Are homosexuals born with this disorder or acquired?

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What you are saying is true at the conscious level, but it may not be true at the unconsciou level. If human nature is based on genetic firmware, unless the conscious mind can alter these genetics, the firmware will advance in a very conservative way. We can hook up with any carrot on the string, through will power and coice, but this does not necessarily mean we will move in the direction of the DNA and its natural conservative firmware.

I can eat candy and rot my teeth. The DNA within my tooth may not be designed for that much candy, even if wanted to loop using a food pleasure carrot all the time. Eventually, a balance can be exceeded. We can go to the denist and he can fill the decay, but unconscious firmware is not the same as body hardware.
There is transcending the natural programming and there is regressing the natural programming. I have no problem with transcending, since higher human potential is part of future conscious evolution. But regression tends to increase the social cost and leads to many social problems. Eating for pleasure has led to obesity. This would be fine, if we didn't have to pay the social tab but could let nature take its course and let the herd thin. But we won't do that meaning down the line someone lose that option to make expensive choices. With transcending you add to the total.
Eating for pleasure is also a key part of the economy, otherwise there would be no restaurants, probably no gardens, no local agriculture. The social problems involved in suppressing homosexuality (which never works) are far greater than having fewer babies.
What you are saying is true at the conscious level, but it may not be true at the unconsciou level. If human nature is based on genetic firmware, unless the conscious mind can alter these genetics, the firmware will advance in a very conservative way. We can hook up with any carrot on the string, through will power and coice, but this does not necessarily mean we will move in the direction of the DNA and its natural conservative firmware.

I can eat candy and rot my teeth. The DNA within my tooth may not be designed for that much candy, even if wanted to loop using a food pleasure carrot all the time. Eventually, a balance can be exceeded. We can go to the denist and he can fill the decay, but unconscious firmware is not the same as body hardware.
Eat all the candy you want , just make sure you gargle with hydrogen peroxide on a regular bases.
Firmware . Is that like Firmament ? We can change and we do . 9/11 changed us all . This new crisis is changing us right now . Do peoples sub conscious want to keep learning the hard way ? I talk to mine regular like . We is best friends and it tells me you all going to change real fast . I call it a maturing experience . Your sub knows what I mean thank god . I would be screwed lubed and tattooed otherwise . I seen you flashing that word firmware a lot . I think I will Google Google . Every bodies going to think like Me and Spidey one day . I give James props right now for his stance on this threat . James you are a Great One my Man . You earned it right here right now . Respect Bro- --%%%
There is transcending the natural programming and there is regressing the natural programming. I have no problem with transcending, since higher human potential is part of future conscious evolution. But regression tends to increase the social cost and leads to many social problems.

What's the difference there? We all repress our desires at some points (the desire to have sex with that hot chick behind the counter, the desire to eat the entire cake, the desire to ram that idiot who just cut us off on the freeway, the desire to goof off and not work.) Are those all examples of "transcending?" Or "regressing?"

Eating for pleasure has led to obesity. This would be fine, if we didn't have to pay the social tab but could let nature take its course and let the herd thin.

So we repress our desire to eat, hoping for a better outcome. Alternatively we eat healthier and lower calorie foods so we can have both a good health outcome and not have to be hungry as often.

Likewise, we repress our desire to have sex so as not to produce more kids that we (and in a larger sense the planet) can support. Alternatively we use birth control and/or non-procreative forms of sex so that we can express physical love for someone else AND be responsible with our progeny.
Eating for pleasure is also a key part of the economy, otherwise there would be no restaurants, probably no gardens, no local agriculture. The social problems involved in suppressing homosexuality (which never works) are far greater than having fewer babies.

It is like fighting a ghost . Like the fictitious war on drugs . It is like rooting out religion . Some one some were right now is hiding in a closet reading a religious book . You can't stop it from happening . Why even try . You would do better to try and wipe out free speech , but you know damn well some one is going to say something no matter how illegal it is .
What's the difference there? We all repress our desires at some points (the desire to have sex with that hot chick behind the counter, the desire to eat the entire cake, the desire to ram that idiot who just cut us off on the freeway, the desire to goof off and not work.) Are those all examples of "transcending?" Or "regressing?"

So we repress our desire to eat, hoping for a better outcome. Alternatively we eat healthier and lower calorie foods so we can have both a good health outcome and not have to be hungry as often.

Likewise, we repress our desire to have sex so as not to produce more kids that we (and in a larger sense the planet) can support. Alternatively we use birth control and/or non-procreative forms of sex so that we can express physical love for someone else AND be responsible with our progeny.

I am not that good at repressing . Me tongue hangs out a lot and I drool . More of a dog pant and if it was not for the leash around me neck who knows what would happen .
I cxome by it naturally . Me Dad gain 11 pounds on thanksgiving one time . That is a lot to gain in one day . Is that even possible for normal humans ?
Me Dad gain 11 pounds on thanksgiving one time

I think I've done that in a day before. I used to fit all the proposed criterion for this:

But that's a disorder. I was up to 320 pounds at one point.
It sucks when you are that large, you can't move very well, you're tired all the time.
Having been in both a homosexual and a heterosexual relationship...there is no essential difference.
I wasn't going to have kids anyway-the chances of me passing on my asthma combined with global overpopulation pretty much decided me at a young age...If I could have a healthy child I would now, but the chances are not good.

If I wanted to get preggos...I probably could find a volunteer if I drew up a legal agreement that he wouldn't be financially liable, and he signed off that would not try to come back and get custody in return or some such I guess?

And all he would have to do would be to keep laying me soundly until I took?

I did look into sperm donation...there is a company that will overnight you swimmers in cryo-canisters; you can thaw and squirt at home.
Are Republicans and Conservatives born with this disorder or acquired?

Some would suggest they are in fact born with it--you know, retarded neuroplasticity, increased neuronal activity in the hippocampi and amygdalae, etc.
Mod note: Alright, that’s enough for now. There is some interesting discussion to be found in this thread but it’s mostly drowned out by mixed amounts of non-scientific social commentary, outright ignorance, homophobia and pseudoscience. It doesn’t deserve to remain open in a science subforum. I’ll think about what to do with it. Actions might include re-opening after heavy editing, leaving it closed as is, or re-opening and moving it to another subforum.
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