are feminists hipocrits?


Low tech industries will eventually get out on their own. I shouldn't say low tech but low end instead. We shouldn't put them on live support for another 20 years. They compete for labor and capital against high end industries which create high end jobs. US is in high end of the tech pyramid so should take full advantage of it. Many will lose their jobs but they eventually will find something better.

Originally posted by Xev
"I did too. I was too young and clueless back then. But someday you will learn "

As opposed to old and senile, so now you vote republican? :p

Senile? Crap. I don't have a dictionary handy. I am almost same age as Static76, assuming 76 is the year he is born. I am not old but wise :D Actually I voted for Bush. That is about it. I voted Jessie Ventura for governor. He is independent. I didn't vote much because I lived out of state.
Originally posted by Joeman
Senile? Crap. I don't have a dictionary handy. I am almost same age as Static76, assuming 76 is the year he is born. I am not old but wise :D

Sorry Joeman, but how are we close in age if I'm 25, and your 45(just a guess)..:p
Originally posted by static76

Sorry Joeman, but how are we close in age if I'm 25, and your 45(just a guess)..:p

45? Christ. I am going to hang myself if that is how old I sound like. It is totally gross for 45 year old man to be obssessed with a borderline jail bait (check out kristen kruek in most beautiful woman thread). If I am 45 I would just move on to much younger boys. That is more fashionable.
Has feminism really outlasted its usefulness?

Has feminism really outlived its usefulness? Well, let's see--as late as 1999, studies showed that women were still not achieving equal pay for equal work, and the reported 15% disparity was more than present at the nationally-known, Seattle-based, baseball-loving insurance company I worked for. When I was still a mere assistant, my female coordinator made less money than I did. And she, technically, was my boss.

Has feminism really outlived its usefulness? I submit that if women achieved their proper respect, the number of sexual harassments, date rapes, family rapes, and so forth would decline. Frankly, I don't see this happening.

Has feminism really outlived its usefulness? As an ugly debate from a couple of months ago pointed out, even women who can meet the toughest qualifying standards are disallowed frontline military service by the Bush administration because, as was so elegantly pointed out, women in general are apparently inferior.

Is feminism really hypocritical? Gender shouldn't matter, yet so long as it does, would you prefer that women simply shut up and take what's given them? When women have proper equality before the law and are given proper respect for their abilities, then I'll agree that the gender identification of feminism should go.

Is feminism really hypocritical? It's almost sport-hunting for politicians and pundits to bash the "single mother", to advocate "family values", and to do very little about the fathers who flee their duty in favor of fresher pasture to mow. As a side note, I found it quite odd that the same people who complained about T&A clubs in Oregon were also the ones bashing the single mother as if it's her fault the family isn't a two-parent family. Hey, taking off her clothes is one thing a woman can do to pay the bills that will always make money. Feminism is really hypocritical or obsolete? How many people who have said that have ever given a blowjob for money or have let someone have sex with you in order to pay the rent?

Children are being raised in churches that teach that women shouldn't work or wear long pants. You know, we all understand that women carry and give babies, but that shouldn't be their sole duty in society. Men's only job is to deliver sperm, at that level, so what the hell is it with these wars, capital obsessions, and distracting industrial needs? On the grounds of biological contribution alone, women deserve the higher rate of pay.

Or think of medicine: those women who carry and deliver babies (e.g. the future) have lesser medical protections in general. Certes, I can happily say that Group Health Cooperative, for instance, falls all over themselves in the mad scramble to get a child from the womb to the world, but beyond that I always wondered why prostate cancer gets more research dollars than cervical cancer (answer: because there are more rich men to give to medical schools than there are rich women, but something comes to mind there about equal opportunity; is feminism really obsolete and hypocritical?)

Or look internationally: are females exploited unnecessarily in the nations with which Americans do business? What about medical crises? In Africa, in some places, they're effectively blaming teenage girls for the spread of AIDS; an HIV-control measure that pops up every now and then is uniformed schoolgirls. Call it crazy, but apparently taking an African girl and putting her in a white blouse and short plaid skirt will apparently reduce the sexual tensions. The problem is apparently that the male teachers like to have sex with the female students, an obvious problem from medical, psychological, and educational perspectives. And the solution, of course, is to try to make the women less attractive. Heaven forbid the schoolteachers should actually put some effort into it. Look at Japan and the US--we apparently find schoolgirl uniforms with white blouses and short plaid skirts quite unattractive, so such a measure should help alleviate the unfair pressure these children are putting on their helpless teachers.

