Anybody a Scientologist?


Valued Senior Member
If there is a scientologist who would like to have a discussion about scientology i am here to discuss.
are you a scientologist????? or do you want to ask questions????

the e-meter is fun... if you hold it.. and think evil thoughts, of killing and hate and rage... and stuff to raise your blood pressure, then you can see the needle rise..

and when you relax.. the needle falls... great fun...

you can play with one at the celebrity center in los angeles... its open to the public..... of course..

its a decadent as can be.....tapastries... chandaleirs... rugs.. golden gilded walls.

normally a session with a trained person, using the e-meter can cost big bucks.

a terrible scam.

if you go to the blue building in la... they will show you an orientation film....
really cool... in a small private theater,, with surround sound... awesome.

the film was cool.. but its a comercial.. motiovating you buy their books.
they recommend you start with a specific 5... each costs 50 dollars.

next to the blue building in la... they own alot of apartment building in the area, to house all the members... ive talked to them..

there is no need to beleieve in god... only hubbard.
they share a bathroom with 30 people.. or more.
they share rooms.. like dorms..

and they work long hours.. like 12 a day... and they dont get paid...
they are given a small allowance... for basic stuff.

and when you leave.... you leave with nothing.

they do offer some training in computers and stuff, and it is possible to move into managemtn where you can draw a salary...

the problem as i see it...

is there are 150 levels of theta.... and to achieve each level, takes alot of study... alot.. alot of books..

in fact... the entire thing is set up, so that the average person simply could never do it all in one lifetime.... its not possible.

they do take in homeless people... but as far as i can tell, just the young ones...

but i could be wrong... ive seen some.. few... older members... but.. only a few.

My parents are scientologists if that's any help.

As for scientology being the biggest money making scam.. It has nothing in comparison to christianity - and thus cannot in any way claim first place.
No, scientology actually is a scam. L. Ron Hubbard invented it for the sole purpose of making money. (I have heard stories, as if the aliens and DC-10s weren't themselves convincing enough.)
I think what Baumgarten means is that L Ron actually said he was going to make up a new religion to get rich (something to that effect) With the catholic church I think they just discovered down the line that they could also make heaps O' cash running the faith.....(holy grail narrator voice) and there was much rejoicing (/holy grail narrator voice)
Ja. Rome formed Catholicism to be the final word on the religious conflict growing within the empire. The state was already filthy rich.
I guess if you make something you could always have followers, depending on how you sell your idea. But what does catholicism have to do with scientology? Let's try to forget how these religions have little or nothing to do which each other for once, and try to focus on the original point. Because i think we have all discussed christianity/catholicism enough in our lifetime.

But I would simply like to know who has a healthy knowledge of scientology. I'm sorry but i'm not really looking for rumours about it either... It's more or less the defeat of my purpose to make this thread.
SnakeLord said:
My parents are scientologists if that's any help.

Well seeing as your parents are scientologists, would you happen to have any insight on it for me. In particular i would like to know what made them go to it, and some general ideas towards the point of being a scientologist. Assuming you don't mind answering my questions.
Mosheh Thezion said:
are you a scientologist????? or do you want to ask questions????

the e-meter is fun... if you hold it.. and think evil thoughts, of killing and hate and rage... and stuff to raise your blood pressure, then you can see the needle rise..

and when you relax.. the needle falls... great fun...

you can play with one at the celebrity center in los angeles... its open to the public..... of course..

its a decadent as can be.....tapastries... chandaleirs... rugs.. golden gilded walls.

normally a session with a trained person, using the e-meter can cost big bucks.

a terrible scam.

if you go to the blue building in la... they will show you an orientation film....
really cool... in a small private theater,, with surround sound... awesome.

the film was cool.. but its a comercial.. motiovating you buy their books.
they recommend you start with a specific 5... each costs 50 dollars.

next to the blue building in la... they own alot of apartment building in the area, to house all the members... ive talked to them..

there is no need to beleieve in god... only hubbard.
they share a bathroom with 30 people.. or more.
they share rooms.. like dorms..

and they work long hours.. like 12 a day... and they dont get paid...
they are given a small allowance... for basic stuff.

and when you leave.... you leave with nothing.

they do offer some training in computers and stuff, and it is possible to move into managemtn where you can draw a salary...

the problem as i see it...

is there are 150 levels of theta.... and to achieve each level, takes alot of study... alot.. alot of books..

in fact... the entire thing is set up, so that the average person simply could never do it all in one lifetime.... its not possible.

they do take in homeless people... but as far as i can tell, just the young ones...

but i could be wrong... ive seen some.. few... older members... but.. only a few.


Well i suppose the people who have chosen to enjoy the needle game, usually enjoy it, and are willingto pay to keep their enjoyment. So from this i can see it makes people happy, and gives them something to do. So far nothing bad, or harmful to anyone.

Although about the laboring, it is odd they wouldn't pay, but they do provide housing. So it does equal out, seeing as how housing in california is anything but cheap. So everything appears to be legitimate.

150 levels?? Really, and i guess each of these books cost money as well. Well that is deffinitly a little over the top. But none the less, people arn't complaining. So i can tell from that, that this still isn't anything bad at all.

