Are there accurate ways to predict events?

We've got little things called Statistics, critical thinking, and pattern analysis. These things can be fairly accurate when used correctly.

Though as for "using the cosmos as a guide" I guess I'd have to agree with Q25, hah.
Well, then again, it seems to be a fairly basic rule with most mystic powers, that you can never use them to do anything which would be either clearly provable, or of any use to anyone at all, ever! Pretty inconvenient isn't it?
The start of the old gulf war was predicted by our local wetherman, he said that new moon was a good time to strike as the planes are less visible.

Also the moon controls the tides, wich regulates the reproduction of a lot of sea animals. We can accurately predict when we will see these breathtaking small luminscence creatures mate...

Etc, but appart from that I think i will win the lotery only on a blue moon...
a prediction:

My dog is eating the cat's food. I predict that being in my house will become extremely unpleasant in the next half hour.
is this the sarcasim thread of texting about crap we dont believe in?
or the derail the thread thread...
my ignore list is begging expansion!

groove on all :)

Actually, from what I know, someone did predict 9/11. It was something from ancient times o_O I'm not sure if it's 100% true, but someone said someting like this...

Two giant metal birds birds will crash into twin buildings.
Re: 9/11 Prophecy

Originally posted by Chicago
Actually, from what I know, someone did predict 9/11. It was something from ancient times. I'm not sure if it's 100% true, but someone said someting like this... "Two giant metal birds will crash into twin buildings."
This sounds a lot like the "Nostradamus" crap that went zipping around the Internet for several days after 9/11... until somebody bothered to pick up an actual copy of Nostradamus and discovered that none of the apocryphal text was actually in there. Some wacko made it all up.

First, I would suggest that you track down the text you are citing. People love to exploit disasters in order to fraudulently gain support for their own "businesses" as psychics, healers, etc., from a populace so distracted and beaten down that they don't question idiotic things that they normally wouldn't give a second glance to.

Then check out the source of the text. Anybody can put anything on their own website or post anything on a forum like this one. The world is full of crackpots. Make sure you're not being taken in by one. This "quote" could have been created on 9/12/2001.

If it has the "legitimacy" of being old, at least you're dealing with a more or less "authentic" historical document, but all that means is that it was written by an ancient crackpot instead of a contemporary one and the document itself has value as an antique.

Read it over in the cold light of two years' passage. "Two giant metal birds crashing into two buildings." Sure it sounds like 9/11. It also sounds like the kind of mechanical toys that the Swiss have been making for hundreds of years. They couldn't fly but people could toss them off of cliffs or roofs and maybe they'd glide for a minute -- before crashing into something like a building.

It also sounds like the kind of mechanical toys that even the ancient Greeks built. They knew all about "simple machines" -- the screw, the wedge, the lever, etc. They never bothered using the principles on a large scale to build real machinery because they had slaves to do all their work for them, but they loved to build intricate mechanical toys that were utterly anachronistic for their era. Either an ancient Greek or a medieval Swiss could have written that line and simply been describing the destruction of a couple of very expensive, intricate toys at a boisterous festival.

You've undoubtedly heard of Nostradamus, the wack job who wrote an entire book of "prophecies" in the Middle Ages. The stuff was so vague that people have tied his predictions to elections, accidents, storms, wars, everything they can think of. But as if that weren't bad enough, a couple of days after 9/11 somebody sat down and very carefully wrote a long dissertation in the perfect style of Nostradamus, making it look like a prophecy of 9/11. For all I know, what you're referring to may be a passage from that counterfeit Nostradamus "artifact." People have debunked it a thousand times since then, and it keeps coming back a thousand and one times. I saw it, and your line about the metal birds sounds like the kind of stuff that was in it.

Do a Google search on "Nostradamus", "metal birds", "buildings" and "September 11." You'll get a hundred hits on the fake document I'm talking about. See if your line is in there.

Even if it's not, look it over. Realize that that is the length that some people will go to to exploit disaster and sadness to feed their own egos. Even the "real" Nostradamus was just a conceited crazy asshole like that. The person who wrote your line, whoever they were and whenever they lived, was just another one.
Hence I said, "I'm not 100% sure if it's true." I never once said in there it is proven that it is true.
<i>Are there accurate ways to predict events?</i>

Yes. It's called <b>science</b>.
heyya remnyc

yeah sure!
the one big factor of deviation is that people are soo random at times it makes even the most widely believed "prophets"
as not consistant enough to "make money" consistantly :rolleyes:
based on the level of mental illnes (greed/revenge/biggotry)
its great to know that no one can do it accurately!

groove on :)
Well we can do it acurately with certain events, and when we have certain information well enough in advance.
Yes I believe it is possible =) with the right mind.
I've been reading something that , explains my thoughts of time.
That the future and past are happening at the same time.
But theres 2 versions of time that it talks about.
Horizontal time, which we percieve. And vertical. =) LOL thats what they call it.
heyya Scrap@lot
excuse my ignorance ...
who are they?
links, authors, stuff ?

time travel is very old!
like the pun? :D
of coarse it does take its toll in certain ways i sermise!
and i get the feeling it is easyer to go one way more than the other.

groove on :)
LOL its all good.

You ever wonder why people see the future? Or how? Thats a kind of time travel but they can't effect anything during that. Its hard to explain so I'll just post some of what I've been reading about it.