Women still get the short end of everything, including sexual intercourse.

But it's kind of like the Christian argument that hey, modern Christians aren't killing anyone so we should ignore that the philosophy could be or ever has been taken that far.

We're not killing women at the stake, so we ought to be happy with it.


Doonesbury, 17 October, 1972. From left: Ellie, Slim, Joanie at the day-care.

Or, for emphasis: A great lady, Simone de Beauvier, once said that there are two kinds of people; human beings and women. And when women start acting like human beings, they are accused of trying to be like men.

Ellie would be about thirty-four today, were she real. I miss her; a Doonesbury cast strip in the mid-90s listed her and a couple of other characters as "MIA", though Thor, Kim Rosenthal, and others have become important characters after long absences. I miss Ellie, in a way. But Ms de Beauvier had it right in her own day, in Ellie's day, and in the present day.

If anyone wants an entertaining look at the last thirty years of feminism, just haul out Joanie's strips (some 835 at least are keyworded by "joanie", and that excludes strips post-1995).


Doonesbury, 28 March, 1993, Joanie as an appointee to the Clinton administration.

Twenty years of a story told. Just an amusing bit on what feminism can get you. It can even get you the right to be treated as ridiculously as anyone else, so misogynists should cheer up: women will still be treated rudely and poorly. The difference is that they wil be treated rudely and poorly the same as anyone else.

(The first strip is before my birth. The second strip is shortly before my 20th birthday. How far we've come ...?)

Tiassa :cool:
Why women make less

A job negotiator and a feminist were in dispute... The feminist was arguing over the different pay scales that her women were receiving...

Fem: Okay, why are women paid less than men for doing the same job that a man does.

Neg: It says in the Bible that women are worth less than men.

Fem: Where does it say that? I don't think so.

Neg: Well, you do agree that woman was made from a rib, correct?

Fem: Yeah, so?

Neg: Well, there you have it. A rib is a cheaper cut of meat!:)
Err, we've gotten a little off topic here.

I found this in a book and thought I'd post it

Why Men Can't Win

If you work too hard, there is never any time for her
If you don't work enough, you're a good-for-nothing bum

If she has a boring, repetitve job with low pay, it's exploitation
If you have a boring, repetive job with low pay, you should get off your butt and find something better

If you get promoted ahead of her, its favouritism
If she gets a job ahead of you, it's equal opportunity

If you mention how nice she looks, it's sexual harassment
If you keep quiet, its male indifference

If you cry, you're a wimp
If you don't, you're insensitive

If you make a decision without asking her, you're a chauvinist
If she makes a decision without asking you, she' a liberated woman

If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy, it's domination
If she asks you to do something you don't enjoy, it's a favour

If you try to keep yourself in shape, you're vain
If you don't, you're a slob

If you buy her flowers, you're after something
If you don't, you're not thoughtful

Equal Oppurtunity is as good a movement as this society has seen. Women have come miles from just decades ago.

However, there are certain feminists and organizations today that would do more good in leaving. The organization NOW would be the top of the list in my thinkings. NOW is an organization aimed at personal profit and progress - not equal oppurtunity. Certain modern feminists also disgust me in terms of sexuality. Things such as anti-porn sentiment on the basis that it is detrimental to women (one famous study was done by a member of NOW proving that there was no link. the woman was promptly dropped from NOW and her essay and studies were not allowed to be published by the organization). How about how it's now socially acceptable to make fun of Calista Flockheart and such for being too skinny yet we musn't say a bad word about that overweight woman on Law/Order. No no, she is to be praised.
i have a question for people who don't belive in reverse descrimination

why are female tenice player paid the same as male tenice players?

the guys play 5 sets where the girls play 3

so guys should be paid 2/3 more than the females
Ant, like any fundamental group, its purpose can be skewed in its drive to proove a point.... obviously it comes in a spectrum.... but the point is they tried to change things, they did that ... too excess maybe.
Deadbeat Dad's are the problem...? Excuse me?

