Apparently it's not possible to be allergic to carbon, air or water. EXPLAIN..?

Ask your friend to wash ( clean ) an area 4 x 4 inches with alcohol then let it dry , then apply some water, this is to see if it is water that is the cause .

But he might be allergic to alcohol. Or dry. Or clean.
Apparently it's not possible to be allergic to carbon, air or water.



It’s called immunology. I recommend you actually study it instead of making stuff up.

Size doesn't matter, I think if it exists you can be allergic to it.

And you would be wrong.

it is the immune system overreacting over a substance.
also, auto immune disease.

These do not apply to water, as has been explained to you by numerous people in multiple threads to date.

people can get fatally allergic to chlorine or ions/minerals.

No, they cannot. They can have an immune hypersensitivity to molecules containing chlorine atoms, provided the molecules are sufficiently large enough to be recognised by the immune system.

AND water.


One girl died after the fire sprinklers went off,

Unsubstantiated anecdote – meaningless as evidence for your position.

a single drop could KILL them distilled or not (though usually not distilled)

No. See above.

the following allergies develop suddenly in life, though one girl was born like it and can only drink -milk- which is lipids.

Yes, lipids IN WATER.

Now, mod hat on:

Please provide some scientific content to back up your contentions. Otherwise, stop posting this nonsense or you will be treated as a spammer, and spammers get treated rather harshly as per the site’s rules.
PROOF Water is BAD for Human Health.

Water molecule clusters hold similar/same shape to anti-gens, and are big enough for the immune system to respond.

I watched an episode of 1,000 ways to die where a woman was deathly allergic to water. She was in a building and the fire sprinklers went off suddenly, and the water made contact with her, the doctor on the show said the shape of h2o itself is what caused it and set off her histamine receptors. CLUSTERS of water molecules are large and can set off receptors that mistake them for a foreign invader. People with aquagenic utricaria or pruiritus can only drink milk because the water molecules get concealed in the fats so it stops the invasion response. The same applies for diet cola and orange juice.

A girl had this allergy and it was in the times, fog, rain, sweat (hers or others) tears blood humidity could send her into shock. she can only shower 30 seconds each week because it stings and rips her skin off. they said she is 80% allergic to herself. luckily, milk is safe for her due the chemical composition of it (quoting from the article.)

Milk is also safe as it's bounded water. some of them are allergic to distilled water also. thats how this condition is tested by putting tap water then distilled water on their skin and observing the reaction. their throat can close up if they drink water.

Not quite. But we've (you've) done this subject before. Maybe you can refer back to other replies and read them. It's very rare, certainly and issue, but it's not the life-threatening problem that you dramatize it to be. Especially making it out to be a big problem for all people.

Or maybe you're right. Oh no.

Did you know that oxygen is also quite dangerous? It causes FIRES, for goodness sake...
Water molecule clusters hold similar/same shape to anti-gens, and are big enough for the immune system to respond.

I watched an episode of 1,000 ways to die where a woman was deathly allergic to water. She was in a building and the fire sprinklers went off suddenly, and the water made contact with her, the doctor on the show said the shape of h2o itself is what caused it and set off her histamine receptors. CLUSTERS of water molecules are large and can set off receptors that mistake them for a foreign invader. People with aquagenic utricaria or pruiritus can only drink milk because the water molecules get concealed in the fats so it stops the invasion response. The same applies for diet cola and orange juice.

A girl had this allergy and it was in the times, fog, rain, sweat (hers or others) tears blood humidity could send her into shock. she can only shower 30 seconds each week because it stings and rips her skin off. they said she is 80% allergic to herself. luckily, milk is safe for her due the chemical composition of it (quoting from the article.)

Milk is also safe as it's bounded water. some of them are allergic to distilled water also. thats how this condition is tested by putting tap water then distilled water on their skin and observing the reaction. their throat can close up if they drink water.

Listen you little kid - I've had enough! I'm reporting you for posting this same nonsense over and over again. If you're bright enough to ASK questions then ask them! But whatever you do, STOP with this useless garbage!!!! :mad:

Boo! What a monster!
Idiot. You're being unsympathetic to people with Water Allergy.
A single drop could kill them, or make them have painful hives all over their body.

How would YOU like it?
One thing is certain: You're not helping anyone with your catastrophizing.

So? It helps people know that water isn't all good!
PS you still didn't answer about water clusters (anti-gen) acting as allergens.
They bind to receptors.
How Huge are water molecule CLUSTERS in comparison to Anti-Body Receptors?

I read that Water molecule clusters hold similar/same shape to anti-gens, and are big enough for the immune system to respond.

