Are we humans at the peak of our mental and bodily evolution?

That doesn't copy the whole person. The hormones that we experience as emotions have a tremendous impact on how we feel and what we do. Without emotions we'd be robots, like Data on Star Trek.

We could simulate that, like Data's simulated emotions in the STNG movies :rolleyes: and personally I would love to be able to select what emotions and how much I want to experience at any one time and place. In fact we might not even need brain uploading for the latter, a couple of cybernetic implants in the mid brain might just do it.

(Yeah yeah I know he's an android.)I don't need more computing capacity, I need more memory. Having real-time access to an external database would be nice.

That probably not to far off considering all the work that has gone into mapping how our short term memory works and development in cybernetic repairs for short term memory.

Good literature is loaded with archetypes, and the Borg are an archetypal example of logic without emotion. They certainly contrast with Data, who was an earlier character from the beginning of the series, and not as sharply drawn.

The borg were not logical, nor were they a true hive mind, they were lead by a "queen". Cybernetics could very well make a hive mind possible, but I think we would function much more like grass roots internet groups than the Borg.