Anyone Know about 2:11?


Registered Member
..for about 2 years now..I've had a high frequency of spotting/ or noticing the time 2:11 on the clock...I've told family, and few friends they too find it a lil odd. :confused:
I've just, this fall, been assigned to a college dorm room # 211 and took the room with a lil caution,knowing this # to be occurring a lot with me... but was curious to see where it might lead me...
Nothing big or significant YET has happened to have me believe it was... "DESTINY" ..but I just saw 2:11 on the clock again and did an internet search about the whole thing...
Finding one site giving me info about the # 11 and some similar "clock spotting" type of thing.. I wouldn't normally blink at a site like that..cuz it had to deal with alien abductions..but hey.. it had something to offer with 2:11. I'll post the site later...
Its time I tell more people about it and find out if others have had or are having this sort of experience around here...
I've been away from the boards for 2 yrs.. and this has made me return...
The worst part of the night for about a year was 11:33. I'd get to feeling really shitty, and I'd look up and the clock would say 11:33, but I haven't seen that time on the clock for about 6 months now.
It was kind of weird, I'd see the 11:33 all the time, now I don't. I looked up 11:33 in every book of the bible, and didn't find anything great. You should try that with 2:11.
Go to and then go through all the books. It's pretty fast, actually.
I don't look at clocks. I check time by the position of the sun and the size of the shadows.

whitewolf said:
I don't look at clocks. I check time by the position of the sun and the size of the shadows.


Not bad; I don't think thats too great for night time telling of time :bugeye: ..unless u go to sleep after sundown and don't care anyway huh? :rolleyes:
Out of curiosity, what is the month and date of your birth, SeeKer? (The year, apparently, is unimportant.)
SeeKer's profile says April 6th. Hey, he's an Aries. Anyway . . . Now ya know, tiassa. Anything significant?

EDIT: By the way, welcome back SeeKer! We don't know each other, but we will soon. :D
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Well, this might sound skeptical but I have theory. When your mind is fixated on something, it will seem to appear in abundance everywhere. You will walk 211 steps to the store; you will sip your drink 211 times... it shows up everywhere if your mind subconsciously believes so. Just a theory. :)
Thanx for the information gathered so far guys...It may have some importance, not yet realized.

To Dwalk, yeah I'm a skeptical thinker as well...
The only thing is that I'm not fixated without reason.. ha ha. For example... if everywhere u went, people were wearing a yellow hat, and screaming I hate u! Might you not then become fixated upon something? perhaps the yellow hats? , and wonder just why they're yelling? ;)

Well I suppose this is why I've become "fixated".But I do believe it to be with good & justified reason, given the abundance of 11's I see on somewhat daily basis. I think it goes way beyond the acceptable limit of just chance, and/or some kind of nut fixation. I don't sip 211 sips or notice that I'm walking 211 steps or anything... i just spot 2:11 most frequently on the clock, and happen to notice any clock, my cell phone, my Pc Time, any clock around at the moment, when it turns 11 after the hour. The number of interest is most def. 11 and it's just becoming a bit frustrating not understanding why it's occurring. I'm not religious by the way guys, at least not Christian. I am however, an admirer of Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy, and live my life according to some of the tenets described by them.

This whole post makes me sound nutty still... Can't believe I'm here :(
Have you ever seen the movie "Pi"? I find it a rather strange coincidence that I just watched this movie tonight, and stumbled across these boards and this post in particular, when I was originally setting out to find concert listing for my hometown on the internet....humm :bugeye:

Anyhow, in the movie the protagonist talks with his mentor about fixation on a number in almost the same way you described, with the number of steps to and from his apartment even, except for him it is the number 216 (very close too). This turns out to be the number of letters in God's real name in Hebrew, so it does end up having significance. You never know...

For me it tends to be the time 11:11, but that could just be because it's the only time on the clock with four of the same digits (12 hour clock anyways) and I think that's a pretty common one.
I tend to get this aswell, everytime I feel I have to look at a clock the numbers would be the same, I.e 12:12 or 11:11.

I think it is a common conciousness trying to adapt our physical to the new realm.
Roman said:
The worst part of the night for about a year was 11:33. I'd get to feeling really shitty, and I'd look up and the clock would say 11:33, but I haven't seen that time on the clock for about 6 months now.
It was kind of weird, I'd see the 11:33 all the time, now I don't. I looked up 11:33 in every book of the bible, and didn't find anything great. You should try that with 2:11.
Go to and then go through all the books. It's pretty fast, actually.

That is very interesting. I've been getting 11:34 for probably around 4 years now. I tend to run into the number 34 a lot. We're off by a minute :-D.
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My guess would be that perhaps one day you saw the clock and it said 2:11, then by coincidence the same thing happened the next day. Then perhaps it happened one other time by coincidence shortly after. That may have been enough to cause your mind to think something strange was going on, and now your mind is subconsciously making sure to look at the clock when it thinks it's 2:11. I may be wrong, but I have a feeling our subconscious sense of time is far more accurate than that of our conscience. So maybe that's it - first it was coincidence, now it's your subconscience purposely looking at the clock at 2:11.
haha ironic 211 you could also look at it as 22
dont worry buddy its normal, its what we are all gonna be experiencing through this moment of global conscious transformation ;)
One is the first number used when counting, and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Every numerical system we are aware of has had one as its initial starting point. Because one signifies the beginning of an enterprise, it is very egocentric and prefers to be the center of attention. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.

Two relates to partnerships and interaction with others. Individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two is paramount in the formation of life because in this world we have two genders who couple to propagate the earth. One-to-one relationships are prominent because it symbolizes two people becoming close through intimate contact. Two is feminine, intuitive, and corresponds with our protective instincts. Negatively, two can be grasping, overprotective and cranky.
Ive gotten to where I notice the time 12:34 on the clock. I also notice 6:14 on the clock, which is my birthday. Weird.

2+1+1 = 4

you made your post at 11-14-04, 01:54 AM

however, you did not post at 2:11.
or... 2:11pm could also be 1411 ... so... 1+4+1+1 = 7

whoa! 7.

and this is my 223rd post. 2 + 2 + 3 = 7

For several years it seemed every time I looked at the clock in my living room it said twenty five past seven. (It is an old mantlepiece analog clock). But last July we found the key for winding it up and now it tells all sorts of time.

seriously. coincidence.