Are all humans Selfish?


Registered Member
In reply Jesus said:

"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead with no clothes. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, and he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, he too passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and looked after him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

You know how you help someone and you don't get the good feeling in your stomach? or when you do help and you get a really good feeling? Some people think that anything you do is selfish in life, you can never do something that is not selfish, they're wrong. When you do something and don't get that feeling, and do something else and still don't get that feeling, it doesn't mean you are doing something wrong. When you help someone over and over and don;t get that good feeling, but keep helping them, I believe that God looks at that and is proud. However, when God looks at the person that only does good acts for the feeling and when the feelings stop coming, they stop helping... I don't believe God likes those people, I believe he looks at them and says, you still have a lot to learn my child. To do something totally good for someone, it usually means that you have to feel bad for a little bit, you have to trudge through something you don't like, you have to give up some luxuries for a little bit.

Like the good Samaritan story, he gave his money to and lodged a man he didn't know. That means the guy he helped might have been a selfish ignorant loafer, but the good Samaritan still helped him. Also keep in mind, the Samaritan was a different "species" than the Jews, they both hated each other, they never helped them. Do you think the Samaritan had that good feeling when he helped the robbed man? I don't believe so, I believe he hated most of it, but knew it was the right thing to do.

Not only did the Samaritan help the Jew get off the road, he also cleaned his wounds with wine and oil, which also, cost a lot in the bible days. He didn't just leave him on the road after fixing him up, he put him on his donkey and walked himself into town, then he bought a room at the inn in town, and lied him there, he was doing all of this to a man he didn't know, and nowhere in the bible is it saying the man was talking at this point, so he could be doing this for someone that was going to kill him the moment he woke up. That wasn't all the Samaritan did for him though, he "looked after him" meaning he might have stayed up all night and helping him through the night, mind you, the verse said "leaving him half dead", that would be almost the same as a bullet wound, so since there was no pain medication in those times, he was probably screaming in his sleep all the way through the night. THEN, it says the next day he leaves, well he could have just left knowing that the guy would be fine now, but he didn't. he left 2 silver coins to pay for some more nights at the inn(I believe), then he said that he would come back and pay more if there were any other fees! Why on earth would someone do all these things for a Jew who would probably of left the Samaritan there or killed him?

Do you think the Samaritan had that "butterflies" in the gut feeling when he was helping him? do you think he was having a good time helping this man? I don't believe so, I believe he was trudging through something he didn't like. He could have left the Jew on the road, and not have done anything for him, and would not have felt that bad for doing that. But instead he used his own money, his own donkey, and his own wine and oil, all for some man that he didn't know.

Now, do you think you would do this? I think almost any man would, but I don't think any man would go through all of that to help, I think they would just skim by, doing a little as possible. What about helping that older woman get her groceries into the car? doesn't seem that hard, but what if you had a meeting that you were already late for? what if you were trying to catch that movie with your girlfriend(boyfriend)? Do you think the Samaritan didn't have things to do? maybe he had a wife and children, maybe he was late for a "meeting". maybe a hundred things, but he helped that man, and took another day out of his life doing so. Do you think helping that older man cross the street will take you a whole day? and what if it does? would it help you to know that if you didn't help that man cross the street he might have died?

God doesn't want you to be perfect and never mess up, he doesn't want that because he knows it is not humanly possible. When you see something that you could help with and then your head starts coming up with all these things saying:
"oh but wait, they might be mean"
"oh but wait, they might just laugh at you"
"oh but wait, you might miss the show cause these people need more help then you have time to give" "oh but wait...."
When you come across those, try and blank out your mind, and just say a little prayer, try to only listen to the little thing inside your head saying:

"do the right thing, even if others laugh, even if others hate you afterward, even if it wastes your time, even if you feel awkward, even if you hate the person, even if feel embarrassed, even if you know you would do anything significant, do it"

God might not always(almost never) tell you a answer verbally, but he will later on after you did the act, he will find a way to tell you that you did the right thing. Either through friends or through the person you helped. Doing the right thing does not guarantee that you will feel good inside(more often that not you wont). doing the right thing will always come back and tell you, you did the right thing.

What do you guys think? think I am totally wrong and need to get a life, or do you think I am sorta on the ball?:shrug:

Are all humans Selfish?

If I answer yes then i must back it up. That would be a lot of work so I would rather not. This means I am only thinking of myself. So unless someone wants to go and interview every person on the planet then the answer is yes.

If I answer no then I have to do the exact same thing. So in keeping with not wanting to go the extra mile and prove it I would rather just sit here and type this answer. So again, unless someone is willing to do the global polling, the answer is yes again. No one is too unselfish to do work of an impossible nature.

So the answer is yes
Yes AND no.
It depends upon situation, who is involved (i.e. the other people that may or may not benefit) and numerous other factors up to and including what you had for breakfast on any given day.
Mostly for her utter hypocrisy.

That's not shocking. If you're happy about the suffering in this world, you're evil. I dare say most people on this forum haven't seen suffering the likes of what she did nearly every day of her life. God isn't about happy. God is about truth. If the woman was smiling in public, then chaulk it up to more charity.

She and truth had very little to do with each other.

Because she smiled at people? Her showing her depression and sorrow in those ciecumstances, given the people she was helping would have been selfish. Her smile was charitable.
Most humans are highly selfish, some less so. I imagine all are to some degree though or at some point in their lives.
Yes, all things are selfish and want inherently more power. Helping someone is a conspiracy for power, whether you are conscious of it or not.
Of course I'm selfish. Its how I keep my kids fed. My kids needs will come before your kids needs, before your needs, before my husbands needs, etc.

I say my husband is selfish, he says hes just stupid.
My husband says I'm selfish, I say I'm just bossy.
Originally Posted by Israelite said:
Are all humans Selfish?

If I answer yes then i must back it up. That would be a lot of work so I would rather not. This means I am only thinking of myself. So unless someone wants to go and interview every person on the planet then the answer is yes.

If I answer no then I have to do the exact same thing. So in keeping with not wanting to go the extra mile and prove it I would rather just sit here and type this answer. So again, unless someone is willing to do the global polling, the answer is yes again. No one is too unselfish to do work of an impossible nature.

So the answer is yes

logic is a wee bit off but cool approach (self reflecting)

Life: (us) is instinctively based. Same rules of mass and energy applies. So life 'intends' to consume (take) to continue.

But, mankind (conscious life) has a rude thing called choice. In which, not only is instinct on the run (breathing eating) but then articulation and representation of self, can be defined into words; for learning/teaching.

Since knowledge evolves, then realiazation can be understood that comprehending awareness and the naming of an environment is learned (no baby is born not needing assistence upon birth; thereby the majority of ideas in choice are learned (values, etc) culture)

Being born conscious has the innert 'compassion' within (aware of self and others)

Where as the 'instinct' of life is quite selfish.

Mankind is 'born' good (compassionate) and learns how to be bad.