Are sonic booms a crime ?

Beats destroying a country for no good reason or imaginary WMDs or whatever. ;)

What if the courts decide its legal to cut off basic supplies, electricity and fuel to 1.5 million people? What would people do?

fire rockets? :D
well the people of sderot dont fight yet you support their killing, including the suicide bomb in dimona, because of the poor palestinians.
Lets say you keep birds in a cage. There are many many other birds in that cage. You make sonic booms, deprive the bird of food, poke sticks and kill the birds with a shotgun if they look aggressive ( and a few other birds besides because you cannot control where the pellets go). You tortured the baby birds by occasionally breaking an arm or a leg or stamping on their chests. One day, a bird gets out and upon seeing your kid, attacks the kid's face and pokes out the kids eye. Whats the solution to this problem?
Lets say you keep birds in a cage. There are many many other birds in that cage. You make sonic booms, deprive the bird of food, poke sticks and kill the birds with a shotgun if they look aggressive ( and a few other birds besides because you cannot control where the pellets go). You tortured the baby birds by occasionally breaking an arm or a leg or stamping on their chests. One day, a bird gets out and upon seeing your kid, attacks the kid's face and pokes out the kids eye. Whats the solution to this problem?

well maybe if the birds didnt fire in the first place because thats the only way they think theyll get what they want, they wouldn't be locked up?

they wont get any sympathy from me. if i wil die theyll dance on my grave, so screw them. i dont owe them anything.
well maybe if the birds didnt fire in the first place because thats the only way they think theyll get what they want, they wouldn't be locked up?

they wont get any sympathy from me. if i wil die theyll dance on my grave, so screw them. i dont owe them anything.

Locking up people, depriving them of food and other necessities, is never going to achieve anything but resentment and hatred.

Oppressing them into trauma with sonic booms ( a completely pointless and unnecessary exercise) will achieve nothing.
Locking up people, depriving them of food and other necessities, is never going to achieve anything but resentment and hatred.

they already hate us, and every time we are trying to help them we get dead bodies, and a UN condemnation, and every liberal media tool explaining to the world how it is our fault.

so yeah, let them hate us, im sure firing rockets every day will help their food supply. i dont care.
The Palestinians hate the vulcans. You have your own planet. I can't see the conflict. Did you take that planet from the Palestinians?
sowhatif said:
US citizens like Mexicans?
I don't think this passes.
It does, in my neighborhood. The rednecks I work with, even the ones who want to break out the cattle cars and start serious deportations, actually like Mexicans - and Guatemalans, etc, whom they lump in. Hard workers, only thieve occasionally and for comprehensible reasons with reasonable means, father stays with the family, send money home, etc etc. -

Sonic booms from the Minot base were a feature of my childhood. They cause damage which can accumulate over time, to health and physical structures - the Air Force has always had problems with them, civilian complaints. If they were employed at night for deliberate harassment, they would be a serious matter.
Mr. Spock said:

ho the poor Palestinians, ill bet sonic booms are far worse then rockets in your backyard.

Perhaps if Israel hadn't a history of behaving like a nation of war criminals, it would be a bit easier to sympathize. If the Palestinians are such horrible terrorists, why does Israel go out of their way to legitimize them?

Maybe if a murderer of women and children hadn't been elevated to the Israeli executive, it would be easier to take the notion of Israel as a nation of peace seriously. Perhaps if the Israelis gave a damn about justice, it would be easier to understand priggish behavior. Hell, perhaps if that priggish behavior was only occasional, it would be easier to understand.

But no. Israel acts as if they want a constant state of war. And why not? Because of their American shepherds, they are allowed to do pretty much whatever they want.

And so they end up getting exactly what they want.

Poor freakin' Israel.
Tiassa if you want favor from our politicians that Israel enjoys, just funnel more money than the Israel lobby funnels to them. They are openly avaialable to the highest bidder. They certinaly do not represent the American people.
ho the poor Palestinians, ill bet sonic booms are far worse then rockets in your backyard. :rolleyes:

they lost their appetite's??? horrible!!! nuke israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that you can react this way about how the children are suffering from it, says a lot.

