Are all humans Selfish?

In the normal sense, I'd say most people are.. but there actually are a tiny percent of selfless people.. people I know personally who demonstrate this through small (or big) acts on their part, or people commemorated in history for their great acts.

However, going deeper into the meaning of selfish, I'd say that all people are selfish. Whatever people do is their will, things that they like. Even in seemingly selfless, even self-sacrificial acts; acts whose alternatives would have better rewards for the person, the person in question is ultimately gaining some happiness, fulfillment or self-satisfaction out of it. All acts done by free will are selfish. If not done by free will, then it would be illogical to classify it as selfish or not.

of course it does!

Your knowledge is based on stupidity and reality contradicts the stupids.

All life exists under the frame of instinct; how mass and energy work.

And conscious life breaks most every rule in the book.

ie.... your stupidity is equilibriating because you choose not to evolve.

And that last statement is supposition.

Rather common sense! Proof: can any new born live without another contibuting their input to assist?


Every human being MUST have another at birth to survive!

So your supposition is about as stupid as you are! (you suppose without compehension; kind of like what assuming does to you, but not me)
of course it does!
So it's a waste of time reading your answer?
Your first sentence contradicts your second.
Make your mind up...

Your knowledge is based on stupidity
I see you still make assumptions.

ie.... your stupidity is equilibriating because you choose not to evolve.
Sheer nonsense.
Evolution isn't a choice.

Rather common sense! Proof: can any new born live without another contibuting their input to assist?
Which has nothing at all to do with your erroneous statement that we're born good.

Every human being MUST have another at birth to survive!
So your supposition is about as stupid as you are! (you suppose without compehension; kind of like what assuming does to you, but not me)
More nonsense masquerading as English.
I make a distinction between selfcentered and selfish and I am not sure if there is such a difference ( in the dictionary or in reality). To me a selfcentered person is one who is oblivious of other people's needs, feelings, etc. I believe we are all born selfcentered just focused on our needs as an instinct that would protect us.

On the other hand, selfish is someone who knowing and being aware of other people's needs decides to put his needs above those of others.

Both can be detrimental to others, but I believe selfcenteredness could be corrected if we have our parents pointing out and teach us to us the needs and feelings of others. I believe most people fall into this category.

Selfishness instead has to do with a lower ethical values and I do not think it can be changed because this is a counscious desicion we make.
YES. I don't think anyone can name one single person who is not or has not been greedy at least once in their life. It's part of the make-up of the animal. Reading the bible one can come across countless examples of greed, including Jesus. After all, folks, he was just a man with a revolutionary idea trying to push his "beliefs" off onto the masses.
I believe selfcenteredness could be corrected if we have our parents pointing out and teach us to us the needs and feelings of others. I believe most people fall into this category.

knowledge, education and awareness; will save the day

Teach the kids and we have a chance. Let the idiots continue to deceive and the first wave of the HONEST will help them idiots become extinct.

(in theology, they call that; Judgment Day)
You can give without obtaining any power from it.

That’s when you find a way to give without the receiver knowing you where the giver and even better when no one else knows that something has been given to the receiver.

Often being a receiver causes shame to the one receiving. This is magnified when the giving is done in a blaze of publicity, but is minimised when the giving is done in pure secret. The objective of giving is not to shame the one receiving but to help them.

It is indeed very hard to be a true giver, because it is almost imposable to avoid the good feeling inside that often comes as a result of seeing others benefit from your gift. If one can keep giving when the opportunity comes irrespective of the emotional payback, (and that can vary) then it cannot be said that one is a good feelings giver.

For a Christian giver it all comes back to the source of the gift. When we look at all we have we must acknowledge that everything is God's and we are just temporary administrators of His assets. In the end we cannot give anything. All we can do is give on His behalf.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That’s when you find a way to give without the receiver knowing you where the giver and even better when no one else knows that something has been given to the receiver.

Presumably you're still aware that you gave and hence receive the return whether anyone else knows about it or not.

Doesn't it fill you with joy-joy feelings when you give? That's the point.
The strong are now taking advantage of the weak and are going to try and take over everyone.
I dont think you can say "all" humans are anything. Trying to lump everything into one category never works.
Sometime yes, sometimes no.

In those times where the answer is "no", is there some personal benefit in giving? For instance, you might not want to spend money on the wife but does doing so provide a great personal benefit?