Are jews parasites?

are jews parasites?

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cant help it, im from israel. if you didnt know..

Doesn't matter where you happen to be from. You need to get a grip on yourself Spock. All this.. it's not healthy. I understand you are probably under a lot of strain and pressure, but all of this, trying to determine who hates Jews, etc.. again, it's not healthy. It's bordering on obsession. Crunchy is right. You need to attempt to regain some level of objectivity.
Doesn't matter where you happen to be from. You need to get a grip on yourself Spock. All this.. it's not healthy. I understand you are probably under a lot of strain and pressure, but all of this, trying to determine who hates Jews, etc.. again, it's not healthy. It's bordering on obsession. Crunchy is right. You need to attempt to regain some level of objectivity.

thanks for the concern. :)
I've always found I could develop a symbiotic relationship with both Jews and Muslims. Perhaps those of you who think one or the other or both are parasites are really projecting your own failures.

Poor Germany, by the way, victimized by the havoc of the Jews.
I've always found I could develop a symbiotic relationship with both Jews and Muslims. Perhaps those of you who think one or the other or both are parasites are really projecting your own failures.

Poor Germany, by the way, victimized by the havoc of the Jews.

Agreed, when I spent a week in Munich a few springs ago I was immediately struck by how much pain the Jews had inflicted on the Germans. By the end of the week I found myself greeting people with "Hi, I'm Rob, I'm sorry for what the Jews did to your country...". People over there were surprisingly warm after that. We had a blast at the Auschwitz Theme Park, with the rides that ran through depictions of the scary Jewish ghettos. Very authentic.

Damn Jews, if only we could just pick some god-forsaken arid piece of land and exile them to it. Some spit of land nobody in their right mind would want because it's virtually inhospitable. That would teach them. Dare to dream.:)
Agreed, when I spent a week in Munich a few springs ago I was immediately struck by how much pain the Jews had inflicted on the Germans.

How did the Jews inflict anything on the Germans? The Holocaust was not their idea.
How did the Jews inflict anything on the Germans? The Holocaust was not their idea.

SAM, this post is proof you need to get out the house, and find a boyfriend.

/sarcasm meter off
//wonders if SAM has missed her meds today?:rolleyes:
SAM, this post is proof you need to get out the house, and find a boyfriend.

/sarcasm meter off
//wonders if SAM has missed her meds today?:rolleyes:

Ah clearly, me asking what the Jews (6 million dead) did to the Germans is a sign of being off my meds, while your personal attack is a sign of your incredible dedication to the rational process.:rolleyes:
geeese if Mr.spock created this thread he wanted this rambling to go on, so don't be making Angels out of yourselves.
* havoc in Germany started by Jews
* havoc in Russia started by Jews

Please stop posting this kind of crap. Get yourself a history book and read it.

* Palestine stolen

That depends on your point of view, doesn't it?

* in USA they become the richest of the rich, make others their subordinates

Aren't they just following the American dream, then?

What's wrong with being rich?

Also (a) you're stereotyping, and (b) you're showing how jealously can lead to hatred.

Either way, it's an old old story, and I don't think this thread is useful for anything.

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