Are we allready living in the time of the NWO?


Registered Senior Member
Just asking.

The New world was named after Amerigo Vespucci which is today called America. and "order" could mean the dominance of America on planet Earth today.

Are we allready experiencing the New World Order without knowing about it?


This may not answer your question but here it goes. In my resarch I found or what I belive to be the foundation of the new world order, international bankers. An international banker sets up a centralized in a given contury and is the sole bank that the goverment will borrow money. They apove out landish loans nowing the goverment will not be able to pay them back in money. Instead of money the demand and get the ability to influence and some times directly create domestic and foregin policy, including the ability to influence taxes to pay back a portion of the loan. These international bankers are the ones who drew up the plan for The League of Nations and fouaght for the countries of the world to adopt it. These same bankers for a cololition called the CFR (the Console on Foregin Relations) and later the United Nations. They have had a major influence for over US policy for a little over 100 years. The CFR created the federal reserve (our centeral bank) and maintain an active role in it, including the chairmen of the board. Most people belive that the fedral reserve is a federal orginization, but it is a privatly held by the CFR. Even though the first time it was passed before congress the fedral reserve act was deemed unconstitutional they passed it before congress a secound time under a different name and no other changes and passed. The one link between all what I belive to be vaild New World Order Conspiracies has been the international bankers. They have had there hands in it one way or the other, most of the time directly heading the differnet orginizations.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited December 09, 1999).]
To add, when they called America the New World, it meant that nobody from Europe had ever seen it before.
Thats right Oxygen.. :) I know.. Just trying to bind the term to something familiar ;)

New world= USA=Amerigo Vespucci. Order=Dominance?

See what i was trying to do? Obviously it didn't work :D

666 - Banks and insurance institutions are the institutions that makes it legal to steal IMO. I fully understand what you mean.

How about the World Bank.. Same thing there?
Not yet, H-Kon, but we're getting close. It won't happen like it says in the Bible until something pretty frickin' major happens. There's just no way otherwise. Things will basically have to get sooooo bad first, that the NWO is NECESSARY for survival almost before we will conform to it. And even then, we know who will NOT conform to it. Oh, us poor closed-minded Christians. Wah! The aliens are going to ship us off to some other 3rd dimensional planet to live out the rest of our lives as octapusses. ROFLMAO!

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"

Yeah same thing there. The World Bank and IMF was created by the UN which was pen by the CFR. The strong conections are absolutly stagering. Especaily when you look at the US goverment. Every president's cabinet since Woodrow Willson as been nothing but CFR men. The only president that wasn't proped up by the CFR or a member of the CFR was Lyndon Johnson, but he confided in JFK's CFR laiden cabinet exstensively.

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born

The founders of the NWO are crafting just such a situation. Through social engineering and other steps they influence a majority of progresive crimes happing today. When see a news report about the killings in a 3rd world contry there are sevral more that you havent heard commited by orginizations like the UN.
Lori-It's "octopi", not "octopusses".

For Pete's friggin' sake, I hope you weren't serious in that belief!
We're getting there... In addition to the UN, we have the World Trade Center, the evolving Global Economy and the (unsuccessful in Seattle) World Trade Organization.
I know 666, I know!


Thanks for the correction. I think I'll call my new self Octopussy! How bout that? ROFLMAO! Listen, I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous, and I have no idea if they'll say we're octopi or what. That's just something I read on the Zetatalk site. BUT, and this is a big ol but, the basic premise is correct. To cover up the rapture of the Church, they will say that we Christians were too close-minded to progress into a new dimension, so they took us somewhere else to finish out our evolution. Seriously. I've heard the same story through channeling many, many times, through many, many different people. Think about it. They have to come up with some kind of lie, otherwise, after all the Christians disappear off the face of the earth in the blink of an eye, everyone left would convert if there was no really good lie to convince them otherwise.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
Really disturbing indeed 666 - Thank you for sharing :)

Do you think that we will ever hear an official statement about planet Earth becoming just ONE country?
Yes, but only after this country is brought to it's knees. I think that's obvious after what happened in Seattle, don't you?

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
I cheered for the protestors. Not only was I in agreement with the industrialists and the human rights activists, but for once I found myself on the side of the ecologists as well. Normally I find the Old Green Line too reactionary for my tastes, but this time I was in support. I was also relieved to see that so many people can unite and that so many, young and old alike, will not be fooled by illusions of a "nice" world where everybody plays pleasantly together in a forced peace. People are different. People have differences of opinion. Differences are going to happen. We have peace when we can settle those differences without blowing anybody's head off.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited December 14, 1999).]

I don't think we will turn on the news one day to hear that the worl is one large goverment. I belive that as this progresses we will more news reports of the world economy and world law. I belive that it will happen in a low key manner.
Yes. I was afraid of that. that's why I am asking even though i found a very bad analogy ( just that Amerigo Vespucci is a very cool name :D)

I didn't pay too much attention towards it i am afraid. I got in too late and never got the big picture of it all. So when i thought i would tune in, it was over :(

Well. A saying fits in here i believe which fits every persons belief.

"Always expect the unexpected"

I always liked that one, but i also found it very disturbing.
Anyone watch Brokaw last night? That story on Ben Laden (sp?) and terrorists threats directed at Americans abroad AND at home was something else. That has got to be the closest I've ever heard the media come to saying "Get the hell out of Dodge!" Hmmmm...the US brought to it's knees? Isn't that what I said it would take? Get ready, it's comin' at us. And by that I mean, get your heart ready, because Jesus is coming soon.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
New World Order... Hmmmm... The domination of America... Hmmmm....

Does America (New World) dominate (order) the rest of the world? Or, does America get dominated by the rest of the world?
America has in the past, but we're losing it. I'm sure this will piss some off but good, but I really think it has a lot to do with how far we've fallen away from God over the years. Christians founded this country, and people used to give a shit about God. Not any more. So get ready, cause we're about to get knocked on our collective ass. For two days straight now, there have been articles in my city's newspaper about how Yeltsin is "reminding" us that he has an arsenal of nukes. Comforting. Our glass bubble days are about to be over.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"
I don't think America is dominating the world. We have a knack for being pretty egotistical. It's how we got our obnoxious reputation (France notwithstanding). But to get an idea of how little we dominate the world, tune in to the international news and hear about something besides us. I get news from the Mid-east, the UK, Asia, all over Europe...and it's humbling how little attention we get. We aren't dominating anything but the television program market. Except for British sit-coms (the best in the world as far as I'm concerned), every other country seems to have suck-worthy programming. (I admit, I only see the stuff they export, so I'm not seeing the whole picture. I can only judge off of what I have seen.)