apostle, prophet, disciple

then why is Warren Jeffs being called a prophet?

The Mormons have a head of the church, which they call "The Prophet".
It is an official position, and they feel he is their messenger from God.
Kind of like the Pope to the Catholics, but not really (the Mormons are Christian, but they deny the papacy and the authority of the Catholic church).
Some Mormons splintered off and left the church over the Polygamy issue (the church officially rejected polygamy, because Utah was not going to be granted statehood if they did not, and some members thought they were compromising their religious beliefs by doing so and left the church).
Jeffs is seen as a messenger from God delivering the truth to some of the people who have left the church over this issue, therefore their Prophet.
If so, then it is one of reality and not fantasy and superstition. The claim of "prophecy" who's burden of proof resides with the claimant or the claimants supporters. None have yet demonstrated the validity of "prophecy" as a way of knowing anything about the world and many "prophecies" have been demonstrated to be wrong, too general to be called anything but "general guesses," or clearly written in hindsight.
same rides with you
you suggest that cases of prophecy are within the realm of powers of deception, hindsight, and generalization

Your task here seems more to troll than to discuss since you've not bothered to show examples of "prophecy" that is otherwise.
Hey i was just sitting here in a good mood when you suggested how MANY (erm - how many?) have been proved wrong and that somehow this indicates that they are ALL wrong.
sounds like a positive claim to me, so spill the beans mister

you'll no doubt have some quotes from Vedic mythology that have been translated with a conclusion in mind (i.e. translating the Sanskrit word for "very small" to "atomic," etc.).
we can talk about your ignorance of sanskrit on some other occasion