are feminists hipocrits?


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Ok here we go

feel free to abuse me all you feminists but i think you are all hipocrits

1) you say gender is not important yet you call yourselves "feminists"

2) you jump up and down about men paying for there children yet you don't give the father the right to decide if the child is even born

3) you complain about male only clubs (the up market type like the melboure) yet you go to female only gyms

4) you complain about strip clubs and topless bars and brothals yet have any of you NOT had a stripper at a hens night or watched full monty and gone "thats wrong"?

5) Is it equality to want a policy that says if 2 people of equal skill aply for a job that it should automaticaly go to the female? (that was the policy at defence surport when dad was working in there recutment section)

i am a PERSON

i think ALL people should have equal rights regardless of gender, sexual orantation, race or football team

TRUE equality not this reverse descrimination we have now

i aplied for a job a couple of years ago and was told "sorry we are just looking for some girls to work on the front counter"

i didn't take this to antidescrimation because how could i prove it
I'm with you. I have always felt that.

They believe in equal rights and stuff, but they think that they should get all the privledges.

Have you heard of Diamond. The car insurance company thats only for girls. Ha. They are complaining about sexual discrimination and they do this. Thats wrong.
Anyway, women are NOT better drivers, there are more male drivers than female thus the drivers/accident ratio is more or less equal.

Anyway, they count how many accidents the car the owner has. Seeing as though most are male, I'm going to say, THERE WIVES DID IT.
Originally posted by static76

:D Without labor unions, you probably would be making $2.00 an hour.

Yeah, that is why there is the shortage in jobs and major companies moving to other countries to acquire cheap labor. The minimum wage is too high and if people want to make more money to get a better living, work for it, everyone that wants to does.

And yeah, females should be treated equal, I'll be happy if they can finally pay for the movies all the time, treat us like princes and crap. But I treat a woman on equal standards anyways, she pays for me one time, i'll pay for her the other, hey they want to be treated equal. but in the end, over half the time i pay for it, because women just possess that thing and men want...
Originally posted by static76

:D Without labor unions, you probably would be making $2.00 an hour.

Wrong!!!! Read some books on simple economics. You may learn communism don't work very well too.

Oh BTW, my profession is never unionized, but pay is very high.
Originally posted by Dark Master

Yeah, that is why there is the shortage in jobs and major companies moving to other countries to acquire cheap labor.

Exactly. When the pay don't justify the productivity, companies move elsewhere. Under unhindered competitive environment, labor union is not needed. Labor union is only useful when the market is rigged.
Originally posted by Joeman

Wrong!!!! Read some books on simple economics. You may learn communism don't work very well too.

Oh BTW, my profession is never unionized, but pay is very high.

:rolleyes: Turn off the Fox News, it's screwing with your head...

How are labor unions like communism? There is nothing wrong with workers protecting themselves from greedy corporations.

Yeah, that is why there is the shortage in jobs and major companies moving to other countries to acquire cheap labor. The minimum wage is too high and if people want to make more money to get a better living, work for it, everyone that wants to does.

Completely wrong my firend, companies leave because the third world nations they go to don't have capitolism, and the people in these countries are so desperate for money they'll work for dollars a day. Capitolism breaks down when you deal with non-capitolistic economics.

Exactly. When the pay don't justify the productivity, companies move elsewhere. Under unhindered competitive environment, labor union is not needed. Labor union is only useful when the market is rigged.

??? Our productivity has gone up astronomically during the past 50 years, yet the wage salaries have not.

50 years ago a guy could support his big family, own a nice house, a nice car, put a kid through college, all without the wife having to work.

Now, even when both parents are working, it's hard for the average family to make ends meet.

If corporations had their way, we would make $1.00 an hour and they would say that's too high.:mad:

Lastly, the market IS rigged, but for the corporations who own and tell the politicians what to do.
Originally posted by static76

:rolleyes: Turn off the Fox News, it's screwing with your head...

How are labor unions like communism? There is nothing wrong with workers protecting themselves from greedy corporations.

The ultimate protection is free trade and a robust economy. As long as we have those two things, workers have upper hand. If I think I am underpaid, I get a new job. When the economy is hot, you can easily blackmail companies for higher pay. There are no greedy corporations, only greedy people who run the corporation. There are greedy workers too.

Completely wrong my firend, companies leave because the third world nations they go to don't have capitolism, and the people in these countries are so desperate for money they'll work for dollars a day. Capitolism breaks down when you deal with non-capitolistic economics.

Have you heard of Asian tigers? They were investment hotspots during the 70's and 80's and they did have capitalism. The next "Asian tigers" are Ireland and Hungary. Every fortune 500 companies have presence in Ireland. Part of the reason is what I said. Part of the reasons is first world countries are no longer suitable for low tech industries. Workers are capable of doing things that are greater.

