Are multivitamins needed?

that some guy age 50 or older has listed no medications and I'm suspicious. Most people that age are on blood pressure meds and chloresterol meds at the very least

damn, I must be younger than I thought then.... wonder if diet could play a part:rolleyes:
damn, I must be younger than I thought then.... wonder if diet could play a part:rolleyes:
So you're over 50 and take no prescription medications or vitamins? If so my next question is, when was your last physical. About half the time when someone over 50 takes no prescriptions, it turns out he's not had a medical exam in 20 years!

But, if you're over 50, take no medications, no vitamins, and get regular physicals: Congratulations! There aren't many out there like you.
Had a physical last Oct. .. clean bill of health. I do take a one-a-day , but not everyday, being old it's hard to remember . :) I do take a baby aspirin every once in awhile also, same thing when I remember.

I know there aren't many out there , I feel pretty good about it. Considering most every male member in my family kicked off early.
Just to qualify it some... bmi is right where it should be, maybe a little light. Ride a bicycle and go for walks. But I think my granny nailed it... keep your sense of humor above all.
According to this article, they just make expensive urine:

"Researchers who examined the pill-popping habits of nearly 162,000 American women aged 50 to 79 found that although they swallowed dietary supplements by the bucketload, there was no sign that they reduced common cancers, heart disease or deaths."

read Suzanne Somers book

Eight steps to wellness ( ISBN # 978-1-4000-5327-8 )

she has had a Hysterectomy and Breast Cancer

and the Breast Cancer she cured by Natural means

it more than just vitamins

just get and read her book , there is so much more involved

I have read her book

its an important book for ALL women
sounds like BS stryder. there are not any widespread liver or kidney problems in the world. not anywhere near as chronic as alcoholism or hepatitis would produce.

so we have a contradiction too. if vitamins dont do anything by breaking downa nd enterinhg the blood stream from oral ingestion then neither would something bad. and we know this is not the case.

the thing is that it can be relative to time the pill disolves to the time you do pee pee.
Well the body is pretty clever, in all essence it will try to get rid of any excess and this is the reason of discolouring or scent of urine changing if something is done in excess.

Personally I do take a couple of multivitamins every now and then, however that's because I'm vegetarian (In fact near vegan) as well as my diet itself is not exactly the best you can have. I know what poor diet can do because I've gone through it a few times in the past and it's not good, of course I've also seen excessive dietary problems too which are also not good, however they weren't created through fortified cereals but actual food sources being too rich in one or other ingredient.

At the end of the day though it really rests on the consumer, the person that either tries to balance their diet or doesn't (As the case may be)
Well, to get back to the original question, I do think that a good multivitamin is a very good idea, even for those who think they have a pretty wholesome diet. The problem now is that the soil where things are grown is so depleted of nutrients (due to being over-farmed), that even when we do eat healthy, we are still often lacking some of the things we need. I think a men's or women's multi is a great idea for anyone. There are some good quality ones that are reasonably priced (found some great ones at
Multi purpose vitamins and minerals are beneficial to everyone even if they eat a healthy diet. You can never get ALL of the required suppliments with just food alone. They are inexpensive as well, I buy mine for 15.00 US for 300 of them. They are for people over 50 years old.

Multi purpose vitamins and minerals are beneficial to everyone even if they eat a healthy diet. You can never get ALL of the required suppliments with just food alone. They are inexpensive as well, I buy mine for 15.00 US for 300 of them. They are for people over 50 years old.


I agree, especially if you are really active and burn a lot of calories.

The vitamins and minerals are missing from a lot of the foods we eat.
Our grandparents' generation lived up to 90 without multivitamins. Go figure...

“Up to” is the key phrase there. Looking at the maximum of the range isn’t very useful. Average life expectancy is more informative. Life expectancy has increased since the middle of the 20th century due to advancements in medical technology and diet (amongst other things). The availability of vitamins is part of this.
Yes, they're needed, along with minerals, some herbs, amino acids and other various molecules like phytosterols and fatty acids. The fact that we live in polluted environments without nutrient dense wild foods makes them all the more important. They help to prevent/repair damage to our cells, clean up the garbage and keep them functioning optimally. It takes years of subclinical deficiency for things to go haywire, and by then people develop some pretty serious, preventable diseases.

The main problem, and the reason they're often ineffective is that
a) the vitamins are low quality synthetic crap
b) they're in the wrong or ineffective form (ie a-tocopherol with no gamma or tocotrienols)
c) they're in the wrong ratio (especially b vitamins)
d) people don't pair them with the extras listed above

Unfortunately, I don't have time to reference studies (going on vacation shortly.) But I invite anyone who thinks otherwise to do a little more research than the original flawed study. For example a university of Utah study found that women who take a multivitamin/mineral have longer telomeres and younger biological age.
I remember seeing a news report that stated the best way to get the nutrients your body needs is to eat them in their raw state (a piece of fruit for example.)

In another report six young adults were tested to see which method allowed a person to retain the most vitamin C. They were given orange juice, vitamin C and oranges. The ones eating the oranges retained the most vitamin C.
A few years ago the Danish government banned certain breakfast cereals for being "Fortified in Vitamins".
I appreciate you posting this. They'd much more prefer people be dead.

Our grandparents' generation lived up to 90 without multivitamins. Go figure...

As stated before, our grandparents had food that. . .

1. wasn't grown in soil depleted of nutrients

2. wasn't genetically modified to emphasize color and flavor, sometimes at the expense of nutrition

3. wasn't ultra-processed, irradiated, frozen, canned, etc. depleting it of it's nutrients


4. didn't have an over populated planet with a NWO that actively sought to make nutritional food restricted in the modern world. I was alarmed when I found out there are actual laws to the amount and type of seeds you can now buy in Britain (this has to do with Codex Aliementarius)

Just the mere fact that NOBODY has heard of the Codex I find astounding. It is horrifying in it's implications. The United States is Supposed to be online with it by the end of this year, but I doubt our law makers are going to make it. They tried to get our vitamin industry under the control and regulation of the FDA a year or so back, but the consumers/population here, which are usually quite asleep and don't care much about politics, made such a stink about it, they overwhelmed the big pharma and the NWO and told them to keep their stinkin' hands of regulating the vitamin industry.

If you want to stay healthy and alive long into the new century, I highly suggest you familiarize yourself with the Codex Aliementarius, find out about heirloom seeds, and learn how to grow your own and procure your own heirloom seeds before none are available any longer. Do this before the only thing left available to grow is genetically modified seed, and it remains the only thing legal to buy or sell. It is a much poorer quality nutritionally.

I suspect the reason for this article is the eventual push to make vitamins a controlled or illegal substance in Britain as they are in many Nordic countries. Hell, there was even a bill introduced last year in Canada that would make Vitamin C a controlled substance!
Yeah they're trying pretty hard to control nutritional supplements in Canada. Carnitine is illegal now :mad: