Apparently it's not possible to be allergic to carbon, air or water. EXPLAIN..?


Aquagenic pruritus.

Eg. Chlorine molecules are much smaller/less mass than water, yet a single molecule could trigger their histamine responses. With some people, a single drop of water, distilled or not, could set them off, with itchy hives all over their body, in some cases, even a single drop of rain, or humidity could send them into a potentially-lethal shock reaction. (I saw a show on Opera about a girl with this condition, fog could set her off and she could only shower 30 secs each week and drink milk or juice only because of the chemical composition) bound water isn't a problem, it's the water itself that's why they're only allergic to themselves if they sweat. On 1,000 ways to die, a woman had this condition, the fire sprinklers went off and she died because it made contact with her skin. So is it because the molecule is big, it can bind to the receptor site(s)?

I was wondering is it something do do with the OH- and H+ ions?
example: one of my friends cannot touch rainwater, or it literally peels his skin off, his throat closes up and gets extremely sore if he drinks water. the girl I mentioned cannot even touch sweat, saliva or blood, and uses air conditoners constantly to stop perspiration.
There are many kinds of allergies with many kinds of causes.

Following one of the links from that Wiki article is this list of many different forms.

So it would seem to be unlikely to reduce the causes of this allergy, when the overall etiologies for skin reactions are are so scattered among such different causes.

And the dissociation of H[SUB]2[/SUB]O is natural and has no adverse effects normally so it would seem to be an oversimplification to assume this even if you could show a chemical reaction of some kind.

Besides, immune responses have stages that add complexity to the link between cause and effect. If it were as simple as dissociation of H[SUB]2[/SUB]O, something as fundamental as that would have been uncovered long ago in routine research.
Perhaps because DHMo (or 'water') is toxic and explodes cells. It can also dissolve limestone even at normal Ph, that's how toxic water is.
It's an immune response if it's pruritis, so the water isn't attacking the skin, the histamine is.
It's an immune response if it's pruritis, so the water isn't attacking the skin, the histamine is.

Most (all?) allergies are related to proteins, or things the body mistakes for proteins. My suspicion, reading between the lines, is that it's not the water per se that's triggering the reactions, but some kind of mutated protein.

This is not unheard of - phytophototoxicity is an example, it requires the presence of certain chemicals on the skin and water and exposure to UV light to trigger a chemical reaction before an allergic reaction occurs.
Most (all?) allergies are related to proteins, or things the body mistakes for proteins. My suspicion, reading between the lines, is that it's not the water per se that's triggering the reactions, but some kind of mutated protein.

This is not unheard of - phytophototoxicity is an example, it requires the presence of certain chemicals on the skin and water and exposure to UV light to trigger a chemical reaction before an allergic reaction occurs.

Right. Some people develop a rash when the skin gets cold, or comes into contact with metal, and so on. Also pruritis is associated with psychoses. So there may be a neural or hormonal trigger of some kind. If I were going to advance a theory at the OP, I would inquire into the common denominator - the contact mechanism with the skin, which is a chemical interface to a neuron. Then I would go looking for clues as to whether this is even close to being an explanation.

It would also be interesting to know, in the tactile sense of water, what the nerve signal looks like, compared to other sensation. After all, one of the most obvious features of a contact reaction is the mechanism of tactile response itself.

Something like that - try to run it to ground. If there's no clues in that pursuit, abandon ship and keep searching for other plausible causes. Just by virtue of the fact that it is still apparently incurable, too many good reserachers must have already tried to unravel it. But I wouldn't stop hoping for a cure through some novel kind of syndrome analysis. Maybe that is why Le Blanc keeps asking about it.
Eg. Chlorine molecules are much smaller/less mass than water, yet a single molecule could trigger their histamine responses. With some people, a single drop of water, distilled or not, could set them off, with itchy hives all over their body, in some cases, even a single drop of rain, or humidity could send them into a potentially-lethal shock reaction. (I saw a show on Opera about a girl with this condition, fog could set her off and she could only shower 30 secs each week and drink milk or juice only because of the chemical composition) bound water isn't a problem, it's the water itself that's why they're only allergic to themselves if they sweat. On 1,000 ways to die, a woman had this condition, the fire sprinklers went off and she died because it made contact with her skin. So is it because the molecule is big, it can bind to the receptor site(s)?

I was wondering is it something do do with the OH- and H+ ions?
example: one of my friends cannot touch rainwater, or it literally peels his skin off, his throat closes up and gets extremely sore if he drinks water. the girl I mentioned cannot even touch sweat, saliva or blood, and uses air conditoners constantly to stop perspiration.

For start are you sure Chlorine molecule is smaller then Water molecule ?

You friend must stink if it dies not take a bath , and probably is covered with mixture of dirt and oil. Perhaps the dirt is alkaline and as water touches the alkaline or acid dirt , the chemical in the dirt dissolve and so the ionized dirt attacks the skin ?
Eg. Chlorine molecules are much smaller/less mass than water, yet a single molecule could trigger their histamine responses. With some people, a single drop of water, distilled or not, could set them off, with itchy hives all over their body, in some cases, even a single drop of rain, or humidity could send them into a potentially-lethal shock reaction. (I saw a show on Opera about a girl with this condition, fog could set her off and she could only shower 30 secs each week and drink milk or juice only because of the chemical composition) bound water isn't a problem, it's the water itself that's why they're only allergic to themselves if they sweat. On 1,000 ways to die, a woman had this condition, the fire sprinklers went off and she died because it made contact with her skin. So is it because the molecule is big, it can bind to the receptor site(s)?