I watched an episode of 1,000 ways to die where a woman was deathly allergic to water. She was in a building and the fire sprinklers went off suddenly, and the water made contact with her, the doctor on the show said the shape of h2o itself is what caused it and set off her histamine receptors. CLUSTERS of water molecules are large and can set off receptors that mistake them for a foreign invader. People with aquagenic utricaria or pruiritus can only drink milk because the water molecules get concealed in the fats so it stops the invasion response. The same applies for diet cola and orange juice.

A girl had this allergy and it was in the times, fog, rain, sweat (hers or others) tears blood humidity could send her into shock. she can only shower 30 seconds each week because it stings and rips her skin off. they said she is 80% allergic to herself. luckily, milk is safe for her due the chemical composition of it (quoting from the article.)

Milk is also safe as it's bounded water. some of them are allergic to distilled water also. thats how this condition is tested by putting tap water then distilled water on their skin and observing the reaction. their throat can close up if they drink water. they break out in hives all over their body with even a SINGLE drop.
I read that Water molecule clusters hold similar/same shape to anti-gens, and are big enough for the immune system to respond.

Nobody's immune system responds to water.

I watched an episode of 1,000 ways to die where a woman was deathly allergic to water.

It must have been some kind of pseudoscience crap programme. It probably also had stories of spontaneous human combustion and people vanishing into thin air spontaneously. All these things are ... NOT REAL.

CLUSTERS of water molecules are large and can set off receptors that mistake them for a foreign invader. People with aquagenic utricaria or pruiritus can only drink milk because the water molecules get concealed in the fats so it stops the invasion response. The same applies for diet cola and orange juice.

Reference, please.

A girl had this allergy and it was in the times, fog, rain, sweat (hers or others) tears blood humidity could send her into shock. she can only shower 30 seconds each week because it stings and rips her skin off. they said she is 80% allergic to herself. luckily, milk is safe for her due the chemical composition of it (quoting from the article.)

Milk is mostly water.

Milk is also safe as it's bounded water.

What is bounded water?

some of them are allergic to distilled water also. thats how this condition is tested by putting tap water then distilled water on their skin and observing the reaction. their throat can close up if they drink water. they break out in hives all over their body with even a SINGLE drop.

Reference, please.

Remember to quote a scientifically reputable source.
Still, you didn't take note of water clusters acting as anti-gens on mast/anti body cells due to the size and shape. (clusters are usually a hexagonal, nearly spherical shape) and fats in milk covering the water so it doesn't cause a reaction (bound water) and throat closing up after they drink water, etc!
I am no expert so excuse my ignorance, but if one was fatally allergic to water would not one die before even bieng born? As for the woman and water spinklers how did she get to that point in her life without bieng aware she had a bad reaction to water? I am always very suspicious of Posts that start....."according to a TV doc I saw last night."
I am no expert so excuse my ignorance, but if one was fatally allergic to water would not one die before even bieng born? As for the woman and water spinklers how did she get to that point in her life without bieng aware she had a bad reaction to water? I am always very suspicious of Posts that start....."according to a TV doc I saw last night."

Yes, you're correct. The guy that started this thread is just a little kid with NO real idea of human physiology. Besides which, he believes every nutty thing he comes across. ;)
I read that Water molecule clusters hold similar/same shape to anti-gens, and are big enough for the immune system to respond.

Then you’re reading woo-woo bunk. :rolleyes:

Moderator note: Okay, you’ve had a good pseudoscience run, but the time when you can reel off spam supposed facts without ever offering a reference or source has ended. Now I’m warning you officially (see 'yellow card' above): if you’re going to make assertions about water being mistaken for “foreign invaders”, or water being “hidden” by lipids in milk or other similar statements, you will offer a substantiating reference or source. If not, you will be banned as per Sciforums policy.
What is the REAL cause of aquagenic urticaria (or 'Water Allergy')?

They react with itchy hives all over their body if they come into contact with moisture. this includes fog, humidity in the air, showering (they can only shower 30secs each week.) or even a single drop of urine, sweat, tears or blood. this happens when they urinate as well. They are more likely to react to tap water but some also react to sterile distilled water. some can only eat dry foods and can only drink diet cola, milk or orange juice. the condition is diagnosed by putting tap water, then distilled water on the skin and observing the reaction. for some people, both types of water makes them break out. The human body is 70% water and h2o is too small to cause anything with antibodies and the immune system are made of water. This condition is mislabled in the press and I would like to know the actual cause/causes of this. esp. with the distilled water.