Anyone think AIDS is man-made?

I’m sorry Dr.Lou, I guess you are right, I must be a "comedically ignorant fool" to assert that because we humans build things that are larger, faster, stronger, more precise, far reaching, massive, resilient, and deadly than anything found in nature that nature must by far have us beat. Why do we even bother devoting so much time to these things anyway? I’m sure if we had just looked harder we could have found some natural skyscrapers, or public switching telephone network, or higher mathematics, or international space station. Because certainly nature has us beat hands down and anyone who says different is a comedically ignorant fool.

I get what you are saying, biological organisms are complex in a way we really haven’t
matched yet with our own biological sciences, but we HAVE developed living unicellular organisms before, and I think could conceivably undertake to manipulate one into becoming adept at circumventing our immune systems. I do not think this is out of the question.


One of the last and most reknown US microbiologists and authority on Aides of the opinion that certain forms of Aides are engineered, perished on Pan Am flight 800 along with his wife who was also a microbiologist and physician.

Do you know his name and did you mean TWA flight 800?
I believe that AIDS as well as certain Cancers were infact introduced by the government, or by government funded agencies as a form of population control. Think about if every person in this world that died from AIDS was still alive we would have more people then one could bare. Now we all know that Cancer is mostly natural, and i think there is a cure for it... but just think if that cure was let out into public hands then the millions upon millions of people (supplying trillions of dollars per year to the economy) would lose their jobs because we wouldn't need cancer research anymore. Schools would be shut down, entire Cancer centers would be shut down... if you ask me i think we would be damn near another depression if the cure that im pretty sure exists was let out into the public. Now one could say that the PRICE for the Cancer cure could save us from the money problem... now granted, you could put a very high price on it but how many people would be able to buy it? not many wealthy people get cancer in my book. Thats my view, thanks
No it is not man made, it would be even a stretch in today’s biotech to make HIV in such a way that it pass for natural! and this is coming form my stand point as a biotech/biochem undergrad. (appeal to authority)

The biotech of the late 70's could not have done this at all, we did not even have efficient DNA sequencing. The HIV genome been sequence and its pattern is totally natural, many of its genes are novel and not found in any other organism or virus. The only way we could make a virus like this is by splicing together genes form other organisms, this process though makes for easy detection as its genome looks like a molecular version of Frankenstein’s monster!
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brokenpower said:
Cancer is mostly natural, and i think there is a cure for it... but just think if that cure was let out into public hands then the millions upon millions of people (supplying trillions of dollars per year to the economy) would lose their jobs

Um, I dont think there are "millions and millions" of people involved in cancer research. Also, try not to sound like such a wing nut.
Its an interesting question. How do you differentiate between a government sponsored spread, and a ‘innocent’ mechanism (such as government sponsored vaccination using unsterilised needles) which as a side effect spread HIV? I guess you have to show intent.

The CIA spread ‘placebo’ viruses in the US, but as far as I know they were air born, and laboratory relation to naturally occurring, not as has the HIV conspiracy a chimera of three different viruses. The idea that the CIA made HIV was first proposed by the Soviet Union, an non politically and highly valued scientific authority ;)

I’m getting quite in to this now, so here’s some more conspiracies.

AIDS conspiracy theories
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Dr. Boyd E. Graves postulates that AIDS was the culmination of biowarfare research conducted by the U.S. Government (and later, by the Soviet government) throughout the 20th century. He believes AIDS was developed and proliferated for the primary purpose of wiping out blacks, gays, and other social groups considered to be "excess population." Dr. Graves has also suggested that Gulf War syndrome may be related to AIDS, and that an effective cure for AIDS has already been developed and patented (United States Patent 5,676,977) by a company called Antelman Technologies Ltd., but is being withheld.

Dr. Alan Cantwell, author of AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic and Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot, believes that HIV is a genetically modified organism developed by US Government scientists; that it was introduced into the population through hepatitis B experiments performed on gay and bisexual men between 1978-1981 in Manhattan, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Denver, and Chicago (these experiments were directed by Dr. Wolf Szmuness); and that there is an ongoing government and media cover-up regarding the origin of the AIDS epidemic. Similar theories have been advanced by Dr. Robert B. Strecker and by Milton William Cooper, author of Behold A Pale Horse.
Matilde Krim, a cancer virologist, AIDS expert, and the co-chairperson of the American Foundation for AIDS Research, has also suggested that Dr. Wolf Szmuness' hepatitis B vaccination experiments of the late 70's caused the AIDS epidemic. Unlike Cantwell, however, she attributes this to accident rather than conspiracy.

Several conspiracy theorists, among them Dr. William C. Douglas, believe that the World Health Organization created the AIDS epidemic by administering contaminated smallpox vaccines to people in third world countries (including Africa) between 1966 and 1977. Dr. Robert Gallo, famous for discovering HIV, lent credence to this theory when he said, "the link between the World Health Organization [vaccination] program and the [AIDS] epidemic in Africa is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV".

