Any dream interpreters out there??


The Goddess of Love
Registered Senior Member
I had this freaky dream last night, just wondering if anyone could tell me what it means.....all the online dictionaries can't put the objects into context and, well, I just doesn't make sense. Any help here would be gladly recieved. Thanks :)

I was a carousel horse, very pretty, pink and blue and get the point. Well, I was going to school (for what I don't know) Then over the summer I went somewhere to spend time w/ other carousel horses and we all get really sad when I have to go back to school in the fall. So I go back and I go to school during the day and I work at a fair at night. All the little kids are brats and they always pick the paint off me. Well my summer friends come to visit and they start laughin at me cuz of my paint job. We decided to go visit the paint man, and get me all fixed up. On the way there we happen upon this carousel horse that is totally black...none other than a friend of mine, Ben. We try to get him to come w/ us for a paint job, but he won't, so I tell my friends to go on b/c I want to stay and talk to Ben. He gets all mad and defensive and starts to walk away. I follow him and he goes to this showering area (still fully clothed) and all his black paint comes off but underneath he is like this pshcho clown dude w/ bright orange hair (and somewhere in this process I turn into a human hmmm....) Well,I'm giving his this weird look and he pulls out a peice of a broken mirror and starts slicing his arms. I freaked out and ran over there to try and stop him, but he just turns on me and starts cutting me. So I back off, but I keep watching him and I am crying and screaming "NO BEN, STOP IT! STOP IT! NO!" When I can't bear to watch it anymore I start to run to tell the others what he is doing (while my arm is bleeding like heck.) Turns out that all the others have turned into pshcho clowns and they are cutting themselves too. I turn my back to them cuz i can't bear to watch it and when i turn back around, Ben is with them, totally covered in cut marks, and they are sitting in a puddle of blood. I'm still crying and screaming at them to stop but they won't so I run off to be by myself. A little later Ben comes over to me, very mutilated looking, still with orange hair, and sits down by me. He tells me that I need to get some band-aids b4 I bleed to death. I look over at him and ask him what to tell my mom about how I got the cuts. He says to tell her that I fell. So I go to my mom and she just ignores me until I stick my bloody arm under her nose and then she tells me to go to her car and get some band-aids out of her first-aid kit.
Then I woke up....:bugeye:
Welcome to sciforums.

What does it mean? Clowns are pure evil.
Words like Horses, Horse: To dream about horses generally is associated with big earnings and will enjoy prosperous and happy life.

Words like Arms, Arm: Strength. To dream of seeing an arm, means victory over enemies but family quarrels.

Words like Car: Personal power. Ego.

Words like Friends, Friend: Joy and consolation. Aspect of self ready for integration.

Words like Bear: Victory over enemies. Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind.

Words like Back: Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love.

Words like Blood: Essence. Life energy. Unfortunate love affairs. Severe disappointment.

Words like Hair: Attraction and sensuality. If you dream of hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application.

Words like Nose: Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner.

Words like Black: Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends.

Words like Blue: This dream denotes a great source of inner peace and a symbol of contentment.

Words like Orange: The color orange in dreams indicates passion in every aspect of your life.

Words like Pink: Associated with tenderness and love. You can expect interesting developments in relations with opposite sex.

Words like Summer: Summer foretells joyous events and prosperity; denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbound satisfaction.

Words like Back: Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious.

Words like Bear: Possessive love. Will receive bad news.

Words like Crying: Emotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be release.

Words like Death: End of a cycle. Something is finally over.

Words like Fair: Social activities of a happy nature. Change for the better.

Words like Job: Work on fulfillment. Frustrated or satisfied with life.

Words like Kids: Childhood. Innocent. Joy without profit. Warning of family quarrels.

Words like Mirror: Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else..

Words like Night: Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate.

Words like School: Discipline. Instruction. You have the skills to resolve a problem.

Words like Time: Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

Words like Under: Covered. Restraint. Secrecy. You are loosing strength or power.

Words like Watch: Time. Limitation. Ready to discover what emotional field surrounds you.

