Are atheists discriminatory towards theists?

samcdkey said:

A conclusion is the place where you stop thinking

Then, you've clearly stopped thinking, and it appears that you didn't even read the article you linked.

So, to enlighten you, I'll refer to the article YOU linked in order to show you once again that you're tired argument is exactly that; tired.

But if you wish to continue making an ass of yourself, by all means...

"...the torturer is usually an average, normal individual who becomes a sadistic monster by merely following orders in a culture that encourages such behaviour.

For at least fifty years, behavioural science research has demonstrated how simple it is to create a torturer.

Dr. Milgram writes, "This is, perhaps, the most fundamental lesson of our study: ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work becomes patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality...

Torture is commonly a part of war strategy. Indeed, it is rare that military prisoners are not tortured."
Perceptions that color assumptions also color analysis

"Field studies in Tanzania illustrate how some chimps occasionally murder other chimps for no apparent survival-related reason. Premeditated, gangland-style attacks were directed by a large group of male chimps on a smaller group of males and females that had previously broken away from the larger group. Over the course of five years, each member of the splinter group was systematically and brutally beaten. All died. Only young males initiated the attacks, which occurred only when the victims were isolated from the others. Hands, feet, and teeth were often used by the attackers, though sometimes field-workers noticed stones being deliberately thrown. The hope, of course, is that comparative studies like these will uncover the reasons behind not only chimp misdemeanors but human belligerence as well, perhaps helping to guide the future survival of the human species, which, it would seem, can no longer tolerate intraspecies aggression."

Some reading:
samcdkey said:
Perceptions that color assumptions also color analysis

What is the purpose of your links, did you even read them? There is absolutely NOTHING to suggest human behaviour is violent in nature, other than what has already been agreed before, violence in protecting ones young and fighting over mates.

The evidence is clear enough, that shamanism and religion developed the concepts of power over others generations ago.

You appear to be under the delusion that our past had nothing to do with shaping our present.

What would you rather fight for?
(if you were a normal non-violent person)

1. your family
2. your home
3. your country
4. your (non)belief
5. 1,2
6. 1,2,3,
7. All of the above

In the case of number 7, how do you separate the effects of 1,2,3,5,6 from 4
(Q) said:
What is the purpose of your links, did you even read them? There is absolutely NOTHING to suggest human behaviour is violent in nature, other than what has already been agreed before, violence in protecting ones young and fighting over mates.

The evidence is clear enough, that shamanism and religion developed the concepts of power over others generations ago.

You appear to be under the delusion that our past had nothing to do with shaping our present.
Woah there Q my friend. Power over others is one of the most fundamental behaviors, not only in primates, but in almost all species. Got dogs? Ever see a female dog hump another one? It's a dominance behavior. Some idiots here think that male-male primate mounting is a sign of homosexuality in non-human primates. Wrong. No penetration. No ejaculation. It's dominance behavior. I think that religion is a conduit for those that want to ritualistically hump you, but not the genesis of this behavior.

Human behavior is inherently violent. But it's also inherently peaceful. We fight, yes. But we compromize, make deals, reconcile, reciprocate friendly behavior... we have a huge arsenal(Ha) of peace making behaviors designd to thwart the violent parts. But I certainly agree that religious ideologies in the hands of dominance crazed humans is horribly dangerous. Moreso than other ideologies simply because people seem to be so susceptable to and easily decieved by religious ideas.
superluminal said:
Woah there Q my friend. Power over others is one of the most fundamental behaviors, not only in primates, but in almost all species. Got dogs? Ever see a female dog hump another one? It's a dominance behavior. Some idiots here think that male-male primate mounting is a sign of homosexuality in non-human primates. Wrong. No penetration. No ejaculation. It's dominance behavior. I think that religion is a conduit for those that want to ritualistically hump you, but not the genesis of this behavior.

Human behavior is inherently violent. But it's also inherently peaceful. We fight, yes. But we compromize, make deals, reconcile, reciprocate friendly behavior... we have a huge arsenal(Ha) of peace making behaviors designd to thwart the violent parts. But I certainly agree that religious ideologies in the hands of dominance crazed humans is horribly dangerous. Moreso than other ideologies simply because people seem to be so susceptable to and easily decieved by religious ideas.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
superluminal said:
But I certainly agree that religious ideologies in the hands of dominance crazed humans is horribly dangerous.

and so is physical arsenals; the babies of science and technology.

Moreso than other ideologies simply because people seem to be so susceptable to and easily decieved by religious ideas.

or easily deceived by pusposely misled ideas of religion?
superluminal said:
Woah there Q my friend. Power over others is one of the most fundamental behaviors, not only in primates, but in almost all species. Got dogs? Ever see a female dog hump another one? It's a dominance behavior. Some idiots here think that male-male primate mounting is a sign of homosexuality in non-human primates. Wrong. No penetration. No ejaculation. It's dominance behavior. I think that religion is a conduit for those that want to ritualistically hump you, but not the genesis of this behavior.

Human behavior is inherently violent. But it's also inherently peaceful. We fight, yes. But we compromize, make deals, reconcile, reciprocate friendly behavior... we have a huge arsenal(Ha) of peace making behaviors designd to thwart the violent parts. But I certainly agree that religious ideologies in the hands of dominance crazed humans is horribly dangerous. Moreso than other ideologies simply because people seem to be so susceptable to and easily decieved by religious ideas.

What was that about the fence posts in the butt again......? ;)

Just kidding.
PS I love it when people claim that biological, evolutionary, psychological, anecdotal and analytical evidence of violence in humans is NOTHING!
samcdkey said:
PS I love it when people claim that biological, evolutionary, psychological, anecdotal and analytical evidence of violence in humans is NOTHING!
There's apparently a long history of people regarding nature and pre-civilization humans as being inherently peaceful and coexisting in some eden-like state with each other. An unfortunate side effect of christian teaching in the past few centuries.
superluminal said:
Of course. And your point is...?

Human can use religion, the same they use arsenals. Intention is the matter.
So when religion can be used to create violence, then should it be eliminated? What about the babies of sci-tech?
superluminal said:
There's apparently a long history of people regarding nature and pre-civilization humans as being inherently peaceful and coexisting in some eden-like state with each other. An unfortunate side effect of christian teaching in the past few centuries.

That excuse is no longer valid; not when chimps, dolphins and neolithics were doing it too.
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LiveInFaith said:
Human can use religion, the same they use arsenals. Intention is the matter.
So when religion can be used to create violence, then should it be eliminated? What about the babies of sci-tech?
You're talking apples vs oranges my friend. Ideologies vs technological gizmos. People are weak-minded, violent, and predisposed to use whatever means necessary to establish their dominance over one another. That's the root of all evil. I don't want to eliminate religion - I think that's a fools errand. But I do want to eliminate it as an excuse to rule and dominate people based on arbitrary human rules and motivations. No religious leadership, no religious agendas. Science and rationality should be the guiding principles of a government.

As for your babies of science - they were commissioned by god-fearing christians and dominance crazed zealots.
samcdkey said:

What would you rather fight for?
(if you were a normal non-violent person)

So, now you're saying non-violence IS normal? Of course, I would rather NOT fight at all. What's your point?