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. Nature, Accident or Intentional? and Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, has advanced the theory that the AIDS virus was engineered by such US Government defense contractors as Litton Bionetics for the purposes of bio-warfare and "population control." Dr. Horowitz believes that Jews, blacks, and hispanics are prime targets in these attempts at "population control." He cites the historical preoccupation with eugenics on the part of the American medical establishment as evidence of a greater conspiracy to commit genocide.

Jakob Segal, a biology professor at Humboldt University in the former East Germany, believes that HIV was engineered at a US military laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland by splicing together two other viruses, Visna and HTLV-1. According to his theory, the new virus, created between 1977 and 1978, was tested on prison inmates who had volunteered for the experiment in exchange for early release. It was through these prisoners that the virus was spread to the population at large, starting with the gay community. Segal has been accused of being a Soviet disinformation agent.

Some conspiracy theories on the origins of AIDS carry anti-Semitic overtones. Some African-Americans in the US believe that HIV was invented by Jews as a way to destroy the black race. Such theories have been propagated for years, first by Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam, and by the New Black Panther Party, as well as by a number of professors in various small colleges. Conspiracy theorist Steve Cokely has made allegations that Jewish doctors have injected black babies with HIV.

South African President Thabo Mbeki and other prominent members of the ruling African National Congress party have made numerous public statements to the effect that AIDS is caused by poverty and not the HIV virus, and that people who supposedly die of AIDS have actually been ******** through antiretroviral medication by white-owned drug companies that wish to experiment on Africans. Mbeki and others frequently interfered with government AIDS drug distribution programs through the legal system. Nonetheless, after massive public outcry, the ANC government announced in 2003 that it will begin distributing antiretroviral AIDS drugs to infected citizens.

Some conspiracy theorists believe the claim that AIDS was created by scientists to be false and to have originated from a communist Cold War plot to destabilize the Western world. They believe this claim was originally disseminated in the West by KGB agents seeking to undermine the faith of citizens in their own government (see: propaganda, black propaganda, disinformation). Mikhail Gorbachev once purportedly said that he felt sorry the KGB had planted and actively supported such stories in the Western world.

On the other hand, the US Government has an established history of performing atrocious experiments on its own citizens without their knowledge or consent. Between 1932 and 1972, the United States Public Health Service conducted a covert experiment called the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. In this experiment, the Public Health Service deliberately deprived black, syphilis-infected residents of Tuskegee, Alabama of treatment in order to see what would happen to them. Between 1953 and 1972, the CIA conducted secret experiments on unwitting human subjects under the umbrella of project MK Ultra. The full nature and scope of these experiments may never be known, since most of the records on MK Ultra were deliberately destroyed by the CIA in 1972. What is known, however, is that some of these experiments involved: electro-shock treatment, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, administration of psychoactive drugs, psychosurgery, the effects of radiation, the testing of chemical and biological weapons on American city streets, "brainwashing" and "mind control", interrogation and torture techniques. The US Army has admitted to conducting similar experiments.
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weebee said:
Between 1953 and 1972, the CIA conducted secret experiments on unwitting human subjects under the umbrella of project MK Ultra. The full nature and scope of these experiments may never be known, since most of the records on MK Ultra were deliberately destroyed by the CIA in 1972. What is known, however, is that some of these experiments involved: electro-shock treatment, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, administration of psychoactive drugs, psychosurgery, the effects of radiation, the testing of chemical and biological weapons on American city streets, "brainwashing" and "mind control", interrogation and torture techniques. The US Army has admitted to conducting similar experiments.

Haha, sounds like these things would be a little difficult to keep secret, what with massive amounts of people being involved and quite clearly seeing what's happening to them. I wonder how many sneaky ninja the CIA employs, it's the only way they could have carried out such experiments undetected.
Mystech said:
Haha, sounds like these things would be a little difficult to keep secret, what with massive amounts of people being involved and quite clearly seeing what's happening to them. I wonder how many sneaky ninja the CIA employs, it's the only way they could have carried out such experiments undetected.
Yes that’s what I thought, but unfortunately; In testimony before a Senate committee in 1994, Leonard Cole, a specialist in biological terorism who teachers at Rutgers University, said that for more than 20 years, the Army continued releasing clouds of "simulant" microbes and chemicals over hundreds of populated areas.

The Army's purpose, Cole testified, was "to assess the nation's vulnerability to attack with biological weapons." But by the 1970s, Serratia marcescens was removed from the Army's list of "simulant" agents because of its dangers, Cole said, and less harmful ones were used instead.

U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over
Winnipeg, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River
Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, Virginia. Their intent is to
determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.

Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in which tens of
thousands of people in New York and San Francisco are exposed to the
airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii.

CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research
program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that
would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the
subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.

The CIA, in an experiment to test its ability to infect human
populations with biological agents, releases a bacteria withdrawn
from the Army's biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl.

