Any dream interpreters out there??


Hey... you had a pretty conscient-subcosncient conflict there, eh? :D:D

Better you pay attention on the way you threat people. It seems that it's related to that. If you can provide some information about it...

Another good information would be the issues you have been dealing with lately in your life. That's crucial for the interpretation. ;)

Hey... you had a pretty conscient-subcosncient conflict there, eh?

Conscient-subcosncient are not words. They do not exist in this language or any other.

Actually I don't feel this dream has anything to do with a conflict between my conscious and subconscious minds, or with any ill relations with other people in my life. To me, it represented a type of inner-transformation. The fact that I was a ghoul wasn't negative, just a bit shocking. It was sort of like gaining a super-power, being more than human. The fact that ghouls feed off other people was a little disturbing, but only in the physical sense, meaning it grossed me out, not in the moral sense. We do live in a dog-eat-dog world, and I don't have a problem with that. In fact it spurs me on towards self-development. I love a good challenge!

Why don't you stop discussing what you don't know...?



Ok then... your fellings are more important to the understanding... It seems that you know what's all about...

Truthseeker, why dont you follow your own advice?

Its not the dream interpretation so much as the posts you put in the science forums.

There we go again. :( In case you didn't notice...this is not the Science Forum! TruthSeeker is free to post whatever he wants, here and in every other Forum.


What's the fun of going on and on about that stupid language problem you seem to have? You understand perfectly well what's meant, so leave other people in peace please.

Jezus! Can we go back on-topic, without that kind of remarks. it should make things a lot easier.

Anyone can post and/or interpret a Dream. There are no rules.

Apparently, no matter what kind of dream you have, it seems to mean that you are a latent homosexual (or a latent heterosexual if you are a homosexual already) with the desire to possess your opposite-sex parent (same sex parent for latent heterosexuals). This sets up a profound internal conflict within your gonads and causes unavoidable insanity by the age of 35. Or, in the case of TruthSeeker, much much earlier.

Not all dreams are sexual dreams...
This already proves wrong all other statements...:rolleyes:


And who said I don't know them...??

By your own admission, you do not use the scientific method.

Not all dreams are sexual dreams...
This already proves wrong all other statements...

Actually, according to Freud, they are. If they do not seem sexual in nature, that is because you are missing the symbolism.

Freud is crap anyway.

Northwind: I always wondered what Freud thought of bisexuals. Are we supposed to want to 'posess' (yeah, I know he meant somthing else but - EW EW EW EW EW!) both of our parents?

Anyways, I haven't been sleeping well enough to dream anyway - well sorta, I've been having my lucid dreams.
Freud was a twit, and obsessed with his mother.

Not all dreams are sexual? Yeah, right! Mine are. Except that one about going to jail, no, nothing sexual in that one at all, no, NOOOOOOO...............