Are we allready living in the time of the NWO?

In certain areas we dominate. I don't believe that any one country can be said to dominate in all areas, not in the past and not in the future. I also don't believe the NWO will last long. They seem to be very paranoid. Hitler's different groups didn't trust each other and actively sought to undermine each other. I think this will happen with the NWO, too. It is just a clamoring for power, and in a situation like this no one can trust each other, which will be paramount if they wish to stay in power for a long peroid of time.

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.

"Suck-worthy". I like that word! :)

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
What does anyone know about the Bilderburgers or the Trilateral Commission? I know that the Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a reserve and was taken over by the most powerful bankers in America around 1914, just like 666 mentioned in his reply. And how does it relate to the Illuminati? They've been around for a looong time.

There is no such thing as subjective truth.

[This message has been edited by bah (edited December 22, 1999).]
I thought more about behind the scenes stuff myself. I am Norwegian myself, and i do get a lot of "different" news reading Norwegian newspapers online even when living in the US. So i understand where you are coming from :)
Venezuela. 30,000 est. dead. It's coming...pray, pray, pray, and repent, repent, repent. PLEASE!!!!!

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
Lori, I agree with you but, my only problem is what's going to happen to all of us "Christian's". Only a couple hundred thousand of us have our names written down in the book of life. Of course, only if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savoir and live "holy" life as much as possible.
But what I'm getting at is here we are some almost 3000 years after Jesus rose again and I'm wondering.......just how many spots in the book are left?!

We need a break in here:

'A man decided to buy himself a BMW Z3 as a gift to himself after his
divorce. He left work early on Friday and was racing down the freeway to see
how fast he could go. Just then he noticed red and blue flashing lights in
his rear view mirror. "They can never catch me in this BMW!" And he punches
the gas pedal and the car races to 70...80...90. Just then the man realizes
the lunacy in what he's doing and immediately pulls over.

The state patrol officer walks up to the man's window and says "My shift
ends in 10 minutes and it's been an awful day. Give me one good reason why I
shouldn't haul your butt into jail."

The guy thinks for a second and responds, "My wife left me last week for a
state patrol officer, and I thought you were trying to catch me to give her

"Have a nice day" said the officer and away he went.'

It's all very large.
I think we are definetly have NWO without even knowing it.

Never believe anything until it has officially denied.
In order for the "new world order" to come into place national pride has to be done away with. A tall order if I do say so myself. As for America dominating.... I don't think so. You guys are just the largest enforcers of the predominant global ideology, capitalism. You are a servant to it just as many other countries are. No one country rules, ideologies do, formerly communism, now capitilistic consumerism. neither makes the world a better place, just changes the view, take your pick, rolling hills or lake front. :)