U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over
Savannah, Ga and Avon Park, Fl. Following each test, Army agents
posing as public health officials test victims for effects.

LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army's Chemical Warfare
Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.

The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes
field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the
European population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of
the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.

Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH, a
program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through
the use of mind-altering drugs.

Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are
subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent
Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of
cancer, which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected
carcinogen all along.

CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN, a program to test the toxicological
effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.

U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the
New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are
exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria
onto ventilation grates.

CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by
injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington,
I found that patent number to be very interesting and if its real, probably the most damning piece of evidence I have ever seen for the theory that HIV is man made. However I also found that a patent number is insufficient information to search for a patent on the US Patent office web site. I need a class, and a subclass as well.. not only that but you said that the patent had been withheld, which in any case may mean that it is not in the searchable database.

Also, mystech, what great number of people? The ones who were mind controlled, or the ones who were covertly infected with disease, would know to make a ruckus about what the government had done to them? Admittedly I have never heard of mind control experiments, but I had thought that programs (or pogroms) to sterilize black males in the US was common knowledge.
Mystech said:
Haha, sounds like these things would be a little difficult to keep secret, what with massive amounts of people being involved and quite clearly seeing what's happening to them. I wonder how many sneaky ninja the CIA employs, it's the only way they could have carried out such experiments undetected.

Haha, the old "No way could they keep this secret" line.
SpyMoose ;

United States Patent 5,676,977
Antelman October 14, 1997

Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices

The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.

if you go to;
and type in the number (without , ) you should get the whole thing----
My mistake, I had thought you said it was a patent for the HIV virus. hehe, wow I should have had breakfast this morning.
Something caught my eye somewhere saying something like they can't keep something a secret. That is reidiculous, it's amazing how much information the government keeps from the public. Infact i've heard on numerous occations they have cures for serious diseases such as cancer and aids but only keep it from being released because of the pharmacies. they wouldn't dare release such cures if it would cause their rates to drop unfortunetly. READ THIS: I am not saying that there is a cure only that i heard from some people that there was PLEASE do not contradict me for saying this i do not feel like arguing with someone over something this irrelevant.

I do not beliee aids is man made. Aids have been around to long to be created by anyone. the simple idea that everyone during the time aids first began to appear was too primitive to make any virus this severe and complex. If someone that unintelligent can make such a weapon at the time he would have used this biological tool to gain power among the people.
I should make something clears. I was quoting from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. I don’t believe in those conspiracy theories, I just find them and their followers fascinating. (or I am right now because I have work to procrastinate away).
The HIV patent idea is interesting. Some people (Dr Graves) believe that Dr Robert C. Gallo had a lot to do with the HIV….(from his letter to the US president no less 
“Dr. Robert C. Gallo isolated the HIV enzyme in accordance with the "special virus" program, contract #: NIH-71-2025.
Dr. Robert C. Gallo, et. al., has systematically, intentionally and purposefully sought to thwart, disrupt, redirect and retard every meaningful effort leading to public discovery of his 1960's gene manipulation work.
The HIV enzyme was isolated and mass produced via illegal "roller bottle" techniques in association with "special virus" program, contract #: NIH-NCI-E-70-2048.”
Poor Dr Gallo worked on (a) human retrovirus, which is being termed ‘AIDS like virus’. (HBLV)….hindsight is great. (he does have a patent for the HBLV from late 80’s). Like the big pharma’s he makes his money and his career when people are ill.
weebee, It would be a good Idea to post links to the sources you quote from, because I am skeptical, and would like to be able to better analyze the sources of these allegations myself. I like having primary sources for information, not just your reporting that you read said information somewhere. Also the portions of text you choose to quote are difficult to put into context and seeing the primary source would probably cure that, so please start your posts off with links in the future. other than that, thanks for researching the topic I’ve been busy at school reading up on IMPORTANT things, or so my teachers tell me. I like this kind of thing so much I think I might try to petition my university to start a "researching conspiracies on the internet" or some such class. That could actually be a pretty entertaining development for this board, though the process my school has for that kind of thing is a real pain.

Edit: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. You HAVE been posting links. Keep up the good work.
Its in through one ear and out hte other with you people isn't it? IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO MAKE HIV AT THAT TIME!!!
OK, first thing's first:

Am I reading the United States Patent website wrong, or is that really an effective cure for AIDS? I know that a lot of drugs are used overseas before they ever see the American shores, but still, wouldn't we have heard of this?

Example 1 is phenominal, with the people being completely cured. But what's with Example 2? It doesn't say what happens to the other two people, and really doesn't say what the final verdict was on the two people who's white blood cell counts increased.

A working model is not necessary for a patent to be granted, only an original idea.
I would assume the same to be true of medicines. To get FDA approval to market
a medicine is a much more involved undertaking. JMHO, but it sounds like bunk to me.