Are there accurate ways to predict events?

"The first technology is a specialized form of remote viewing--


This is similar to the method used by clairvoyants and psychic's to see the future, and is nothing "new". The late Edgar Cayce describes how he saw events.....through what he called the "Akashic record"

The Akashic record is an imagined spiritual realm, supposedly holding a record of all events, actions, thoughts and feelings that have ever occurred or will ever occur. Theosophists believe that the Akasha is an "astral light" containing occult records which spiritual beings can perceive by their special "astral senses" and "astral bodies". Clairvoyance, spiritual insight, prophecy and many other untestable metaphysical and religious notions are made possible by tapping into the Akasha.

It is not concidered accurate because of spirits involved.
The use of spiritual mediums and wizards were to be done away with in the New testement.
All the books of the black arts were to be burned in the New Testement.

Only a true prophet of God can forsee the future and that as it is revealed by the spirit of God, not "unclean spirits".

The use of these mediums is an impersonation of the office given to a prophet of God, and is therefore satanic.
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... heh
"unlcean spirits"
the use of mediums as impersonations of prophets of god and cuz so is satanic... that thought sickens me how can someone say such a thing... oh my goodness... sigh. Thats pretty messed up.
heyya all :)

i can only assume you are just another brainwashed "born again christian" ???

i hope for your sake that you do not drive a wedge between everyone you are supposed to love!

it does sound a little like you covet the glory and possible power of "god-like/percieved" powers for your own personal agenda.

i hope i am wrong and you do not fall to the hand of hate and loathing.
for that alone will cast your soul to the rabid wolves of chaos to toy with like a in-edable wounded animal.
just remember to foster hate and fear is to create a spawning pool for the notion of true evil intent.
it only makes the road back longer and more arduouse.

and remember... to
keep groovin
