are humans feeble nowdays? would you survive without the police?

i live in japan so it would make very little difference.the police have almost nothing to do here.i went into a station to ask for directions to the bike impound and it took 6 of them 40 minutes to find out.
police is not much of a factor in many countries, that keeps law. It is society itself. This is particularly obvious in Russia.

But in's different for sure. Conflict in Louisiana has shown that without police force the people go wild, all to survive. What happens in reality is, the bad dudes who were hiding crawl out of their caves and start massacring the society, there are only 20 of them, but everyone panics, feel unprotected and begun doing the same thing these bad dudes are doing...stealing...using other homes...raping...killing.
As for me, I would run away from such place to be alienated somewhere were there are no people and I can survive on something.
without all of the protection we get from police and other services, without all of the laws to protect the weaklings of society, would you survive? if there was restricted laws, and only a main small law system with not much cops. say all of the minor little laws were abolished. could you survive?

Well, let's not make boldface exaggerrations.
we strive to act nice, thats why laws are created to keep us in line

Well, not all of us strive to be nice ...that's where criminals come from, remember? Even in the nicest society, there are and will be those who don't want to play nice ....and humans have called them "criminals" since the days of the caveman.

I agree that laws were created to keep us in line, but they were mainly created for those who would be nasty, would be criminals.

Baron Max
police is not much of a factor in many countries, that keeps law. It is society itself. This is particularly obvious in Russia.

Hmm, I've been led to believe that Russia has more laws and rules and restrictions than most any other nation in the world. Maybe you could cite some sources for you information?

But in's different for sure. Conflict in Louisiana has shown that without police force the people go wild, ..., there are only 20 of them, but everyone panics, feel unprotected and begun doing the same thing these bad dudes are doing...stealing...using other homes...raping...killing.

Where did you hear such tall tales? What makes you think that everyone else turned criminal just because of the acts of a few? Where did you get, "...but everyone panics, feel unprotected and begun doing the same thing these bad dudes are doing...stealing...using other homes...raping...killing."? Do you have any sources for that info?

As for me, I would run away from such place to be alienated somewhere were there are no people and I can survive on something.

Where would such a place be? And how would you get there? And what if other people were already there? Saying something, and being able to do it are two very different things.

Baron Max
Humans have always had feeble members of their society unable to protect themselves, such as the old, young, or ill. Police aren't just for physical protection, but property protection. How do I protect my house while I'm at work?

If there weren't police, it would be necessary to create them, or something like it. A voluntary militia force would do nicely.
Hmm, I've been led to believe that Russia has more laws and rules and restrictions than most any other nation in the world. Maybe you could cite some sources for you information?

Media and reality are different things. In reality all those who are being pushed down by law and go outside protesting, all these are criminals who had been payed off by western nations. In reality, the police isn't doing anything...the only thing Russian police is doing is they hide their cars in bushes and bust speeding cars :rolleyes: As for criminals, these are usually taken care by the society itself, police takes forever to get to the scene. Exception to this however are southern states like Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan...these states have got their blood with cyanide of some sort. Allways trouble from them. Anyways thats how police is; it acts normal to normal people who arent fags, neo-nazis, or some right-hand bullshit freedom activists.

You have hear a lot about the protests in Russia? Have you? Well all these protests are payed off...not more than 1000 gather. Their are from a different political party that is financed by western nations. Basically they stir up trouble. The locals are enjoying the life that is in Russia now, my family in Voronezh have no trouble nor do any of my relatives in Moscow...or their friends...all these protesters are payed off...most are probably not even citizens.

And if you still don't think western countries are behind this, well here are some aspects to remember:
1) Mr. Berezovsky in a criminal from Chechnya, tied to terrorists in Beslan. UK isnt giving him up, instead they hired an ex-FSB agent to shoot some people in Chechnya who might have something to do with Berezovsky. Once that ex-FSB agent killed them off...Berezovsky ordered him poisoned with polonium. I mean this dude is full of it...UK police found polonium on him, yet he is like sinless. He is to be shot dead at once!