Amazing how you can take pride in an activity that causes so much pain, stress and psychological damage to small children, just because those children happen to be Palestinian. And then you wonder why those children might grow up hating and wanting to kill you?
It is a very strange thing to see that the leaders only want to attack others instead of addressing their own personal citizens concerns about food and water before spending so much money on weapons and corruption by those same leaders. :(
It is a very strange thing to see that the leaders only want to attack others instead of addressing their own personal citizens concerns about food and water before spending so much money on weapons and corruption by those same leaders. :(

After sixty years of occupation and daily military insurgencies that don't differentiate between women, children and elderly, its kinda hard to ignore the fact that you need to be alive to eat. Consider it as living in a ghetto patrolled by armed gangs that don't care who they shoot, or when or where or why. And no way out. And the fear that any night there could be a knock on the door, or hey maybe they won't even bother to knock.

Palestinians killed: 373 (290 in Gaza)

Israelis killed: 13


• In 2007, there was an increase of 13 percent in the number of Palestinians held in administrative detention without trial, which averaged 830 people.

• 66 staffed checkpoints and 459 physical roadblocks on average controlled movement inside the West Bank. There was little improvement in Palestinians' freedom of movement, despite the promised easing of restrictions.

• Israeli settlement population grew by 4.5% (compared with 1.5% population growth inside Israel), a more moderate increase than the previous year.

• Israel continues the freeze policy on family unification, denying tens of thousands of Palestinians the right to a family life. However, in what was termed a one-time gesture, Israel approved family unification for some 3,500 Palestinian families.

• The number of houses demolished in East Jerusalem rose by 38 percent, to 69 homes.

• Palestinians continue to face severe discrimination in the allocation of water in the West Bank, causing serious hardship in the summer.

• The number of Palestinians killed in intra-Palestinian clashes was the highest throughout the Intifada.

Detailed statistics

The right to life:

A comparison between 2007 and 2006 reveals a decrease in Palestinians killed by Israeli forces, and a decrease in those cases that raise the suspicion of arbitrary killing. However, the figures for 2007 still give cause for concern.

In 2007 (up to 29 December), Israeli forces killed 373 Palestinians (290 in Gaza , 83 in the West Bank ), among them 53 minors. By comparison, in 2006, 657 Palestinians were killed, including 140 minors: 523 in Gaza , 134 in the West Bank . In 2007, about 35 percent of those killed were civilians who were not taking part in the hostilities when killed. This is a reduction in comparison with the number of casualties who did not participate in the hostilities in 2006, which was 54 percent, (348 persons).

Palestinians killed seven Israeli civilians (three in a suicide attack in Eilat, two in Sderot by Qassam attacks, and two by gunfire in the West Bank ). This is the lowest number of Israeli civilian casualties since the beginning of the Intifada. Palestinians also killed six Israeli security forces. In 2006, Palestinians killed 17 Israeli civilians.
It does, in my neighborhood. The rednecks I work with, even the ones who want to break out the cattle cars and start serious deportations, actually like Mexicans - and Guatemalans, etc, whom they lump in. Hard workers, only thieve occasionally and for comprehensible reasons with reasonable means, father stays with the family, send money home, etc etc. -

Sonic booms from the Minot base were a feature of my childhood. They cause damage which can accumulate over time, to health and physical structures - the Air Force has always had problems with them, civilian complaints. If they were employed at night for deliberate harassment, they would be a serious matter.

I'm glad to hear about your neighborhood. I like hearing hopeful things. One way I look at this is how people's parents would react if their adult child came back from Mexico with a boy/girlfriend (Mexican) who they said they were going to marry.

I know that a lot of the parents in the neighborhoods I have lived in would shit their pants for racist reasons.

But I was glad to hear your experience.