So what about the religion itself? Does it have some entertaining plotline?
I CAN SAY... hubbard... was genius..... sure was...

he can take any topic... and write a book on it... its what he did.

scientology, has nothing to do with god or creation or anything godly...

its about being human... self improvement and enlightenment....

the only reason it won its court case, affirming it as a church...

is the presadent of BUDDHISM... it also has no god.. no creation...
its a philosophical perspective that replaces other god based beliefs...
and so is accepted as a religion...

but ... as far as i can tell, and from my studies... it has nothing to do with science.

and has everything to do with 'a science of mind' a science, hubbard invented.

the effects of these programs in self improvement, can i hear... help alot of people.

but in their campaign to help people, they do so, by telling them that modern phycologists and their drugs... are all bad.
and instead... what is better than physcology... is dianetics.

and example...

in regards to cleaning the body of toxins... he wrote a book.. called 'CLEAR BODY / CLEAR MIND'............

ITS NOT A SMALL BOOK... but the whole book... maybe 150-200 pages.. all serves to teach a person one paragraph worth of info.

that paragraph is.....
' sweating is one way to remove toxins... so using saunas is a good idea, and taking large doses of niacin... also helps remove these toxins.. especially in conjuction with the sweating treatment in suanas..... in this way, we can over time, clean the body, by this niacin and hot box sweating process... period.'

he was not the discover of these facts... he learned them... just as we all might do if we are well educated and read alot...

he took that basic info... and wrote a book, which is a major part of the scientology program of self betterment......

like i said... he can take any subject, and give you 200 pages talking about it in great detail.

but... in my opinion... his books... all.. simply contain to much ''''''''fat'''''''''''.
(except the fiction books.... those are really cool... with alot of detail...)

but if he trimmed them down... then he wouldnt have any books to sell.

Tried to read and L. Ron Hubbard book once...still have epileptic fits from the brain damage cuased by his sentence structure and total lack of style.

As for Scientologists, think on this. They believe in absolutely no medical study, not one. They don't believe in any of the nice medicines that help people while mild to sever brain dysfunctions. They don't like hospitals at all. They are guilty of kidnapping more than one Scientologist patient. They berate people for accepting their problems and using modern medicine to treat it. I've seen Jesuits more enlightened about medical care!

Do yourself a favor, if you want to join a cult make it a fun one with a good medical plan.
TW Scott said:
Tried to read and L. Ron Hubbard book once...still have epileptic fits from the brain damage cuased by his sentence structure and total lack of style.

As for Scientologists, think on this. They believe in absolutely no medical study, not one. They don't believe in any of the nice medicines that help people while mild to sever brain dysfunctions. They don't like hospitals at all. They are guilty of kidnapping more than one Scientologist patient. They berate people for accepting their problems and using modern medicine to treat it. I've seen Jesuits more enlightened about medical care!

Do yourself a favor, if you want to join a cult make it a fun one with a good medical plan.

Well aside from kidnapping, i don't see any crime in not liking modern medicine. That is alot more commonly seen in cult type religions. Which no one except outsiders seem to actually complain about it. I do see how kdnapping a member of your own religion is a bad thing, but then again i have no idea why or what reason they kidnapped him. For all we know, the guys/girls who kidnapped him/her could have been planing it. I would however like to see some documentation on this. By the way i have no interests in joining a cult type religion of any kind. But thanks for the advice...
Well seeing as your parents are scientologists, would you happen to have any insight on it for me. In particular i would like to know what made them go to it, and some general ideas towards the point of being a scientologist. Assuming you don't mind answering my questions.

Well, I was adopted at a rather young age so don't really know much about it. I managed to track them down several years ago and they seem like normal enough people.

It certainly does seem to me that a lot of what people say is nonsense, (like TW's post), what I have personally seen seems to be quite the opposite. They have no problem whatsoever with medical care - indeed my mother spent quite a bit of time in hopsital.

If you want information I'd be happy to talk to them and ask.
SnakeLord said:
Well, I was adopted at a rather young age so don't really know much about it. I managed to track them down several years ago and they seem like normal enough people.

It certainly does seem to me that a lot of what people say is nonsense, (like TW's post), what I have personally seen seems to be quite the opposite. They have no problem whatsoever with medical care - indeed my mother spent quite a bit of time in hopsital.

If you want information I'd be happy to talk to them and ask.

Yes alot of it did seem to be a bit around the bush.

But my main concerns are what made them decide scientology was correct for them, and the benifits of scientology to their life. Perhaps a few small facts if you wouldn't mind. I would be very greatful if you were able to figure anything out for me.
I suppose it's the same with anything. You're at a certain stage in your life where you feel you're missing something and so stumble upon something that claims to be able to offer the answers, and next thing you know you're hooked.

That could be religion, beer, drugs, the latest Coldplay album or anything else you can think of.

Still, I'll talk to them later and ask.
SnakeLord said:
I suppose it's the same with anything. You're at a certain stage in your life where you feel you're missing something and so stumble upon something that claims to be able to offer the answers, and next thing you know you're hooked.

That could be religion, beer, drugs, the latest Coldplay album or anything else you can think of.

Still, I'll talk to them later and ask.

Yes, I very well understand the fixations of a emotional crutch, but every religion, artist, or drug has it's own benifits. But i'm curious to see what scientologies traits are.