Are we necessary beings or not?

Your lack of logic is fascinating.
Your "rebuttal" is puerile and faulty.
Which particular part of the definition of "necessary" fits your claim that consciousness is necessary because it exists?
Does this also mean that the piece of fluff on the "5" key on my keyboard is "necessary"?
That the spider just outside my door is necessary?
No I'm saying consciousness seems neccessary.
We are the most complex creatures at this point infered from common sense.

That piece of flugg and the 5 keyboard is absolutely neccessary because it exists. Spiders are absolutely neccessary or atleast as neccessary as chaos & order is neccessary in respect to the basis for our reality from what can be infered.

I suspect if the universe is neccessary than us as beings are too because we are all apart of the same contigent matter so to speak but in a more meaningful and a more obviously different organization. I suspect that consciousness itself is neccessary and this complex compiling of matter is a consequence of space evolving because it exists and it did not and it will exist in the future under certain conditions the universe provides.

Than again it's just my opinion. Indivisually we are unneccessary like the spider and 5 key. But the fabric from which everything is constructed is neccessary and I include everything within its range of possibilities neccessary including the items you named.
If the universe has been around for 13-14 billion years, and will be for an unclear amount of time. Then I'd have to say no, we are not necessary beings.
You cannot choose to exist (or anything for that matter) from a non-existent state. Reality doesn't support that. You can commit suicide however, but that's not quite the same as choosing to not exist.

This suggests that there is an aspect of necessity to our existence.
I don't even see it as a suggestion. What is your reasoning behind this?

You said -

You cannot choose to exist (or anything for that matter) from a non-existent state. Reality doesn't support that. You can commit suicide however, but that's not quite the same as choosing to not exist.

Ie. it could not have been otherwise but that we exist. This is a case of necessity.
For starters, 'that which cannot be otherwise'.

Unless this is some obscure definition, I don't think the concept matches the word. Also, all past events cannot be otherwise and all future events don't share that restriction. Your opening question amounts to "are all past events unchangeable?". As far as we can tell, the answer is yes.

It will cease for me.

Which was my point.

I have serious doubt that the whole universe is dependent on my existence though. I hope for everyone's sake I'm right. :)

Whatever the source of your existence is, that is what the universe is dependant upon.
It is the same source that is the cause, and reason for all existence.

Your "rebuttal" is puerile and faulty.
Which particular part of the definition of "necessary" fits your claim that consciousness is necessary because it exists?
Does this also mean that the piece of fluff on the "5" key on my keyboard is "necessary"?
That the spider just outside my door is necessary?

What kind of a joint do you live in???