Are You a Victim of Relgious Bigotry

If your just looking for acosted then those bloody Mormons who think that it would be fantastic to come knocking on my door in the early morning setting the dogs off, last time was when I was working night shift and had only just gotten to sleep
Excellent point! You know, that had me pumped up for a long time, and it did give me an attitude towards Muslims and Islam. I had forgotten about that. I didn't lose anyone close, but I did feel very emotional about it. Very good.

My aunt did not die at the pentagon from the crash just to clear things up . She worked there and died of cancer a several years later . She worked there up until her death . She is the only one on that side of the family that got cancer like that . Not typical of the family genetics . Can't say if toxins in the area had anything to do with it or not . That would be pure speculation . The point is she was there and was my aunt . Close connection to a heinous deed by religious fanatics . Watching the buildings fall live affected all of us bro . I know exactly were I was and I doubt very much I will ever forget
If your just looking for acosted then those bloody Mormons who think that it would be fantastic to come knocking on my door in the early morning setting the dogs off, last time was when I was working night shift and had only just gotten to sleep

Come on now ! Your sleeping your life away . Mormons are easy to get rid of . Light up a smoke and offer them a drink , brake out some porn to watch with them and blamo no more Mormon. Tell them you are God and you will see them running as fast as they can . They might tell the neighbors you are a nut case , but who cares anyway
My aunt did not die at the pentagon from the crash just to clear things up . She worked there and died of cancer a several years later . She worked there up until her death . She is the only one on that side of the family that got cancer like that . Not typical of the family genetics . Can't say if toxins in the area had anything to do with it or not . That would be pure speculation . The point is she was there and was my aunt . Close connection to a heinous deed by religious fanatics . Watching the buildings fall live affected all of us bro . I know exactly were I was and I doubt very much I will ever forget

Yet, I've gotten over it. It's an extreme case of religious fanatisism that we all share, for sure.
I was coerced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every school day for 12 years.

No one forced you to recite it and you didn't have to even say anything if you didn't want to, just stand there and lip sinc a poem you know instead. You also don't have to use god in your recilal either. There's always a way around things if you want to look for them instead of complaining.:)
No one forced you to recite it and you didn't have to even say anything if you didn't want to, just stand there and lip sinc a poem you know instead. You also don't have to use god in your recilal either. There's always a way around things if you want to look for them instead of complaining.:)

Are you kidding me! Feeling the need to fake it is just as bad as doing it against your will.
Excellent point! You know, that had me pumped up for a long time, and it did give me an attitude towards Muslims and Islam. I had forgotten about that. I didn't lose anyone close, but I did feel very emotional about it. Very good.

I didn't take any particular bent towards Muslims at 9/11, but I did develop a thankfully abiding disgust and reprehension towards Islamism. Nothing wrong with having an attitude towards the latter, naturally.
Women do it all the time! :D

I believe most men really want to please their woman, so faking is probably not the best strategy to maintain over a long term relationship.:rolleyes:

You didn't have to say anything, who was really listening to you ?

Your right but I couldn't pass it up, and your guess is as good as mine and my guess is that it has never stopped you from speaking.:D