Officials say moms not as likely to pay child support
- By Lisa L. Lucas/Staff Writer

Getting women to pay child support is often difficult. In fact, deadbeat moms are becoming more common.

A report released in March 1997 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states that mothers who are ordered to pay child support have a default rate almost twice as high as fathers.

In Summit County, there are an estimated 5,000 mothers who pay support, which is 9 percent to 10 percent of the child support agency's caseload, said Terry Metcalf, the agency's director. Out of those women, more than 10 percent are deadbeat moms who, when located, will appear in either civil or criminal court, said Dan Fitzgerald, assistant director of Summit County's agency. Fitzgerald said 9 percent of men, compared to 10 percent of women, are in contempt for not paying child support.

"It is very difficult to get the female payers to pay," said Metcalf. "I can't say exactly why that is. They just don't believe they should pay."

In Portage County, which has a population equal to one-fourth the population of Summit County, there are currently no cases of deadbeat moms in criminal court. But there have been a few cases in the past.

"There was an attorney in another state that we had to take to court here," said Sylvia Strasshofer, child support administrator for Portage County. She refused to pay for support. She finally paid because she was afraid of losing her (law) license."

Although criminal cases against mothers are rare in Portage County, there have been several cases in civil court.

"In civil court we have them in all the time," said Doug Sendry, magistrate. "We deal with it every week."

The report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services stated that in most cases, judges refuse to hold women in contempt for nonpayment. According to the report, that makes it hard to enforce the child support payment for contempt. Sendry said the judges in Portage County treat women the same as men in custodial cases for nonsupport.

Summit County Domestic Relations Judge Carol Dezso said it was difficult to gauge how judges nationwide treat women who do not pay. She said there is a tendency to avoid sending mothers to jail because their children's lives may be affected. "We try to break it even-handedly here," Dezso said. "Orders are orders, and they, by nonpayment, did not follow them." In Summit County, Fitzgerald said, it is not difficult to work with deadbeat moms.

"Some are employed and some are angry," Fitzgerald said. "I wouldn't characterize moms differently than dads. In both cases, about 60 percent of the parents pay for support every week."

Investigating and prosecuting deadbeat parents costs counties thousands of dollars.

In early 1997, Summit County Prosecutor Maureen O'Connor's office spent $52,461 in federal funds hiring a part-time deputy to investigate deadbeat parents, said Jennifer Bond, a representative of the prosecutor's office.

In 1997, the office prosecuted 23 parents who were convicted of criminal nonsupport. One was sentenced to jail and 22 were given probation. All of those who were sentenced were fathers, Bond said.

Bond said the department does not keep records of how much money is spent or how many cases are prosecuted each year.

Costs for a trial include the money involved in investigating the deadbeat parent, payment of office employees and lawyers, paperwork and several other expenses.

But there might be a new way to get deadbeat parents to pay without bringing them to court, Strasshofer said.

During the past few years, it has been difficult to find deadbeat parents, unless they had a job or the ex-spouse knew where they lived, Strasshofer said.

The Child-Support Reorganization Act has given child enforcement officials new ways to collect support from deadbeat parents.

A computerized tracking system wired throughout Ohio will be able to freeze saving accounts of deadbeat parents and withdraw money from them, Strasshofer said.

The system is called the Support Enforcement Tracking System, and it will allow agencies to share information with each other, Metcalf said.

Administrators at Portage and Summit County child support agencies said when the new system is running, it will help them find Ohio's deadbeat parents.

There is no national system for tracking deadbeat parents, so there are still going to be some unresolved cases, said Strasshofer.

"Usually that is the biggest problem - locating people," Strasshofer said. "We try to resolve as many cases of nonpayment as possible, but we have to find the noncustodial parent before that can happen."
Once women fill in 50% of the slots in any job, there will be a sex-war - because women would make rules as to how men should behave.

Take the case of sexual arousal - men have different needs than women but women would require that they change to womens requirements.

Football, Baseball, Superbowl - I wonder...