I was wondering is it something do do with the OH- and H+ ions?
example: one of my friends cannot touch rainwater, or it literally peels his skin off, his throat closes up and gets extremely sore if he drinks water. the girl I mentioned cannot even touch sweat, saliva or blood, and uses air conditoners constantly to stop perspiration.

Ask your friend to wash ( clean ) an area 4 x 4 inches with alcohol then let it dry , then apply some water, this is to see if it is water that is the cause . Beside you said it can take 30 seconds bath , That is suspicious.
Right. Some people develop a rash when the skin gets cold, or comes into contact with metal, and so on. Also pruritis is associated with psychoses. So there may be a neural or hormonal trigger of some kind.
Quite, and these were some of the factors that lead me to the comment I made.

Something like that - try to run it to ground. If there's no clues in that pursuit, abandon ship and keep searching for other plausible causes. Just by virtue of the fact that it is still apparently incurable, too many good reserachers must have already tried to unravel it. But I wouldn't stop hoping for a cure through some novel kind of syndrome analysis. Maybe that is why Le Blanc keeps asking about it.
Quite, and all any of this neccessarily means is that it's either something really obvious (once you see it) or something really obscure.

I'm reminded of a story from an analytical chem class, when we were talking about HPGLC and the role volatile components have in the combined sense of flavour.
Perhaps because DHMo (or 'water') is toxic and explodes cells. It can also dissolve limestone even at normal Ph, that's how toxic water is.

. . . perhaps the (US) EPA will soon issue some new regulations regarding water toxicity . . . (tee hee)
Size doesn't matter, I think if it exists you can be allergic to it. it is the immune system overreacting over a substance.
also, auto immune disease.

people can get fatally allergic to chlorine or ions/minerals. AND water.
One girl died after the fire sprinklers went off, a single drop could KILL them distilled or not (though usually not distilled)

the following allergies develop suddenly in life, though one girl was born like it and can only drink -milk- which is lipids.
Look it up, if you don't believe me.
The condition is diagnosed by placing tap water then distilled water on the skin and observing the reaction. Drinking water can also cause this allergy.

the girl has to constantly use an air conditioner to keep herself from sweating, cannot touch sweat or blood, even her saliva or tears, rain etc cause it.
1 minute ago

*and humidity/fog.

I actually heard that there was guy(actually a boy)
that was allergic to water,(but he got it when he was 4)
An bad day,some guys on the school had watergun,and guess what?yes they squirted him.He was inmediatly drived to the hospital and had to operate away some of the things in the was something with if water contacts the skin it will be drained in extremely fast,and here was the problem, it was the inner body parts that didnt make to have water on.
I feel lucky that am not allergic against water.And he must be washed in some spesial stuff.But water in the body and other places ain't exatcly like.

Also, even when they PEE they get a rash all over their body.
It is 0,20% difference or something.
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pparently it's not possible to be allergic to carbon, air or water. EXPLAIN..?

It is not possible to be allergic to water or air. An allergy requires an immune system response to an allergen, and the human immune system cannot mount an immune response to air or water. It is possible to be allergic to carbon in the form of carbon compounds that are allergens.

Size doesn't matter, I think if it exists you can be allergic to it. it is the immune system overreacting over a substance.
also, auto immune disease.

Yes. And if the immune system cannot recognize it there can be no immune reaction. Since the immune system is MADE OF water, it cannot react to water.

people can get fatally allergic to chlorine or ions/minerals. AND water.
One girl died after the fire sprinklers went off, a single drop could KILL them distilled or not (though usually not distilled)

Pure water can irritate people's skin since it is not the same osmolality as blood, and thus causes some ion flow in people with skin pathologies. More importantly it contains a lot of dissolved allergens and pathogens which can cause immune responses.

However, sterile water with the same osmolality as the tissue it is in contact with will not cause this response.

the following allergies develop suddenly in life, though one girl was born like it and can only drink -milk- which is lipids.

Nonsense. Milk is 99% water.
i bet the worst thing about it is people who try to be clever and say stuff like 'your 80% water' -facepalm- auto-immune; they never heard of it!!
Why are you obsessed with this nonsense?

Particularly with water?

No one is allergic to water and the fact that there is such a thing as Auto-immune disease has nothing to do with it and there is NO CASE of anyone dying from sprinklers, let alone a single drop of water.
It can also dissolve limestone even at normal Ph, that's how toxic water is.

Where in the hell do you get this stuff? Pure water will not dissolve limestone. Limestone can be dissolved, like in cavern formation, if the water is acidic. One way this can happen is when carbon dioxide mixes with the water carbonic acid forms. The result of water having a slight acidity is that it reacts with the limestone (calcium carbonate).