Are we JUST animals?

Which animals rape, Simon? And are you sure that's proper animal behavior? Are you sure that animal isn't lacking something that the rest of them have?
Dolphins have been observed committing rape, off the coast of Australia, and perhaps in other locations I haven't read about. It's difficult in a three-dimensional environment. Two bulls help hold the cow in place while the third performs the act, while three more stand off at a distance to deter rescuers. (Okay now have the obligatory laugh about all the Foster's running off in the water.) I think I've heard of chimpanzees doing it too, but somebody else can do the depressing research on that one.

The key is that it's only physically possible for a species in which copulation can be performed outside of estrus. In dogs, for example, a female in heat will happily mate with any male in the vicinity--she instinctively wants them all to think the puppies are theirs so they will help protect them. (And as a dog breeder I've discovered the hard way that what they need protection from is the other females.) When the female is not in heat, no copulation is possible. She does not exude the pheromones that attract the males, excite their libido and give them erections, and in any case her vaginal muscles will not open and there's no way they could get a "tie."

Humans belong to a very small group of mammal species in which the female is physically capable of copulating even when she is not fertile. For us, intercourse can be a social-bonding activity, or perhaps an enticement or reward for performing some service. The same is true of dolphins. They copulate as a way of strengthening the bonds within the pod, and of smoothing out arguments. The same is true of chimpanzees and bonobos, our closest relatives. However, AFAIK bonobos do not commit rape. They're the free-lovin' hippies of the primates, having sex morning noon and night with anybody and everybody, without regard for age, gender or family relationship.

The point is that in most species rape is physically impossible, so the question is moot.
Dolphins have been observed committing rape, off the coast of Australia, and perhaps in other locations I haven't read about.
Appreciate the back up on dolphins and rape. I believe some apes and monkeys will rape and from what I have seen dogs will rape, generally male to male. And I do not simply mean the mount and hump. I have seen penetration.

The key is that it's only physically possible for a species in which copulation can be performed outside of estrus. In dogs, for example, a female in heat will happily mate with any male in the vicinity--she instinctively wants them all to think the puppies are theirs so they will help protect them.
I had a bitch who was very selective. She told 99% of the males to get the hell away from her in terms they accepted, though they kept following her carefully and sniffed her privates when they could.