Approaches to the discovery of God?

That has nothing at all to do with what I asked. You said you could show God. I asked you to show me. Everything you've said since then has been obfuscation. Why can you not answer a simple question? You, Wynn, Jan...ask any of you a question, and you'll either get a question in return, a non-sequitur, or ignored. This is the definition of trolling.

Presume I mean exactly what you mean. You said you can show him, so let's have at it.

I'm quite sure you understand what he is saying, and you know the difference in evidence he speaks of.

You're asking him to do the impossible ie, make it so that our eyes can see the actual personal form of God, .
He's saying God is all around and he can be understood (shown) in a way that doesn't require you to view His form.

The only honest response can be ''I don't believe in God, therefore I can't see Him the way you do''.

Jan Ardena

I believe in God. What more proof do you want?

Believing is one thing, providing evidence that he exists anywhere outside of your imagination or delusion something else entirely. As long as you do not try to insist that god exists outside of your imagination, no problem. Lots of people believe in lots of things that cannot be shown to be true in reality.


Take a step back, and look all around. How can you possibly miss him?

When you actually look all you see is Nature. Are you defining god as Nature? In that case you are defining god as mindless matter and energy obeying the physical constraints of physics. This is not really a definition that most theists would agree with.

The theory is the all mighty God sits before you now. As you see him. He is all around you inside, and out, upside, and down.

Disprove me.

Disprove what, your unsupported statements? I could say my dog can talk(in a Scottish accent, no less)and be every bit as accurate as your statement, and every bit as full of crap.

Jan Ardena

The only honest response can be ''I don't believe in God, therefore I can't see Him the way you do''.

The old "You have to drink the Kool-Aide to see the pretty colors" horsepoo. I don't believe in any god because there is no rational reason to do so. I don't deny him/her/it or say I can't see him/her/it as you do because there is no rational reason to think any god exists to deny or see in the first place.

Jan Ardena

The old "You have to drink the Kool-Aide to see the pretty colors" horsepoo. I don't believe in any god because there is no rational reason to do so. I don't deny him/her/it or say I can't see him/her/it as you do because there is no rational reason to think any god exists to deny or see in the first place.


So simply put you overlook the idea of God until something suggest he can exist? The idea of a God is suggestion enough. God can be infinity++, or super duper perfect. How can we depict the not there, from the hidden in plain sight?

We get him to act??

How can we get him to act?

Who is he?

Can we figure his nature with a full sweep of the universe to see all that is, and call him Something Greater?

Even trillions of years after the universe has evolved more he will still be Something Greater.

What is the greatest thing in the universe? Human emotion could defiantly be up there.
The only honest response can be ''I don't believe in God, therefore I can't see Him the way you do''.


No, the only honest response would be "I don't believe in God because there is no evidence for its existence." Why should I simply assume that you have a better insight into the universe than I do?
So simply put you overlook the idea of God until something suggest he can exist?

Exactly. Well, not exactly. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that no god exists.

The idea of a God is suggestion enough, the search will endure.

By that logic, then every god that has ever been exists as well, because there has been a suggestion that they do. Obviously you didn't intend that to be said, so I suggest you reconsider your reasoning.
I'm quite sure you understand what he is saying, and you know the difference in evidence he speaks of.

You're asking him to do the impossible ie, make it so that our eyes can see the actual personal form of God, .
He's saying God is all around and he can be understood (shown) in a way that doesn't require you to view His form.

The only honest response can be ''I don't believe in God, therefore I can't see Him the way you do''.


Another honest response would be, "If you are just seeing what is all around, how do you know that's god?".
Another honest response would be, "If you are just seeing what is all around, how do you know that's god?".

It would be everything including that which will never be. The shell of the universe to be counted.

What is the greatest thing?

So simply put you overlook the idea of God until something suggest he can exist?

Only in the same sense that I overlook the possibility that the horsetracks I find were made by a Unicorn. And for the exact same reason.

The idea of a God is suggestion enough.

So the myth of the Unicorn is enough to consider the horsetracks as being made by a Unicorn? This is idiocy.

God can be infinity++, or super duper perfect. How can we depict the not there, from the hidden in plain sight?

Does it matter that Unicorns are said to be magical or can fly if Unicorns can not be shown to exist outside your fevered imagination? You can imagine gods having any attributes you like, it's all just pretend anyway. Grow up.

We get him to act??

How can we get him to act?

Who is he?

Can we figure his nature with a full sweep of the universe to see all that is, and call him Something Greater?

Even trillions of years after the universe has evolved more he will still be Something Greater.

What is the greatest thing in the universe? Human emotion could defiantly be up there.

Religious gobbledegoop.

What is the greatest thing?

The Universe, by definition.

The real 'meat' of Jan's posts is that 'God' is in his felt state of being; however, this is a 'second story' account coming from the 'first story' of the states beneath, which are not accessible internally, but one can be informed of them externally, via science's findings. Some people are wholly taken in by the second story, but that is not the whole story, as the author (the chemical substrate) is transparent. Or they may know the science behind sensation, feeling, and cognition, but the belief overwhelms any meaningful realization and incorporation of it.

Only in the same sense that I overlook the possibility that the horsetracks I find were made by a Unicorn. And for the exact same reason.

Not at all. Unicorns may exist, maybe. However, there can only be one of the God whom I speak.

So the myth of the Unicorn is enough to consider the horsetracks as being made by a Unicorn? This is idiocy.

So you think the universe tracks are made of what? I say specifically MY idea of God. Not to be arrogant.

Does it matter that Unicorns are said to be magical or can fly if Unicorns can not be shown to exist outside your fevered imagination? You can imagine gods having any attributes you like, it's all just pretend anyway. Grow up.

Enough is enough, I'm a man, baby. Should I name my guy, something unique, not be confused?

Unicorns may exist, maybe. However, there can only be one of the God whom I speak.

Who also may exist, maybe. But there is more evidence for the possibility of Unicorns than there is for any god, at least we have tracks that COULD be from Unicorns, not a sign of tracks for gods.

So you think the universe tracks are made of what? I say specifically MY idea of God. Not to be arrogant.

Natural forces and matter. No other explanation necessary or evident. Entertain any idea you like, that you have an idea does not make that idea true. To demonstrate the truth of the idea takes real, valid evidence. Got any?

Enough is enough, I'm a man, baby. Should I name my guy, something unique, not be confused?

You THINK like a child.

" When I was a child I had a friend who lived in the sky, who protected me and gave me what I asked for, then I grew up and realized that God was only in my imagination." Jimmy Carter


Who also may exist, maybe. But there is more evidence for the possibility of Unicorns than there is for any god, at least we have tracks that COULD be from Unicorns, not a sign of tracks for gods. Natural forces and matter. No other explanation necessary or evident. Entertain any idea you like, that you have an idea does not make that idea true. To demonstrate the truth of the idea takes real, valid evidence. Got any?

Matter, atoms, neutrons, hair, etc. All remittence of God. Disprove me, or move along.