to ask it. Has it been answered already and we just haven't found where it is spelled out in black and white? Or, is there some really wise person somewhere who could tell us the truth if we just asked them? Was the truth known at one time and forgotten? If so, how could such an important answer simply be forgotten!?

And again... what do we think will happen once the answer is known? Is the answer one we can accept from someone else or is it something we have to find for ourselves? If we have to find it for ourselves, why are we asking all over the place? Is the truth to be found in a book? One fellow claimed that he, himself? was the truth! (and the way, and the life...). So, what is it all about?

Aren't we smarter than to keep asking and getting opinions? Seems to me that truth would be beyond mere opinions. Also, it seems that just one good 100% answer would put an end to the conflicts and the question itself. Once the answer is found, why remain stuck and obsessed with the question? There would be no reason... unless one was a professional question-asker, or something like that.

So. Do you want to know? I mean, Really Know... know enough so that you will never have to ask again?

I would say that... the answer will not and cannot be given in words. The question may be asked by the intellect, but the answer is not of the intellect; it is something else, within a person, which will know... and with more certainty than the intellect. It would be once and forever.

For example: the breath. Once it is really known intimately, it's many qualities may be at once appreciated in any and every moment, and it need never be forgotten... forever.
It's the beginning, middle, and end for every being.

The real question comes from the longing felt in one's heart, not random concoctions of a restless/relentless mind and intellect. And when the mind hears about what is real, it just says "duh", and it can't believe Truth could be so simple.
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