Are humans going to become Daleks?

In short we are going backwards in my opinion.
That's because your scope of examination is too narrow. Stupid microorganisms "learned" to band together to create multicellular organisms that were much smarter. In the same way, humans learned (in this case rather more consciously) to band together to create civilization. Civilization satisfies many of the criteria that make up the definition of a living organism.

Each individual human is irrelevant to the course of civilization, and even the depradations of huge groups of individuals who make war and come up with foolish economic and religious models do not slow it down very much. Civilization continues to advance.

Perhaps at some point our AIs will cross the threshold of self-awareness and be able to carry on our work as we descend into the Stone Age you hypothesize. Or perhaps civilization itself will do that. ;)
When you got robot slaves and free lovebots who wants human servants anymore? With transhumanism you could remove the urge for dominance and replace with with altruism (or at least perpetual orgasm mode).

Oh, very well, very well: I'll stipulate my support to your Orwellian prospect of enforced robotic altruism, all right? You had me at fembots.
"gattaca happened in a vacuum"

That was a cool movie.

"combined with cybernetics and tissue engineering and we are more likely to become a race of borg then sheep. Are finally goal would be to become immortal, free of all human physical and metal weaknesses, ghost in the machine with unlimited expansion and potential: a race of gods."

I do not wish to be assimilated. I don't even own a tv.

"Microsoft was used simply as a metaphor, they will likely go the way of Pan-Am."

I know. I just can't ever resist an opportunity to take a stab at Bill Gates. Shake hands with him and you'd better count your fingers afterwards. I'm glad his yahoo merger went belly up. That guy is rich enough already.

"Risking computer viruses and ghost hacking is simply a trade off for the advantages of immortality, incorporeal form, unlimited expandability and self manipulation in personality and intelligence, it not a like you have a choice either you can either die from the mortality the human form or transhumanize. Since transhumans will have virtually no death rate, adapt millions of times faster, and will be able to replicate literally on assembly lines, the obsolescence of the previous race of talking monkeys will come fast once the singularity begins! Transhumans will either leave this mud ball and the talking monkeys to their own devices or kill them all swiftly (likely both)."

Immortality is a dead end. It's stagnant and stagnancy is always death. Other newer life forms will always replace immortals. Such static beings can't evolve to compete with them successfully.
Q: Are we not men? A: We are Devo. That says it all. This has been the plan executed by the conspiracy. The conspiracy has been hard at work beginning with Woodrow Wilson, whose term as president was marked with the illegal enactment of the income tax. The conspiracy was forced to lay dormant until after WWII when the election of Eisenhower brought the Republican party to power. The CIA tried to hasten the process with mindcontrol experiments like Blue Bird, Artichoke and MK-Ultra, which resulted in the notorious Jonestown Massacre. It also lead to the widespread use of LSD which was first distributed by the CIA to test its affects on the human mind and to see if it could aid in the creation of a variable Manchurian candidate. It did. We saw the first zombie committed assassination in 1968 when RFK was killed by Surhan-Surhan. Anyways the CIA's work only created bad press so the conspiracy lay dormant once more during the tumultuous 60s and early 70s. Nixon didn't help much nor did the war. It was Reagan who got them on track again with his many evil republican plans. The closing of public mental institutions, just flooding the gene pool with lunatics, tax breaks for wealthy corporations whose products would only serve to create the warm, moist, consumer environment needed for devolution to grow, MTV etc. One of his most insidious acts was the privatization of public schooling which created the system of fear and failure that dominates our schools today. By treating school like a job they weed out the sociopathic, corporate zombie children and prep them for a life as an executive. These are the kids who are complete idiots but have 4.0 GPAs. Next they aim to destroy the children who prove a threat to this system (such as myself) by boring us to death with stupid, pointless work. Despite the easy level of this work we lose interest and our grades slip. We're blamed by the administration and parents are not "applying ourselves enough". Then there are the kids who are just so stupid or stoned to do anything. They have maybe a half a neuron that lights up in their heads. O.K. I'm exaggerating that. These are the consumers. They buy the ADIDAS, the Nikes etc. They shop at Holister, Aeropostle, American Eagle or sometimes Hot Topic and feed the machine. That's their purpose: to consume. The system is designed to make them fail. It's designed to make people like me fail. It's designed to devolve us. They sit in their temples preaching capitalism and abstinence but we all know which one of those two ideas is really practiced. The consumers drop out, they get dead end jobs and they screw. This happens enough times and the devolution process takes place. It's taking place. You have the morons in the streets and the rich morons in the towers and then the truly smart people die out.