No more women wearing slinky outfits to sell you something, it would be demeaning....
Born under a bad sign? Or just woke up in a nasty mood?

NOW is an organization aimed at personal profit and progress - not equal oppurtunity
Actually, according to some, that is equal opportunity.

Take an old, basic difference between Democrats and Republicans that runs all the way back to the Federalists and the anti-Federalists.

What is freedom?

The left says it's freedom to speak, think, worship, and live as an individual.

The right says it's freedom to accumulate wealth.

While I do think that NOW, even more so than ACLU, opens its mouth when it shouldn't, the measure of equality as profit and progress is a long-standing American debate.
How about how it's now socially acceptable to make fun of Calista Flockheart and such for being too skinny yet we musn't say a bad word about that overweight woman on Law/Order.
It is insensitive, but it's also not as simple an issue as that.

Would you make fun of someone for looking funny because they were born with a birth defect?

Would you make fun of someone who cut their hair really weird because they thought it would be cool?

The obese person may or may not be genetically predetermined for obesity.

The mega-skinny, even the neurotic skinny, are overemphasizing a choice.

I would no more make fun of a person for being born with a predisposition to obesity than I would make fun of an albino because he was born with red or pink eyes. But if someone chooses to obsess themselves with superficial appearance-politics (e.g. getting skinny) I'm going to make fun of that choice and its thorough shallowness.

When it progresses to anorexia or other eating disorders, one must aim that amusement toward something happier.

But someone who simply is obese does not deserve the kind of ridicule we rightly award to someone who makes their appearance so important. I personally think that if the "beautiful people" were destroyed or taken away tomorrow, the world might have a better shot.

And that's an interesting stat on child support. Maybe we should fix that disparity then, and institute the common-sense policy of non-discrimination, in this case "equal pay for equal work"?

And as to that poem Thor posted ... I can't help but wonder what issues that poet has with his/her mother.

Just a few notes:

•_Work too hard: Men built that economic system. Why should they whine about it? Perhaps if men didn't want to be the center of the family's financial power, they shouldn't have set it up that way.

Boring job, bad pay: Such as? You mean like my female counterpart at my last job with more experience and, technically, a higher title, who still made exactly 15.7% less than I did?

Promotions: I won't pretend that some minorities and women are getting a bit of an advantage. But I'll say to white men--You made your bed, now lie in it. Or, as my grandfather used to joke, Those who fart in church must sit in their own pew. I made my company promote someone else, a woman, once, instead of me. I pointed out that she was more qualified on paper, demonstrably more organized in her work habits, and actually wanted the job. Apparently my qualification was that I was a man and could therefore allegedly do the job better. That and apparently people thought I was charming. In fact, when I finally did take over that job, I found out why the one I supported eventually quit. But the fact is that she was still better at the job than I was. People were, for some reason, anxious to promote me on that count. Yes, it would have been favoritism. I'm a man with long hair, a glittering smile, and who can double-talk upset customers like nobody's business. Sure, I did the job okay, but I never actually did anything. Once I was in the position, all I did was smile and double-talk and flip my hair to distract distressed customers. People were more peaceful during that period of my stewardship than at any other period preceding it. But absolutely nothing of substance got done, a danger I warned them about the first and second time. But I have the unique experience of direct comparison in my own workplace.

•_Crying: Again, men made their own bed on this one. This is a standard set by men. If anything, it implies that "men can't win" because they're too busy defeating themselves.

•_Decisions: Depends on the decision. How can my decision to get lemonade at the store be considered chauvinist? Only paranoid gender-warriors would bother at that point. What do those decisions pertain to? It's merely a cheap slogan invented that sounds rather as if it was invented by a guy who got sent to jail for beating up his wife after she decided something against his will.

•_Domination/favor: Depends on what you're asking. Anal sex or the opera? After watching my partner cook for ten people on an occasion that I wish to have a party, the least I can do is sit through a paid dinner at a nice restaurant because she wants me to meet the people from her work.