??? Our productivity has gone up astronomically during the past 50 years, yet the wage salaries have not.

50 years ago a guy could support his big family, own a nice house, a nice car, put a kid through college, all without the wife having to work.

Now, even when both parents are working, it's hard for the average family to make ends meet.

Real wage is a false indicator. Our standard of living are much greater than 50 years. Everything is so much cheaper. You can't buy a TV for $200 50 years old ($200 of course will be scaled to their cost of living back then) Right now a man can still do all these things you described.

Blame the taxes. Taxes during Clinton administration is all time high.

If corporations had their way, we would make $1.00 an hour and they would say that's too high.:mad:
That is ridiculous. There are so many ways to poke holes at that theory. First of all they won't hire anyone at that wage because of global competition. Second of all, workers won't have any money to buy their products and sustain the economy. Third, there will be mad deflation. Eventually $1.00 will worth a lot. In capitalist countries, the compensation is very close to equal to the last marginal revenue. Anything more or less will wreck the economy.
feel free to abuse me all you feminists but i think you are all hipocrits

And the true purpose of the thread is revealed. Stop fantasizing, Anthony. :p

1) you say gender is not important yet you call yourselves "feminists"

I'm not sure what the relevence of this is.
A: Most feminists do not claim gender to be unimportant. We claim that people should have equal rights, and are willing to fight for this (admittedly flawed) paradigm.

B: So? I am a democrat. I think this question, democracy vs. fascism, should not exist, but it does. It's simply a label.

2) you jump up and down about men paying for there children yet you don't give the father the right to decide if the child is even born

"Deadbeat dads" are a large problem in my country. It is not even the feminists complaining.

As for whether a man who has no say in whether a fetus is carried to term should pay for the maintainence of a child, should it be carried to term, I say he should not be forced providing he made his wishes to abort clear in the beginning.

3) you complain about male only clubs (the up market type like the melboure) yet you go to female only gyms

A: Argument from ancedote. Ancedotes carry little weight in science or debate.

B: Show me where any of the major feminist orgs (NOW springs to mind) are complaining about this.

You have individuals. Well whoo! Al Sharpton is an arsehole, does this mean blacks should not be treated fairly?

4) you complain about strip clubs and topless bars and brothals yet have any of you NOT had a stripper at a hens night or watched full monty and gone "thats wrong"?

A: Show that most feminists complain about such things. I sure as hell don't.

B: After you've shown this, show that most feminists go to strippers and etc.

5) Is it equality to want a policy that says if 2 people of equal skill aply for a job that it should automaticaly go to the female? (that was the policy at defence surport when dad was working in there recutment section)

No. Is it equality to prefer a black person for a job? No. So are most anti-racists hypocrites?

I don't support such a policy and I am a feminist. There are plenty of people with my stance on the matter.

i think ALL people should have equal rights regardless of gender, sexual orantation, race or football team

Sorry luv, this makes you a feminist.

From WordNet (r) 1.7 :

n 1: a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women
2: the movement aimed at equal rights for women [syn: feminist
movement, women's liberation movement, women's lib]

Anyway, women are NOT better drivers, there are more male drivers than female thus the drivers/accident ratio is more or less equal.

I presume that, having made this assertion, you have statistics to back it up? ;)

Feminists, like labor unions, outlived its usefulness.

My granddad was a labour union organizer.

Anyways, quit hijacking! I'm in a minority here, and I WANNA FIGHT!

A lot of feminists are hypocrites because they give blank checks to Democrates or other political organization in order to fullfil their agenda. They don't care about the integrity of any politicians as long as their agenda are met.

I am a democrat.

Noooooooooooo........... You have fallen in the dark side.
*weep after being heart broken* Now I must save you :D

My granddad was a labour union organizer.

That was your granddad. People were finding ways to combat monopoly. People didn't truely understand how economy would function back then. If you get to study history of economics, you can see the great depression and many recessions were result of errors in judgement. Even right now economists are still learning. We are learning the mistake japan makes. Anyways, the situation is a lot different now. Labor unions once did us a great favor, but now they have outlived its usefulness. We now have better ways to fix problems.

Anyways, quit hijacking! I'm in a minority here, and I WANNA FIGHT!

No Xev, I am a lover not a fighter. :( (usually after people start believing that, I throw them a grenade :D)
The ultimate protection is free trade and a robust economy. As long as we have those two things, workers have upper hand. If I think I am underpaid, I get a new job. When the economy is hot, you can easily blackmail companies for higher pay. There are no greedy corporations, only greedy people who run the corporation. There are greedy workers too.

The problem with your arguement is that your assuming that the job market is fair. Companies today have a "set" pay scale and it's hard to find a company that doesn't conform to this. Someone could leave his job if he feels he's underpaid, BUT what he'll find is that almost every other business in that industry will pay him the same low salary.:rolleyes:

Also, you still haven't explained how unions are like Communism. Is protecting workers from dangerous work conditions, and helping them to get a fair wage wrong?

