Apes that write / start fire / play pacman

I don't think any scientist including this lady thinks that less than 50% of behavior can be attributed to genetics (just look at identical twin phenomenons)

Culture influences biology and vice versa

It's looking at different styles the two play together, not looking at almost meaningless numbers like I cited above

...little drunk, so if nonsensical im sorry
If you adopted an infant from say, some Amazon jungle tribe that was still living essentially in the neolithic era, and raised and educated them in some modern society, how much of their "original" culture - their parent's and their tribe's culture, would appear in that person, say by the age of 9? How about from some African tribe in the same cultural "state"?

How much influence does upbringing have on culture or tradition?
If you adopted an infant from say, some Amazon jungle tribe that was still living essentially in the neolithic era, and raised and educated them in some modern society, how much of their "original" culture - their parent's and their tribe's culture, would appear in that person, say by the age of 9? How about from some African tribe in the same cultural "state"?

How much influence does upbringing have on culture or tradition?

Well that is the big question isn't it and I'm not sure. I've read genes account for 50% of human behavior, and here is a site with some word on it http://www.nyu.edu/classes/neimark/TWIN1.HTM

I would speculate, the kid regardless of his genetic age would pick up Newton's law of gravity at a few years old, and that the bulk of what makes our thinking modern is cultural.
We have inherited, genetically, the ability and predisposition to acqure the human culture into which we are raised.

There is no evidence that the specific details of any culture are genetically fixed differently between different geographical populations of humans (parenthetical note: there are probably no usefully definable human races. If there are, they are certainly not differentiated by skin color. ).

Identical twin studies are interesting, but they seldom control for cultural as opposed to personality issues on the one hand, and the larger physical environment on the other.
"Spain is to become the first country to extend legal rights to apes, surprising animal rights activists who have long campaigned against bullfighting in the country."

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