Vain/slob: I know very few "fitness freaks" who do it for their health. I know some people who like to keep themselves in shape, and they're not particularly vain. But the "fitness freaks" are definitely vain. Think of it in terms of a woman who goes to the gym, tones her body, wears skimpy clothes, and then gets pissed because people look at her as delicious. Think of it in terms of a guy who goes to the gym, eats no normal food, and can't stop talking about himself. I'm an outsider here; I do very little to keep in shape, but have never, ever again weighed as much as I did during my senior year of high school.

Flowers: Perhaps it's a matter of social expectation.

Such ideas have merit if we presume that the culture starts today.

Look around as if life is a freeze-frame.

The couplets sound nice, even relevant.

But I find it a little like bully theory. "Men" (as such) could beat up on whomever they wanted, but as soon as someone nailed them cleanly in the public arena ... they cry for their mommies.

I had a similar discussion with a friend about black & white in the US. It turns out that it's a bigoted discrimination against white people to prevent them from maintaining a balance of wealth. Sitting at a table with people complaining about minorities "stealing jobs", none at the table except the black man could say that they had ever lost a job based on race or gender. When the nice, white police officer lets the drunk white lady drive home, it's apparently because she's "charming". When the nice, white police officer arrests a black man for avoiding an impact when someone else runs a light ...? The thing is that most of the people I know who complain about "reverse discrimination", or who bear "Angry Male Syndrome" or any such divisive identity politic, the only people I know are talking about theory. In fact, I can think of one anti-discrimination friend of mine who rejects ethnically-based college scholarships as an idea. When put to him, though, he will express that he fully deserved the scholarship that he got because of his ethnicity.

White men, at least, have made their bed. They are the thing that keeps feminism relevant and necessary.

When men get over themselves, then we can start expecting that the bulwarks against that arrogance will come down.

I don't get it with discriminatory situations.

• Northern Ireland: Will the British ever apologize? No. How many times should the Irish apologize for getting beaten, killed, robbed, raped, and abused by the Crown through history?

•_40 Acres and a Mule: Will American "whites" ever make things right? The only way to make things right, say the white American apologists, is if we end all discrimination now and let human conscience rule, conveniently crushing at least a generation of black and hispanic-Americans with no guarantee that at the end of the period people will have adopted any better regard for one another. Why should we have to sacrifice a generation of other people's children just so we can feel comfortable in "fixing" the situation?

• Islam vs. West: It's a hard situation, but nothing is going to happen until the West recognizes the legitimacy of many Islamic-world complaints about the West. Oh, that Ayatollah ... such a bad guy, right? Except that the US helped support his predecessor's nightmare regime that trampled human rights, civil rights, and Islamic principle. But we're not going to stop doing that to the Islamic world until Muslims apologize for being there to exploit.

•_"It's her fault": Domestic abuse, rape, extramarital affairs by a husband ... it's all the woman's fault, isn't it? She's not a good enough wife? Didn't stay home barefoot and devoted and pregnant like a good woman should? Didn't stay silent in church like the Bible says they should?

You know, it's the year 2002. People need to learn that the aggressors need to apologize. The British need to apologize to the Irish, the Whites need to make a sincere apology to the blacks in the US, the Americans need to apologize to a number of peoples in Central America, South America, the Middle East and the Orient. Men need to apologize to women for the beatings, the rapes, and the general reduction of women to livestock.

Because the British are frustrated at the Irish resistance. The Americans never understood why there were reds in Central America or how it is a Muslim might have different values than a Judeo-Christian American. Anyone familiar with the term "Jim Crow laws"? Anyone wonder why the "inferior" minority races had such a hard time bringing themselves up to standard? Because white Americans wouldn't let them! And men: what, we still want the madonna and the whore? And also the hostess and maid?

We pretend we're advanced, but we behave as humans as if we were bonobos. There's just a lot of bells and whistles that convince us we're actually doing something new.

I'm quite tired of people picking on feminism when so little consideration is given to what it opposes. Certes, feminist groups may have the wrong solutions at hand, but there is a difference indeed 'twixt saying that the idea proposed is wrong and saying that feminism is wrong. What, does one misguided, child-exploiting idiot in California mean that "atheism" is wrong? Obviously not. You'll notice that, in the wake of the Soviet Union, Communists are not going away but getting smarter; the failure of the method did not undermine the whole of the principle, since the principle was not executed purely.