2) Watch a movie on google: Dying Nation
I mean hilarious, some fag from Finland actually thinks Russia will fall from demographics issue. pure nonsense.

Where did you hear such tall tales? What makes you think that everyone else turned criminal just because of the acts of a few? Where did you get, "...but everyone panics, feel unprotected and begun doing the same thing these bad dudes are doing...stealing...using other homes...raping...killing."? Do you have any sources for that info?

Well you are right on this one, the Katrina hurricane in Luisiana did not bring out the criminals out of people. Yes, most of them obstained from crime. But a lot were involved in poaching. Maybe...raping is a bit too much. But stealing for sure...they did it.

This is quoting from wiki:

Shortly after the hurricane moved away on August 30, 2005, some residents of New Orleans who remained in the city began looting stores. Many looters were in search of food and water that were not available to them through any other means.[65]

Reports of carjacking, murders, thefts, and rapes in New Orleans flooded the news. Thousands of National Guard and federal troops were mobilized and sent to Louisiana along with numbers of local law enforcement agents from across the country who were temporarily deputized by the state. "They have M16s and are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and I expect they will," Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco said. Congressman Bill Jefferson (D-LA) told ABC News: "There was shooting going on. There was sniping going on. Over the first week of September, law and order was gradually restored to the city."[67] Several shootings were between police and New Orleans residents, including the fatal incident at Danziger Bridge.[68]

A number of arrests were made throughout the affected area, including near the New Orleans Convention Center. A temporary jail was constructed of chain link cages in the city train station.[69]

In Texas, where more than 300,000 evacuees are located, local officials have run 20,000 criminal background checks on the evacuees, as well as on the relief workers helping them and people who have opened up their homes. Most of the checks have found little for police to be concerned about.[70] The number of homicides in Houston from September 2005 through February 22, 2006 went up by 23% relative to the same period a year before; 29 of the 170 murders involved displaced Louisianans as a victim, a suspect, or both.[71]

Where would such a place be? And how would you get there? And what if other people were already there? Saying something, and being able to do it are two very different things.
Baron Max

This I cannot tell you because if such event did happen I would not want anyone including you to find me. I would either bike there or use a boat/kayak.

You are right saying something and acting are different things. But this is a forum...all I can do is say, I cannot prove to you physically than I can do it.

My emergency mine.
I am glad you clarified what you thought the world would be like because it makes it clear how idiotic your position is.

1) in that world you might be very skilled with weopons, but there'd be little guarantee.
2) you could have this experience now. You could be a mercenary. You could move to countries or regions that are like this. And so on. And if you are so certain you would survive, then you should be able to get around the police now.

This just comes off as bluster. Which doesn't mean you aren't tough or a good shot or great at countersurveillance or whatever. It's still bluster.

there is no 100% certainty i would survive, but we all die one day it might as well be a good death, i would rather go out in the heat of battle guns blazing than in a bed when i am 110 years old, :)

i wouldent risk anything now because i cant afford to go to prison, but if we lived in a lawless land and i had to fight then i think i would be pretty good at it, it would also be a chalenge and would give me somethiogn to fight for when i wake up in the morning and smell the gunpowder.

police is not much of a factor in many countries, that keeps law. It is society itself. This is particularly obvious in Russia.

But in's different for sure. Conflict in Louisiana has shown that without police force the people go wild, all to survive. What happens in reality is, the bad dudes who were hiding crawl out of their caves and start massacring the society, there are only 20 of them, but everyone panics, feel unprotected and begun doing the same thing these bad dudes are doing...stealing...using other homes...raping...killing.
As for me, I would run away from such place to be alienated somewhere were there are no people and I can survive on something.


that made me laugh thanks man,

He was asking us questions, not making "boldface exaggerations". Why didn't you answer his questions? ...and give some reasons why you think as you do?

Baron Max

Whenever one makes a general assumption about people, it usually means that they think themselves the exception.