Are Christians Logical People?

Are Christians logical?

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Who turned out the lights?!?!
Registered Senior Member
calling all defenders of logic! (Atheists)

I would argue that Christians ARE logical. At least they don't claim that matter just pops up out of nowhere.
No I don't think so.They follow a religion that was founded by a man who had never met Jesus.A man who was called Paul The Liar.A man who was denounced by actual followers of Jesus,including the brother of Jesus.Their only proof of Gods existence is "faith"
Logical?Believing in God is as logical as believing in the Tooth Fairy,Jack Frost,Santa Claus,The Bogeyman etc. that's a sweeping generalization. Are you sure you didn't mean to ask if the decision to be a Christian is a logical one? Or possibly, is the faith or doctrine itself a logical one?

Because to answer your question, I would say that all Christians are logical sometimes...some more often than others...some to a greater degree than others...after all, it's all relative and subject to circumstance. But then that wouldn't just be true of Christians, but of everyone.
gort, I kind of agree. However. I think we are all only as logical as we need to be to find peace and self-respect. I recently realized that I have done a lot of illogical, hurtful things in my life because of my low self-esteem (respect for myself). I have also found that by deciding to try to quit doing these hurtful things, my self repsect has grown from 0 to about 6 on a scale of 1-10. If I need something to help me respect myself, be it christianity, atheism or buddhism, then I am all for it. For me, I'm not sure that the only thing I need is myself. At some point, I may need more than just myself, but not right now, I think. If I do decide I need God or no-God to help me keep from hurting people, then I think it can be said to be logical to believe in God, or not. Logic can apply in so many different ways for so many really different people, that to me, it is almost impossible to say with certainty that someone is being illogical just because they need or want to believe in a God.

What do you think? :)

Does that make sense to you?
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Enigma'07: I would argue that Christians ARE logical. At least they don't claim that matter just pops up out of nowhere.
M*W: You've got to be kidding?
Cottontop3000 said:
gort, I kind of agree. However. I think we are all only as logical as we need to be to find peace and self-respect. I recently realized that I have done a lot of illogical, hurtful things in my life because of my low self-esteem (respect for myself). I have also found that by deciding to try to quit doing these hurtful things, my self repsect has grown from 0 to about 6 on a scale of 1-10. If I need something to help me respect myself, be it christianity, atheism or buddhism, then I am all for it. For me, I'm not sure that the only thing I need is myself. At some point, I may need more than just myself, but not right now, I think. If I do decide I need God or no-God to help me keep from hurting people, then I think it can be said to be logical to believe in God, or not. Logic can apply in so many different ways for so many really different people, that to me, it is almost impossible to say with certainty that someone is being illogical just because they need or want to believe in a God.

What do you think? :)

Does that make sense to you?

I think that it makes sense only if you assume that you can not know God. Is that correct? I say that because if you can know Him, then there is no choice to believe or not believe that is dependent upon some perceived need. I mean, if He exists, then wouldn't you want to know Him regardless of your circumstance or needs?
Lori_7 said:
I think that it makes sense only if you assume that you can not know God. Is that correct? I say that because if you can know Him, then there is no choice to believe or not believe that is dependent upon some perceived need. I mean, if He exists, then wouldn't you want to know Him regardless of your circumstance or needs?

Yes, of course. I, however, don't think you can know God. Not really, not now, maybe not ever. All we can do is go on what we see, hear and do, usually in a way that is inextricably linked to what other people have seen, heard or done. We will not know if that is really of God until He chooses to reveal Himself. We may think something is from God, a sign or such, but I don't think we can really KNOW that that is from God.

However, if you choose to believe something is from God, fine. I just question the person's reasons or motivations for that choice, more than I question whether it is actually from God. I feel that I can't really understand God, in the sense that I can't really know if He is talking to me or if it is just me (as a result of what I have been conditioned to think by others) talking to myself.

In my mind, I can't know with 100% certainty, so I can't really say one way or the other if a God exists. However, if you KNOW He does, and it does something helpful for you, then good for you. For me, I find more help, I think, from inside myself (which could be from God, or it could be from my parents or pastor or society in general). At this point, I can accept that I can't know for sure, though this is often very difficult for me. Either way, I am just trying to stop hurting those I love and myself.

If I go to hell for this, for not knowing whether or not I can believe, 100%, then I think it is a sad day for God. What God would let me be unsure?

P.S. I would really like to know God. If He Exists, I would really like to be able to have a simple conversation with HIM, not with myself (me, who is just an amalgam of all those who have come before me).
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To accept the supernatural without even claiming to understand it or being able to prove it, is completely illogical. To believe in future events, i.e., heaven or hell as an abode, is equally illogical.

All religions are illogical!
marv said:
To accept the supernatural without even claiming to understand it or being able to prove it, is completely illogical. To believe in future events, i.e., heaven or hell as an abode, is equally illogical.

All religions are illogical!

fine. I don't know though whether your logic is any better or worse than anyone else's. To me, logic is a very subjective thing.
Medicine Woman said:
Enigma'07: I would argue that Christians ARE logical. At least they don't claim that matter just pops up out of nowhere.
M*W: You've got to be kidding?
I second that opinion, enigma, your having a laugh.

and lori you too.
Enigma'07 said:
I would argue that Christians ARE logical. At least they don't claim that matter just pops up out of nowhere.
Not to get you down, since i am also christian, but the materialist Roman philosopher Lucretius is first credited with the phrase nothing comes from nothing. (Nihil ex nihilo).

Secondly, as christians, we do confess that God can create things from nothing, the miraculous act of Creation from Nothing CREATIO EX NIHILO, being the principle example.

If therefore that vis the mesasure of judging a doctrine as logical, it would prove that we are illogical. Not such a bad thing, given that most of our doctrines defy human logic, such as the Trinity, the Incarnation, etc...we must say that we are not logical, but hyper logical, conforming to a divine logic not perceptible to human reason.
“ Originally Posted by Enigma'07
I would argue that Christians ARE logical. At least they don't claim that matter just pops up out of nowhere. ”

Not to get you down, since i am also christian,
but the materialist Roman philosopher Lucretius is first credited with the phrase nothing comes from nothing. (Nihil ex nihilo).

Secondly, as christians, we do confess that God can create things from nothing, the miraculous act of Creation from Nothing CREATIO EX NIHILO, being the principle example.

If therefore that is the mesasure of judging a doctrine as logical, it would prove that we ARE illogical. Not such a bad thing, given that most of our doctrines defy human logic, such as the Trinity, the Incarnation, etc...we must say that we are not logical, but hyper logical, conforming to a divine logic not perceptible to human reason.
Lawdog said:
but hyper logical, conforming to a divine logic not perceptible to human reason.
so you dont understand then, then how would you know of it.
it would be gibberish to you, so are you saying that gods word is gibberish, as no one can understand it. well that seems logical.
This poll could easily have been called 'Are you a Christian?' and it would have got similar results.
