Are their people in society that are farther on the evolutionary scale than others.

So genetic deseases and disorders, shouldn't be weeded out? We shouldn't be faster stronger smarter using gene doping, natural selecton, ect. if we can help it?
The question is: what else are you getting rid of if you "breed out" the disorders?
Hawking, anyone?
So genetic deseases and disorders, shouldn't be weeded out? We shouldn't be faster stronger smarter using gene doping, natural selecton, ect. if we can help it?

To an extent thats already being done. Physicians screen the genes of fetuses and notify the parents if there are any genetic abnormalities likely to cause disease, to give them an option to abort. I dont think you should force people to make those choices though, just to clean up the gene pool. Remember, for evolution to work there must be a great amount of variation in the genome, and if humans start paring down the gene pool to move towards perfection, that may hamper the ability of the species to evolve if at some point down the road a drastic change in the environment occurs.
I'm not saying that evolution is based on a leveling system only that there are favorable mutations that may pass on with each generation and can, over time, cause substantial changes in the population. Unfavorable mutations may and should be weeded out through natural selection

Yes it has happened before... Neantherdal... But we are now a global specie, so our gene pool has now entered an era where its mutations are link to fluid mechanics, more than anything else... Because we become part of a single ecosystem called Earth!
So in a way, evolution will leap because of this, and somehow, inequation in the gene pool of several races could be seen, but it will all tend to remain in equilibrium, as part of the same system...
My guess is that in the near future humans will begin asserting even greater control over their genome through engineering. Most people are fearful about taking this step, but once the mystery of our genes and how they work is completely solved, and we can engineer 100% positive gestation results, the opposite view will take hold, and society will regard such views as archaic. The future point of view will be that allowing Downs Syndrome or Huntingtons Disease to be born is barbaric. People will take for granted that human genes will be engineered for intelligence, good health, longevity, attractiveness etc. simply by altering some amino acid sequences in the DNA of the zygote. Once we obtain complete control over our genes and the fetal developmental process, natural selection will be completely eliminated from influening the human genome.
so our gene pool has now entered an era where its mutations are link to fluid mechanics, more than anything else... Because we become part of a single ecosystem called Earth!
Wild speculation?
Wild speculation?

Not at all speculation... Just look at the planet population mobility (travels between geographic ecosystems inside hours). Does it look like a fluid behavior to you?

P.S: I lived in Asia and my daughter is CHinese, so here is for my part of the proof!! ;)
I know a guy who has an implant in one of his eyeballs. I'm going to get photos of that ASAP!
My guess is that in the near future humans will begin asserting even greater control over their genome through engineering. Most people are fearful about taking this step, but once the mystery of our genes and how they work is completely solved, and we can engineer 100% positive gestation results, the opposite view will take hold, and society will regard such views as archaic. The future point of view will be that allowing Downs Syndrome or Huntingtons Disease to be born is barbaric. People will take for granted that human genes will be engineered for intelligence, good health, longevity, attractiveness etc. simply by altering some amino acid sequences in the DNA of the zygote. Once we obtain complete control over our genes and the fetal developmental process, natural selection will be completely eliminated from influening the human genome.

I completely agree that we will begin asserting even greater control over our genome through our technology. The crazy thing is that we are seeing it now before it all really happens. This technology will most likely surface in future generations though
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Oddly, I haven't succeeded in Googling up a reconstructed image of that ancestor, but I'll bet money that most people who see it would call it a chimpanzee.

What makes you think so? From having a multi-disciplinary degree, one of my concentrations being anthropology, I could agree with you. However, having studied primatology, and human nature, I can't tell you how often I have been utterly amazed at the ignorance of your average English speaking person on the street. I can't tell you how many times in zoos or on t.v. from journalists I have heard people refer to chimpanzees as simply, "monkeys."

Quite frankly, considering our close relationship to them, I find the labeling of them as "monkeys" supremely ignorant and discourteous to ourselves as well. However, that being said, I think it more than likely that the majority of the population would refer to what ever picture you found as just another. . . "monkey." :p
That is because there are people in society who believe that people of certain ethnicities more closely resemble monkeys and pre-human hominids than do other people. Most commonly, people connect them to black people.

In 100,000 years there will be no such creature as man known today. Regardless of "any"
construed manipulation of the chemistry of our bodys the life role will proceed under fair and good conditions to its inevitable pre disclosed participation in evolution.. Obviously
this thought experiment is what we need to actualize the true "stumbling , dissorderly
and goofy prospect of interfereing with an event compatible itself. Yes , most is compatible with itself and relative to our thought experiment to overview with clarity what it is the interesting subject matter, we see a different perspective , a perspective that forces a little , hold on.....the cleverness may not be that clever and the inference shockingly insignificant
I forgot to answer the question at the onset of this thread. Are there people further
along the evolutionary scale than others ? Obviously the answer is yes and the real question is who and where so "we" can get on that party-train . it the in shape athelete, in part I believe , but consider the following .....
What happens when we eat too much...Oh my...Oh No
What happens when we drink too much..Oh my..Oh No
What happens if we work too much... Oh No
The evidence seems to display the tendencey towards moderation is a chore. Also a chore is something else. The most immportant thing we do every second or so , we
you guessed it , we breath too much. Throughout the day we grab like animals breath after breath as though theres no price or consequence. To explain.....
The quality of our bodys ability to thrive with less oxygen is a measure of its progress along the growth scale. This is my hunch and the window to evolution. The implications and the exact detail of all of this theory is fully undestandable yet complex and lenghly
There is a process that is easily followed and the "body" itself will overide as teacher
and companion. So here we find not unlike the phrase natural drug store within the human body, a natural process thats already mapped out without neandrathol like interference. I say neandrathol interference as we are tommorows neandrathol and our
clever ideas to twist things around are less than bandade fix's in the entrance application to what....thats right ...the party-train.....Oh No....I'm now talking too much
Nice link :)
Anyway, isn't keeping individual people on the evolutionary scale a tad too small? Evolution doesn't occur across people or a single generation, it occurs across generations.. many many generations. The very question of whether some people are further on the evolutionary scale than others is flawed because the evolutionary scale doesn't measure variations that small. What can be said though, is that certain people have luckier mutations, or more convenient combinations of genes than others.
I personally consider some of the races in Homo Sapiens "more evolved".

By my own definition, I believe the term "more evolved" to state higher brain efficiency, higher IQ, larger genetic gap from our current state compared to those of our Rhodesian and Neanderthal ancestors. These differences are mainly reflected physically and mentally.

See link.....,_Evolution,_and_Behavior
I personally consider some of the races in Homo Sapiens "more evolved".
Which races were those then? You don't think the antiquated notion of race has kind of been rejected? Or do you hanker after the days when men were men and the underclasses knew their place?
I personally consider some of the races in Homo Sapiens "more evolved".

By my own definition, I believe the term "more evolved" to state higher brain efficiency, higher IQ, larger genetic gap from our current state compared to those of our Rhodesian and Neanderthal ancestors. These differences are mainly reflected physically and mentally.

See link.....,_Evolution,_and_Behavior

Just one problem, there are no races within Homo sapiens.
Um, yeah..
If at all, the human population divided into Caucasians, Mongoloids, and Negroids.