Archeologists or paleontologists opinion requested

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Registered Senior Member
Mars Archeology and Paleontology.

I have been posting images from the Mars Spirit Rover. in the pseudoscience section. Unfortunately they haven't been getting the warmest of welcome..not to mention the verbal abuse but little if any help...
I admit name calling gets me going.

I would appreciate the opinion of a true paleontologists or archeologists as I have no background what so ever in the sciences.

I realize most work is done in the field and not on a 2d images. But i still ask you to take a look and see if there is anything of interest. I would be glad to supply the link to any original nasa image you might care to take a closer look at.

Thanks ahead of time for any input ...
(watching his temper)

slightly larger 2mb version
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I used to have an interest in paleontology but dude...those look to me like rocks.

Seriously, do you think those triangular looking rocks are t-rex teeth or arrowheads??
Dear Mr. "used to have an interest.."

Dude your entitled to your opinion..

So i will put you down for a vote of nothing but rocks..

Thanx for the input ..
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fluid1959 said:

So i will put you down for a vote of nothing but rocks..

Thanx for the input

you should ask a geologist, interesting shapes, I saw a gorilla face & a Snaggletooth profile there
fluid1959 said:
Mars Archeology and Paleontology.

Those studies don't exist with respect to Mars, with possible exception to the examination of human influances of the probes sent to the planet and the effects of the probes and their debris on the planet surface.

fluid1959 said:
I have been posting images from the Mars Spirit Rover. in the pseudoscience section.

Yes. It seems best to leave it there, but that sentiment is my own.. perhaps others will feel differently.

fluid1959 said:
Unfortunately they haven't been getting the warmest of welcome..not to mention the verbal abuse but little if any help...
I admit name calling gets me going.

I doubt you will fare much better in the real science sections.

fluid1959 said:
I would appreciate the opinion of a true paleontologists or archeologists as I have no background what so ever in the sciences.

My background is in anthropology and archaeology and I minored in geology, I can tell you that the images you provided in the links demonstrate nothing beyond morphologies that are completely possible, even very probable, given an environment with various depositional and erosional forces. Such morphologies are found on the only planet in the Solar System to have demonstrable ability to sustain life and clearly natural in that context, so it is expected that a lifeless (or near lifeless) planet could have the same.

Moreover, the human mind has been demonstrated (Sagan, 1996) to have the propensity to look for anthropomorphic patterns and shapes, perhaps related to the ability of Homo sapiens to communicate efficiently with facial gestures.

I short, I don't think there is one single example of a shape or pattern in any of these images that one couldn't readily find numerous similar examples right here on Earth that have decidedly natural origins.

fluid1959 said:
Thanks ahead of time for any input ...
(watching his temper)

And since you've made that effort, I've decided to leave you off of my ignore list. Your post in this forum gave me incentive to peek.

Sagan, Carl (1996). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Ballantine Books, NY.
Appreciate the look ... but.....

1) No one ever implied there is a face in any of thee images.(carl Sagan)

2) I would think..A close look would have involved you asking me for a link to an original of one of those many crops. As it is impossible to determine size and scale without it..
3) If you were a mechanic and I asked you too look at my car, I would hope you did more than check my oil before telling me my car is fine..

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I am a geologist, and I agree with SkinWalker. I have been following the recent Mars missions and have seen most of the press released pictures. I have also seen a fantastic panoramic from the Pathfinder probe in 1997. These pictures show lots of rocks. I'll grant you that some of them have odd morphologies and may resemble objects familiar to us, but that doesn't mean that it is what it appears to resemble.

"I'll grant you that some of them have odd morphologies and may resemble objects familiar to us, but that doesn't mean that it is what it appears to resemble. "

Granting me that ? It doesn't mean that they are not either?

What kind of science? , can be so sure that it's not something familiar to us..?

And exactly what scientific model dictates that these are only rocks?

Maybe a paleontologists might eventually drop in?...
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I am open to factual data. Until we can determine with the upmost of scientific accuracy that the rocks on Mars are something other than rocks than I wouldn't want to speculat that they were anything but rocks. We can view things with great imaginations, which is just fine, as long as we remember that we don't have all the facts about certain things ie: the rocks in question.
Data comes in many forms..

Who was it who said a picture paints a thousand words.

Certainly wasn't you..
My comment on rock fractures was only meant to address the "geometry" section of your post. I have no comment for the other sections.

"Until we can determine with the upmost of scientific accuracy that the rocks on Mars are something other than rocks than I wouldn't want to speculate.."

In my life I have not come across any science what so ever, that does not begin with speculation!

Maybe you can direct me to the non speculative sciences...
There is a fine line between speculation and mere fantasy.

It seems apparent that you are within the latter mode of thought, since none of your "speculations" are demonstrated to be more than optical coincidence.

Clearly this thread belongs in the "Pseudoscience" forum.
Many real scientists are taking a stand against NASA's blindness..

And asking other "true" scientists for their support

True science is on it's way...either help it or get out of the way..

Unfortunately even these good scientists don't realize how far the rabbit hole goes..
There is no such thing as a real sand dune at Gusev..
My Wild claim.. All sanddunes are fake and various image experts are studying that very thing right now..
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fluid1959 said:
Many real scientists are taking a stand against NASA's blindness..

All you posted was one link to one psuedoscientist.

fluid1959 said:
And asking other "true" scientists for their support

What do you qualify as "true?"
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