Are We Asleep ???

Quran is in Arabic. So when you translate the actual word it comes out to be "We". But "We" is a word used for respect. If you don't trust me then the only way to prove this is if you had knowledge of Arabic.

I will try to find a better reference.
But you are being really picky on words. Glass could mean two things, the substance glass, or glass as in a cup. Same way is the word "heaven". But I will still try to find a prophesy with the verse with literal meaning.
Everything on the expansion involved the word "heaven" so I thought you won't consider it. But I have found another one. This seems to have a literal meaning. Except it has a metaphor at the end "like cloud", but since I know what a metaphor is so I thought this should be a valid statement but if it is not in your point of view then reply, then I will try to find something else.

The Movement of Mountains

In one verse, we are informed that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant motion:

You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds. (Surat an-Naml: 88)

This motion of the mountains is caused by the movement of the Earth's crust that they are located on. The Earth's crust 'floats' over the mantle layer, which is denser. It was at the beginning of the 20th century when, for the first time in history, a German scientist by the name of Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents of the earth had been attached together when it first formed, but then drifted in different directions, and thus separated as they moved away from each other.

Geologists understood that that Wegener was right only in the 1980s, 50 years after his death. As Wegener pointed out in an article published in 1915, the land masses of the earth were joined together about 500 million years ago, and this large mass, called Pangaea, was located in the South Pole.

Approximately 180 million years ago, Pangaea divided into two parts, which drifted in different directions. One of these giant continents was Gondwana, which included Africa, Australia, Antarctica and India. The second one was Laurasia, which included Europe, North America and Asia, except for India. Over the next 150 million years following this separation, Gondwana and Laurasia divided into smaller parts.

These continents that emerged after the split of Pangaea have been constantly moving on the Earth's surface at several centimeters per year, in the meantime changing the sea and land ratios of the Earth.

Discovered as a result of the geological research carried out at the beginning of the 20th century, this movement of the Earth's crust is explained by scientists as follows:

The crust and the uppermost part of the mantle, with a thickness of about 100 kms., are divided into segments called plates. There are six major plates, and several small ones. According to the theory called plate tectonics, these plates move about on Earth, carrying continents and ocean floor with them... Continental motion has been measured at from 1-5 cm per year. As the plates continue to move about, this will produce a slow change in Earth's geography. Each year, for instance, the Atlantic Ocean becomes slightly wider.

There is a very important point to be stated here: God has referred to the motion of mountains as a drifting action in the verse. Today, modern scientists also use the term "continental drift" for this motion.

Continental drift is something which could not be observed at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, and in the words, "You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid" God revealed in advance the way in which people were to approach the subject. He then revealed another truth, saying that the mountains went past like clouds. As we have seen, attention is drawn in the verse to the mobility of the stratum in which mountains stand.

Unquestionably, it is one of the miracles of the Qur'an that this scientific fact, which has recently been discovered by science, was announced in the Qur'an.
are we asleep.
might be a good idea to ask leo volont.
as he rely's on his dreams, an awful lot of the time.

You will see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds. (Surat an-Naml: 88)

I understand plate tectonics very well, having written college papers on this many years ago. But plates and mountains move slowly over millions of years and certainly do not go past like clouds which pass in seconds.

The qualification of speed (clouds passing) destroys any possible reference to plate tectonics.

Quran is in Arabic. So when you translate the actual word it comes out to be "We". But "We" is a word used for respect. If you don't trust me then the only way to prove this is if you had knowledge of Arabic.

I understand the difficulty. I remember being told a long time ago that no one could ever understand the Quran unless they knew Arabic.

I will try to find a better reference.


But you are being really picky on words.

Word choice and accurate comprehension of context are essentials to effective communication. An error with either can result in totally different meanings and serious miscommunication.
I understand your point. Here is another prophesy. I think this should be the one that will satisfy you, but if it doesn't hopefully I can find more.

Three Stages of the Baby in the Womb

In the Qur'an, it is related that man is created in a three-stage process in the mother's womb.

"... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in a threefold darkness. That is God, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no god but Him. So what has made you deviate?"
(The Qur'an, 39:6)

As will be understood, it is pointed out in this verse that a human being is created in the mother's womb in three distinct stages. Indeed, modern biology has revealed that the baby's embryological development takes place in three distinct regions in the mother's womb. Today, in all the embryology textbooks studied in faculties of medicine, this subject is taken as an element of basic knowledge. For instance in Basic Human Embryology, a fundamental reference text in the field of embryology, this fact is stated as follows: "The life in the uterus has three stages: pre-embryonic; first two and a half weeks, embryonic; until the end of the eight week, and fetal; from the eight week to labor."

These phases refer to the different developmental stages of a baby. In brief, the main characteristics of these developmental stages are as follows:

- Pre-embryonic stage
In this first phase, the zygote grows by division, and when it becomes a cell cluster, it buries itself in the wall of the uterus. While they continue growing, the cells organise themselves in three layers.

- Embryonic Stage
The second phase lasts for five and a half weeks, during which the baby is called an "embryo". In this stage, the basic organs and systems of the body start to appear from the cell layers.

- Fetal stage
From this stage on, the embryo is called a "foetus". This phase begins at the eighth week of gestation and lasts until the moment of birth. The distinctive characteristic of this stage is that the foetus looks just like a human being, with its face, hands and feet. Although it is only 3 cm. long initially, all of its organs have become apparent. This phase lasts for about 30 weeks, and development continues until the week of delivery.
Information on the development in the mother's womb became available only after observations with modern devices. Yet, just like many other scientific facts, these pieces of information are imparted in the verses of the Qur'an in a miraculous way. The fact that such detailed and accurate information was given in the Qur'an at a time when people had scarce information on medical matters is clear evidence that the Qur'an is not the word of man, but the word of God.