Are you an introvert or extrovert?

True. Though that's a digression from this topic.
No, it's not a digression. You seem to be inferring that you are under the impression that women haven't been discriminated for traditional male jobs, and that's not the case. STEM jobs have often excluded female candidates.

Er. That claim is self-evidently untrue.
I'm not following.
No, it's not a digression. You seem to be inferring that you are under the impression that women haven't been discriminated for traditional male jobs, and that's not the case. STEM jobs have often excluded female candidates.
What? No.
1] The thread is about introverts versus extroverts, not about women being discriminated in the work place. I'm OK with that; I'm just noting that it is a digression from the thread topic.

2] I am absolutely aware that women are discriminated against in the workplace. I was explicit: I agreed your statement was TRUE.

Here you go, Dave. Maybe you're unaware?
Again: if you can show me where I suggested this was not true, I'll be happy to mea culpa. In fact what I did was agree with you. What on Earth makes you think I don't agree that women are discriminated against in STEM??

Er. That claim is self-evidently untrue.
I'm not following.

1] You said you're a women and therefore not biased. Being a woman doesn't get you a free pass on bias.

2] Simply saying you're reporting what you've read is not unbiased. It's not like you've posted every article, both pro and con.
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overt introverts convert to covert extroverts revert to retroverted introverts
all seems situational
I wonder in what position you'd be happiest, though, on a day to day basis?
I dunno babe
usually, it feels like toe only constant is change
(how can the center hold if there are no edges?)

are we all tumbleweeds?
I wonder if our differences in how we respond to various situations, (not just work related) stems from biology or social constructs.
Social expectation has a lot to do with it, but biology plays heavily into social expectations.
Men and women both lie about how they came to a decisions: men tend to deny being impulsive (which they are) and women tend to deny being calculating (which they are) because these traits are not valued in their social role. Any traits that are generally devalued in a social role makes the bearer of that trait less attractive - to authority figures in childhood; later, employers and team-leaders, potential mates potential allies of their own sex. You have to "overcome" these flaws in your character (which is impossible) or find some way to hide them, deflect attention from them or re-brand them as something more acceptable.
What? No.
1] The thread is about introverts versus extroverts, not about women being discriminated in the work place. I'm OK with that; I'm just noting that it is a digression from the thread topic.

2] I am absolutely aware that women are discriminated against in the workplace. I was explicit: I agreed your statement was TRUE.

Again: if you can show me where I suggested this was not true, I'll be happy to mea culpa. In fact what I did was agree with you. What on Earth makes you think I don't agree that women are discriminated against in STEM??

1] You said you're a women and therefore not biased. Being a woman doesn't get you a free pass on bias.

2] Simply saying you're reporting what you've read is not unbiased. It's not like you've posted every article, both pro and con.

You take threads off topic allllll the time. lol I didn't take the thread off topic, btw...but, I don't see these topics as unrelated.

I've read articles though that suggest women are typically more extroverted than men, but I'm wondering if society as a whole, is honest about the terminology. For example, I hadn't thought of the ''recharge'' example until this thread. So, it has led me to believe now, that I'm more introverted than extroverted, yet I enjoy social settings and being around others, in certain circumstances.

This thread is just one, big hmmm!
Yes. In both cases, they would score high on feeling.
Yes, that's my problem. "Feeling" and "thinking" are not two separate, distinct, identifiable operations. They're nebulous, general words to encompass extremely complex interrelated processes.
You take threads off topic allllll the time. lol
Nor do I deny it. I did say it wasn't a problem - but I did draw attention to it as a change in direction of the thread.

I don't see these topics as unrelated.
Nor did I say they were unrelated. I said it's a digression. The thread topic is introverts versus extroverts. It is changing direction to discuss sexual discrimination in the workplace.

This thread is just one, big hmmm!
For me, it would certainly help if you didn't put words in my mouth. :frown: Several times you've attributed to me pretty inflammatory things I did not say or mean. That might help keep the thread out of a quagmire.
Yes, that's my problem. "Feeling" and "thinking" are not two separate, distinct, identifiable operations. They're nebulous, general words to encompass extremely complex interrelated processes.
OK, so your Thinking/Feeling score will be right near the middle then - a customized blend of Thinking and Feeling, unique to you.
That tells you (and others) something about that aspect of your personality.

Remember, there are people who will register ~100% Thinking or ~100% Feeling. And you, notably, will be distinct from them.
For me, it would certainly help if you didn't put words in my mouth. :frown: Several times you've attributed to me pretty inflammatory things I did not say or mean. That might help keep the thread out of a quagmire.