Dr. Neruda: "To answer your question, I would need to explain with much more granularity the precise nature of BST and how it differs from time travel. I'll try to explain it as simply as I can, but it's complex, and you need to let go of some of your preconceived notions of time and space.

"You see -- time is not exclusively linear as when it's depicted in a timeline. Time is vertical with every moment in existence stacked upon the next and all coinciding with one another. In other words, time is the collective of all moments of all experience simultaneously existing within non-time, which is usually referred to as eternity.

"Vertical time infers that one can select a moment of experience and use time and space as the portal through which they make their selection real. Once the selection is made, time and space become the continuity factor that changes vertical time into horizontal time or conventional time Ö"

Sarah: "You lost me. How is vertical time different from horizontal time?" Dr. Neruda: "Vertical time has to do with the simultaneous experience of all time, and horizontal time has to do with the continuity of time in linear, moment-by-moment experiences." Sarah: "So you're saying that every experience I've ever had or will ever have exists right now? That the past and future are actually the present, but I'm just too brainwashed to see it?"

Dr. Neruda "As I said before, this is a complex subject, and I'm afraid that if I spend the time explaining it to you now, we'll lose track of more important information like BST. Perhaps if I were to explain the nature of BST, most of your questions would be answered in the process."

Sarah: "Okay, then tell me what Blank Slate Technology is? Given the title, I assume it means something like -- wipe out an event and change the course of history. Right?"

Dr. Neruda: "Let me try to explain it this way. Time travel can be observational in nature. In this regard, the ACIO and other organizations -- even individual citizens -- have the ability to time travel. But this form of time travel is passive. It's not equivalent to BST. In order to precisely alter the future you have to be able to interact with vertical time, paging through it like a book, until you find the precise page or intervention point relevant to your mission.

"This is where it gets so complex because to interact with vertical time means you will alter the course of horizontal time. And understanding the alterations and their scope and implication requires extremely complex modeling. This is why the Labyrinth Group aligned itself with the Corteum -- its computing technology has processing capabilities that are about four thousand times more powerful than our best supercomputers.

"This enables us to create organic, highly complex scenario models. These models tell us the most probable intervention points once we've gathered the relevant data, and what the most probable outcomes will be if we invoke a specific scenario. Like most complex technologies, BST is a composite technology having five discrete and inter-related technologies.

"The first technology is a specialized form of remote viewing. This is the technology that enables a trained operative to mentally move into vertical time and observe events and even listen to conversations related to an inquiry mode. The operative is invisible to all people within the time they are traveling to, so it's perfectly safe and unobtrusive. The intelligence gained from this technology is used to determine the application of the other four technologies. This is the equivalent of intelligence gathering.

"The second technology that is key to BST is the equivalent of a memory implant. As I mentioned earlier, the ACIO refers to this technology as a Memory Restructure Procedure or MRP. MRP is the technology that allows a memory to be precisely eliminated in the horizontal time sequence and a new memory inserted in its place. The new memory is welded to the existing memory structure of the recipient.

"You see, events -- small and large -- occur from a single thought, which becomes a persistent memory, which in turn, becomes a causal energy center that leads the development and materialization of the thought into reality... into horizontal time. MRP can remove the initial thought and thereby eliminate the persistent memory that causes events to occur.

"The third technology consists of defining the intervention point. In every major decision, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of intervention points in horizontal time as a thought unfolds and moves through its development phase. However, in vertical time, there is only one intervention point or what we sometimes called the causal seed. In other words, if you can access vertical time intelligence you can identify the intervention point that is the causal seed. This technology identifies the most probable intervention points and ranks their priority. It enables focus of the remaining technologies.

"The fourth technology is related to the third. It's the scenario modeling technology. This technology helps to assess the various intervention points as to their least invasive ripple effects to the recipients. In other words, which intervention point -- if applied to a scenario model -- produces the desired outcome with the least disruption to unrelated events? The scenario modeling technology is a key element of BST because without it, BST could cause significant disruption to a society or entire species.

"The fifth and most puzzling technology is the interactive time travel technology. The Labyrinth Group has the first four technologies in a ready state waiting for the interactive time travel technology to become operational. This technology requires an operative, or a team of operatives, to be able to physically move into vertical time and be inserted in the precise space and time where the optimal intervention point has been determined. From there the operatives must perform a successful MRP and return to their original time in order to validate mission success." Sarah: "I've been listening to this explanation and I think I even understand some of it, but it sounds so surreal to me, Dr. Neruda. I'm -- I'm at a loss to explain how I'm feeling right now. This is all so strange. It's so big -- enormous -- I can't believe this is going on somewhere on the same planet that I live. Before this interview, I was worried about balancing my checkbook and when my damn car would ever be fixed -- this is just too strangeÖ"

Dr. Neruda: "Maybe we should take another break and warm up our coffee." Sarah: Signing off for a coffee breakÖ
neruda interviews.
Yo ... Scrap@lot ,

"The first technology is a specialized form of remote viewing. This is the technology that enables a trained operative to mentally move into vertical time and observe events and even listen to conversations related to an inquiry mode. The operative is invisible to all people within the time they are traveling to, so it's perfectly safe and unobtrusive.
you can tell Dr. Neruda that he/she is WRONG WRONG WRONG about that !!!!!!
I CANT BELEIVE such a huge error! ... :eek:

groove on Scrap@lot