Have you heard of Asian tigers? They were investment hotspots during the 70's and 80's and they did have capitalism. The next "Asian tigers" are Ireland and Hungary. Every fortune 500 companies have presence in Ireland. Part of the reason is what I said. Part of the reasons is first world countries are no longer suitable for low tech industries. Workers are capable of doing things that are greater.

American workers can and would work in low-tech industries, the problem is that factories are being closed down and getting moved to third-world nations were the can pay ridiculously low salaries. Ask many of the people in the Mid-West if they needed those jobs.

Real wage is a false indicator. Our standard of living are much greater than 50 years. Everything is so much cheaper. You can't buy a TV for $200 50 years old ($200 of course will be scaled to their cost of living back then) Right now a man can still do all these things you described.

Wrong, a "top of the line" TV was $200 50 years ago, now a "top of the line" TV is around $2,000-5000. Cars and houses are much more expensive. Food, clothing, entertainment, etc. have all gone way up.

That is ridiculous. There are so many ways to poke holes at that theory. First of all they won't hire anyone at that wage because of global competition. Second of all, workers won't have any money to buy their products and sustain the economy. Third, there will be mad deflation. Eventually $1.00 will worth a lot. In capitalist countries, the compensation is very close to equal to the last marginal revenue. Anything more or less will wreck the economy.

LOL, but your forgetiing the world economies, aren't you. Remember, most major companies are GLOBAL Corporations...

Obviously I was joking when I said $1.00, but you do see what I was getting at.:D
*Bows to Star*


*Stares at static76 and Joeman, and proclaims in deep, "Mel Gibson " voice*

GIVE ME BACK MY THREAD! Er, ah, Asguard's thread.

A lot of feminists are hypocrites because they give blank checks to Democrates or other political organization in order to fullfil their agenda. They don't care about the integrity of any politicians as long as their agenda are met.

*Stares at Joeman for a second*

Well, yeah, duh. Isn't this what all groups do?

Noooooooooooo........... You have fallen in the dark side.
*weep after being heart broken* Now I must save you

Actually, I meant that I believe in democracy, not that I vote for the democratic party. I will probably vote for the democratic candidate for governor this election, but I am not sure yet, I have not done enough research.

I don't consider myself a member of any party, although I'll likely vote mostly for dems this election. (My first :) )
*Stares at static76 and Joeman, and proclaims in deep, "Mel Gibson " voice*

Is it just me.., or does every thread Joeman post in always end up being hijacked with a "Fox News type" slant...:bugeye:

Even the "Most beautiful woman" thread was littered with Fox News babes.:D
Even the "Most beautiful woman" thread was littered with Fox News babes.

Maybe he is a deranged stalker of Willow Bay? He is trying to impress her?


This is my last post in this thread. Labor unions are not needed if we have tree trade and robust economy. The only reason that would justify their existence is if we don't have free trade, like monopoly, or if we have to fight tarriff from another country. The best way to solve problems is to un-rig the economy. It doesn't make any sense to un-rig the economy by using labor unions to rig the economy. There are simply better ways. My profession never requires any union.

Low tech industries don't belong here. They should all move out. US should gravitate toward higher end high tech or service based industries. (I don't have time or the inclination to explain global trade pyramids) The reason low tech industries are still here becaues our government keep importing cheap labors to lower the wages or use some stupid protection scheme, so they can still be around. They should all either move or die. In the long run we shoot ourselves in the foot.


"I'll likely vote mostly for dems this election. (My first )"

I did too. I was too young and clueless back then. But someday you will learn :D
Originally posted by Joeman

This is my last post in this thread. Labor unions are not needed if we have tree trade and robust economy. The only reason that would justify their existence is if we don't have free trade, like monopoly, or if we have to fight tarriff from another country. The best way to solve problems is to un-rig the economy. It doesn't make any sense to un-rig the economy by using labor unions to rig the economy. There are simply better ways. My profession never requires any union.

Low tech industries don't belong here. They should all move out. US should gravitate toward higher end high tech or service based industries. (I don't have time or the inclination to explain global trade pyramids) The reason low tech industries are still here becaues our government keep importing cheap labors to lower the wages or use some stupid protection scheme, so they can still be around. They should all either move or die. In the long run we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Sorry, but if you think that low-tech industries should all move out then you have much to learn about our economy. I'm sure the middle-class blue collar worker would love to hear this.:rolleyes:

Anyway, sorry for hijacking this thread Xev..uh, I mean Asguard...;)
"I did too. I was too young and clueless back then. But someday you will learn "

As opposed to old and senile, so now you vote republican? :p