You actually do this to me, often. In this thread and other threads. I'm defending myself against supposed things I've never posted and you turn it around as if I've put words in your mouth. Maybe you aren't aware of how you come across, but I think it will be best for us both if I stop replying to your posts. This isn’t the first thread you’ve condescended me and it’s tedious, at this point. That'll alleviate the confusion and unnecessary banter.

[I realize that I didn’t reply to one of your posts - as to if the test was a requirement for my employment, yes it was. It was a requirement for friends of mine, too, at their respective employers. If you go back to that post, you ask me a second time if I somehow got it wrong. :frown: I had already implied that it was part of the hiring process but you ask me again. Just another example of how you come across to me on here.)
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OK, so your Thinking/Feeling score will be right near the middle then - a customized blend of Thinking and Feeling, unique to you.
It may be unique, but that doesn't make it meaningful.
That tells you (and others) something about that aspect of your personality.
Pretty much anything you want it to.

Women are more likely to be extroverted while men are more likely to be introverted. This makes sense as women generally do get energy from socializing and being around people while men are generally okay being alone more so than women.
Which is the horse; which is the cart? I'm looking at the steaming pile between them.

Think of all the people you know and situations you've been in. The times somebody interrupted your solitary activity because they were lonely, had a question, wanted to show something they've done, share a news item or joke, needed confirmation or a second opinion, which was it, the man or the woman? I'm guessing, both are about equally inclined, but once in every ten times, the woman backs off when she sees that you're busy, so the man wins by a whisker - by a mile, if the interruptee is a female family member. (bosses don't count - they're trained to be intrusive)
Men evolved where they were the providers and hunters for the family
That is to say, went off into the bush with a bunch of their buddies to do well-orchestrated team violence; then came home, either with the booty and drank and danced and congratulated themselves all night or empty-handed and slunk into their respective huts to be consoled and encouraged by their wives all night.
while women stayed home with the children and other families.
And had to wait 300,000 years for a bathroom with a lock on the door.
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You take threads off topic allllll the time. lol I didn't take the thread off topic, btw...but, I don't see these topics as unrelated.

I've read articles though that suggest women are typically more extroverted than men, but I'm wondering if society as a whole, is honest about the terminology. For example, I hadn't thought of the ''recharge'' example until this thread. So, it has led me to believe now, that I'm more introverted than extroverted, yet I enjoy social settings and being around others, in certain circumstances.

This thread is just one, big hmmm!
I don't think that women are typically more extroverted than men, they are probably more social on average.
No, it's not a digression. You seem to be inferring that you are under the impression that women haven't been discriminated for traditional male jobs, and that's not the case. STEM jobs have often excluded female candidates.

I'm not following.
Implying not inferring. :)
Here is a common situation that I've found as it relates to men and women...

I have a female friend who get passionate and opinionated about political/social issues. I'll disagree in some small way and she'll admit that "I don't really know much about this subject. I should really learn more". Yet, she is at a political rally waving a banner.

Wegs, I think you have mentioned from time to time that you were surprised to learn more about posting in a thread. It would probably be more common for a guy to consider that he didn't know much about a certain subject, he reads an article and now he is surprised how interesting the subject is.

A female might more commonly feel that she knows the answer (even though she has no knowledge), reads an article and then realizes that she was off base.

Do you disagree?
Here is a common situation that I've found as it relates to men and women...

I have a female friend who get passionate and opinionated about political/social issues. I'll disagree in some small way and she'll admit that "I don't really know much about this subject. I should really learn more". Yet, she is at a political rally waving a banner.

Wegs, I think you have mentioned from time to time that you were surprised to learn more about posting in a thread. It would probably be more common for a guy to consider that he didn't know much about a certain subject, he reads an article and now he is surprised how interesting the subject is.

A female might more commonly feel that she knows the answer (even though she has no knowledge), reads an article and then realizes that she was off base.

Do you disagree?
Hmm, I disagree and feel that’s a sexist thing to post, Seattle. :rolleye:

And I’ve come to the decision that sexists are going on ignore, here. So carry on.
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Hmm, I disagree and feel that’s a sexist thing to post, Seattle. :rolleye:

And I’ve come to the decision that sexists are going on ignore, here. So carry on.
I think you're going to be talking to yourself soon Wegs.
I’ve observed that there are guys on here who aren’t sexist and some who are. Kind of like offline life, I guess. But, it's just not worth my time to engage anymore with guys who have sexist attitudes, which I've been seeing in a few threads now, since returning to the forum.
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