Likewise with feminism. I believe it was the 1990s that the UK finally, officially undid their law that said a wife was a husband's property (it may have been the 80s, but it was during my lifetime). And it was the mid-90s when a state in the American south (I believe Alabama) was forced by the courts to stop charging women $1200 to file a rape accusation. (The charge would not be filed without a specific battery of medical tests which ran $1200 and a specifically positive result from the "rape kit". And that applied to raped children, as well.)

Personally, I think it's that men are merely sperm donors in the living scheme, and they're running out of horrible wars and devices to continue to justify themselves. Wait, strike that. They're not running out of wars and devices, but they're having to think too hard to justify themselves, so apparently the best thing to do would be to make women shut up and take it all over again.

I don't get it. Why are criticisms of feminism designed to raise the status of men? Why are they so oppositional? Rarely, if ever, do I see what is absent from much of this topic: discussion of how to better equality. I agree with the topic post that all people should have equal rights. But, you know ... it just ain't that way yet. And I disagree that the solution should always be to sacrifice the oppressed in order to save the rights of the oppressors.

Feminism, true, needs some fine-tuning, but so does its opposition. As I read through the anti-feminist side of this topic, it seems to me that they're merely demonstrating the continued and pressing need for the feminist bloc.

Of course, I'm an American who lives in a culture that vilifies statistical or ideological deviancy unless that deviation promises a capital return.

Tiassa :cool:
Thank you and well said.

But I find it a little like bully theory. "Men" (as such) could beat up on whomever they wanted, but as soon as someone nailed them cleanly in the public arena ... they cry for their mommies.

*Grins like a fiend then bursts into laughter*

You made me grin for the first time in days, thank you Tiassa.

It appears that the topic has been hijacked to a discussion of "Wah, I'm not getting any and I'm going to blame women's lib" (thanks Thor)

You want to criticise society? Fine.

If I am in a bitchy mood (as I am now) I am premenstal. If Thor were to act as acerbic and snarlish, well that would just be rightous indignation, wouldn't it?

If I cry in the presence of beautiful art or strong emotion I am vapid and weak. If Thor cries in the presence of beautiful art or strong emotion he is passionate and strong.

If I react violently to an insult, it's a catfight. If Thor does, well gee, he's being a man.

If I show an interest in the mechanical, I am a dyke. If Thor does, it's quite natural.

If I were to be upset by such "women's issues" as equal pay, education, etc, I am a hairy legged feminist. If Thor was, he would be concerned about social issues or some such bullshit.

Don't like it? Well....if you care to change it, you would do better to stop complaining about how you have to bring flowers in order to get laid and start examining your assumptions. Since I don't think many of you have the balls or the brains to do this, I'm bowing out of the discussion for now.

In conclusion, your society is fucked and you are mindless sheep.
Actually, I'm close to post 3000, and I'm still in a bad mood, so I add:
To the anti-feminists:

Face it, there was a power struggle and you lost, and you are continuing to lose. Quit whining and deal with it.
"If I cry in the presence of beautiful art or strong emotion I am vapid and weak. If Thor cries in the presence of beautiful art or strong emotion he is passionate and strong."

What the fuck? I'm sorry, I'm trying to not get involved with your posts xev but this is the single most illogical thing you have ever said. If a man cries at art it's strong and passionate? I don't know what hte fuck Michigan is like but the rest of the world would be okay with a woman crying in distress and men are made fun of for crying at anything.

"If I react violently to an insult, it's a catfight. If Thor does, well gee, he's being a man."

There is a distinct difference between the type of exchanges in a
'cat-fight' and the fight of a 'man'. But point taken.

"If I show an interest in the mechanical, I am a dyke. If Thor does, it's quite natural."

Even in Detroit? Wow, America is amazingly different from Canada. Here if a woman is into cars it's no different than a man. Not as expected, but none the less acceptable.
Out of curiosity, who was whinning? I see Anthony's posts on the issue, then the thread was hijacked, then Tiassa made two long posts, then there were a couple joke posts. So who's whinning?

Although, I fully agree women are winning the power struggle.

