Are we living in God’s kingdom, or Satan‘s?

The 'useless' ego was/is responsible for our survival.

Yeah ! Way ! Me likes Me Megalomania! It brings Me heaven ! I'm in Heaven ! Come join Me will yeah already . Go look in the mirror and say I am the gReatest ! I will do great wonderful feats of greatness that will defy odds ! Because I am the GReatest . Me personal M theory . Don't say it Alpha ! I love you too. Me Great House and me First Daughter Effie ( You call her EFEs )
The 'useless' ego was/is responsible for our survival.

Absolutely It is who you are.

If too self centered though, you, and I do not mean you personally here, but the royal you, tend to forget that we are all in this together, alone.

No man is an island.

I think that, shedding your ego is just another way of saying, walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

Absolutely It is who you are.

If too self centered though, you, and I do not mean you personally here, but the royal you, tend to forget that we are all in this together, alone.

No man is an island.

I think that, shedding your ego is just another way of saying, walk a mile in someone else's shoes.


I have walked in lots of shoes . One thing about that is it does make it extremely easy to forgive people for making mistakes. I am the Greatest .
your an animal of the earth dude. What makes you think you are different . You are bound to your own nature called " The Human Animal "

Yes, I agree with you 100%; but let me explain to you what I try to convey with this statement.

Animals live by the "law of necessity" (so do most of us):
Put a hungry dog in front of a big juicy steak and he will never decide not to eat it. The human being is the only animal with the power of choice; we see some people fast for their own reasons, and they can decide not to eat.

We are the only ones capable of not acting upon our natural desires (because of personal choice) for the better or worst.

Also our intuition, intelligence and imagination are natural capabilities that are condemed by a mind-ruled society that chooses memory, rationality and tradition instead.
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I have walked in lots of shoes . One thing about that is it does make it extremely easy to forgive people for making mistakes. I am the Greatest .

It has to do with forgiveness yes.
It is also supposed to show you that we are all doing the best we can with what we have.

The 'useless' ego was/is responsible for our survival.

Absolutely true. In religious terms: satan was responsible for our survival. In the bible it says that God created satan as the most beautiful angel, who fell from grace.

The thing is: we can choose to use the ego, and not be used by it.

A child (non-swimmer) is drowning and you are beside him, you can choose to save yourself for sure or to try and save the child; ego tells you to save yourself (survival instint, rationality tells you that is it more possible to survive that way). But the heart (instinct) tells you to try and save the child, even if you don't make it yourself.

This is a life or death situation, but we face this sort of decisions in daily life (ego Vs heart).
Yeah ! Way ! Me likes Me Megalomania! It brings Me heaven ! I'm in Heaven ! Come join Me will yeah already . Go look in the mirror and say I am the gReatest ! I will do great wonderful feats of greatness that will defy odds ! Because I am the GReatest . Me personal M theory . Don't say it Alpha ! I love you too. Me Great House and me First Daughter Effie ( You call her EFEs )

Is this why you have 'Me' in your name?
In the bible it says that God created satan as the most beautiful angel, who fell from grace.

There is no Satan or God.

We survived even because of our violence, not in spite of it. It was tempered by cooperation, though, such as during the hunt, which was still for the kill.
There is no Satan or God.
If God is Love and Satan the ego. Then there is.

We survived even because of our violence, not in spite of it. It was tempered by cooperation, though, such as during the hunt, which was still for the kill.

And what makes you think that violence is condemed by god? I don't think lions are going to hell, they don't have a choice.
You can read:
God created satan as the most beautiful angel, who fell from grace.
Ego was created out of love, but then it turned against it.

Or the temptation of Christ:
Again, the EGO took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to him, "Away from me, EGO! For it is written: 'Worship LOVE, and serve LOVE only.'" Then the EGO left him, and bless showered upon him."
There is no Satan or God.

We survived even because of our violence, not in spite of it. It was tempered by cooperation, though, such as during the hunt, which was still for the kill.

GOOD! you not blaming God for being violent. you understand it is in our nature to be accept responsibility for your own humanity.
I didn't think it, for God is impossible.

I am trying to have a discussion as to what could be the interpretation of the statements in the scriptures, specifically the bible if god would not be an invisible being or something that you have not experienced by yourself.
Don't think as god as something you don't know, or a mystical being, or something supernatural.

Try to understand what I'm saying as if the very word "god" was a synonym of the word "love".

I the ancient days, thousands of years ago, true knowledge was hidden from the people in order to be able to manipulate them. The common practice ammong politicians was to keep the people ignorant, and fill their bellies so they don't revolt (not very different from what politicians do nowadays).

So all teachings about the nature of the mind, and the nature of our behaviour were prohibited; 'cause knowledge meant power. There was no other way of writing these teachings down if it wasn't for parables and metaphors.
GOOD! you not blaming God for being violent. you understand it is in our nature to be accept responsibility for your own humanity.

Just as there is no God to blame, the shame doesn't fall upon evolution either. We are what we are because it worked.

Take some supposedly bad thing away and we might find that the zest for life falls way with it. All is intertwined.
Just as there is no God to blame, the shame doesn't fall upon evolution either. We are what we are because it worked.

Take some supposedly bad thing away and we might find that the zest for life falls way with it. All is intertwined.

without hitler, we wouldn't have nuclear power?
(whatever happend to connections?)

yea i agree with the concept of balance, that we cannot have one without the other.