And congragulations on your 3000th post.
What the fuck? I'm sorry, I'm trying to not get involved with your posts xev

Oooh, that stings. *Sniffles* You're .... ignoring.... my .... posts? *Bursts into tears*

but this is the single most illogical thing you have ever said. If a man cries at art it's strong and passionate? I don't know what hte fuck Michigan is like but the rest of the world would be okay with a woman crying in distress and men are made fun of for crying at anything.

The rest of the world? You're 16, boy, I don't think you're qualified to judge for the rest of the world.

And yes, it is my observation that men are allowed to cry at things women are not.

There is a distinct difference between the type of exchanges in a
'cat-fight' and the fight of a 'man'. But point taken.

So there's no hair-pulling in a barroom brawl. Do you have a point or are you trying to actively prove what an idiot you are?

Even in Detroit? Wow, America is amazingly different from Canada. Here if a woman is into cars it's no different than a man. Not as expected, but none the less acceptable.

Cultural difference then. In any case, I was being somewhat hyperbolic. I had hoped that you would have the requisite five neurons to realize this, but oh well.
It's a man's, man's, man's, man's world ... but it wouldn't be nothin' ....

I don't know what hte fuck Michigan is like but the rest of the world would be okay with a woman crying in distress and men are made fun of for crying at anything.
Well, maybe those men should stop making fun of each other, and should stop being ashamed of themselves as human beings.
There is a distinct difference between the type of exchanges in a
'cat-fight' and the fight of a 'man'. But point taken.
And the difference is this:

• In a fistfight between men, other men want to see someone get hurt.
• In a "catfight" between women, men want to see clothes ripped off and two sweaty, naked women trying to pull each other's hair out.

Other than that silly difference, which is wholly invested in a man's regard for a fight, I haven't a clue to what you're referring to.
Here if a woman is into cars it's no different than a man. Not as expected, but none the less acceptable
Well, it goes with the presumption that women should be baby factories and nothing more. Any woman showing an interest in a career obviously doesn't like men. After all, considering everything men do in the world, why would a woman not want one?

But we've had half a century to deal with that. Guys are getting used to women who know how to work on cars. (Remember "Rosie the Riveter".) However, women apparently should not be priests, soldiers, or presidents of the United States.

Seriously, if everyone wants to end the American gender war, elect a female president for two terms. One of two things will happen. Either

• Everyone will respect the president the way we're apparently supposed to; you'll notice how "gentle" the pundits are in their criticisms of Bush; few, if any, say what really needs to be said.

• Everyone will have serious problems and lay napalm over the president so that her entire office is spent backing up from an angry Congress who will set a new low standard of politics merely because it's a woman.°

But if you elect a woman to two terms, it should help things considerably. People will either realize that a woman can do the job, or decide in advance that she cannot and treat the presidency according to the credibility George W Bush has brought it.


Because it's a woman: Really, if I had told you in advance that Clinton's eight years would be wasted on GOP tantrums about travel receipts, women developing health plans, the volunteer spirit, and blowjobs, would anyone have believed me? Really ... anyone? Anyone?

Tiassa :cool:
Alright, I feel I owe you this much.

"Oooh, that stings. *Sniffles* You're .... ignoring.... my .... posts? *Bursts into tears*"

No. I said I wasn't going to reply, that doesn't mean I won't read.

"The rest of the world? You're 16, boy, I don't think you're qualified to judge for the rest of the world.
And yes, it is my observation that men are allowed to cry at things women are not."

It's aching me not to make a sarcastic comment here, but; the 'whole world' thing was quite hyperbolic, as it is when any human being ever uses the term. It is a quite frequently used term. Anyway, I wholely disagree. In fact, there is a thread on this somewhere on sciforums about how men aren't allowed to cry.

"So there's no hair-pulling in a barroom brawl. Do you have a point or are you trying to actively prove what an idiot you are?"

I did say "But point taken."

"Cultural difference then. In any case, I was being somewhat hyperbolic. I had hoped that you would have the requisite five neurons to realize this, but oh well."

Sorry, I'll try and be more intelligent next time (not meant to be sarcastic). Honestly though I had taken a former quote of yours "if you live in Detroit you better like cars!" to mean that it was okay for men and women.