Thanks...I found that information too but I don't feel like it really applies to my dream. Especially the part about the mirror..
Words like Mirror: Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else.
Also the one about the color orange
Words like Orange: The color orange in dreams indicates passion in every aspect of your life.
Passion for what?
All this dream interpretation stuff....perhaps I am just making too big a deal out of it. :confused:

I've never heard that clowns represent my parents...hmm....
SO....If clowns are pure evil, and clowns represent my parents....then I have bigger problems than my dream don't I?:bugeye:
Anywho, I also read some where that other people in your dreams don't always represent themselves, but they represent a quality that you desire to have. I'll have to think this over somemore.
We dream of what we have seen, said, desired, or done

I don't believe anyone out their can really interpret your dream, as every one relates to object and people in different ways. some people have a fear of horse and to them they hold a differnet meaning to some that loves them.. go through your dream and think about what it means to you. It could be a childhood memory or a solution to a problem.
Dreams mean whatever you want them to be, all of the words that Jordan mentioned could have totally different meanings to you. There really is no science to dream interpretation because no two people are the same, and no two dreams are the same. Decide what you want your subconscious to be telling you, maybe try to become lucid (in control of the dream) and ask yourself what you want. Doing this is very simple, all you need to do is write down every dream you have and remember them when you wake up (this is the easiest time, if you just lie in bed and let your mind wander eventually you will trigger a memory of your dream). Sooner or later while inside a dream something will trigger your mind to wake up, then you will be in control, and you can solve a problem or do whatever you want. It's a great experience but I've only done it succesfully a few times.

BTW Dizo great avatar! What does it say???
Welcome to Sciforums Dizo:D

Pollux V,

I have a dream journal that I use *when* I can remember my dreams. Some mornings that just doesn't work. And I definatly hope I can have a lucid dream someday!! So far no good, but I'm optimistic :cool:
I found that one of the better ways to get one is to have an extreme urge, you should go to bed thinking non-stop: I will have a lucid dream tonight, I want a lucid dream tonight etc. Trust me when I say that when you have one you will not forget it. I haven't.
It's like being the director of a movie. You decide what will happen and enjoy ever second of it because you have total freedom.

Thanks dizzo. Now that I know what that says I can finally sleep again(pun intended).
After much searching I found it. I'll give you the site, if you want, when I get home. I'm at school right now and its bookmarked on my (home) computer.

As the way you say... it seems that your background is necessary for the interpretation. This includes what's happening in your life (mainly when you had the dream) and what are your beliefs. Can you provide those things?

Well I've been known to interpret a dream or 2

You're hanging with the wrong crowd.
You have changed or are going through a process of change, but you're not convinced it's for the best.
You've done or are about to do something you regret.
There is a lot of deceit around you--you don't want to face it.
You are crying out for attention to an authority figure.
You feel like doing something radical to get your point across.
You need to feel loved and wanted.
You feel you need help.

I've been know to get 'em wrong also.
I had an odd dream once:

I was walking down the street near my house and I saw a sort of rocket hovering in the air (in exactly the same way that bricks don't ;) ) The weird bit about this rocket is it was multi-colored (mostly red and blue i think), sideways and not firing. Anyway I started watching it and it began to start lifting off (sort of) When it was alomst out of sight it shot straight down off in the distance when it hit the ground it went off in a bit of a nuclear explosion. I kinda stood there for a second then I saw a shock wave demolish a fence in front of me so I began to run (the odd part is there isn't a fence there oh well) I then realized that someone had nuked Indianapolis (NOTE: My albatross nest is located in a small town just a bit north of Indianapolis IN) I can't remember much about the rest except for some survival tactic involving sleeping in a bath tub and that I later decide that it couldn't have been Indianapolis because I was facing north at the time and Indy was the other way (I can be quite clever in my dreams ashame it dosent seem to work when Im awake)

My interpretation of that dream is that im a rather twisted sort of guy but what do I know?
I had a dream that I was caught in a nuclear explosion once. I was just lying in my bed, and slowly my wall just flies away and I'm part of this wave flying over the place I live on, hurling through until I wake up in a cold sweat. It was terrifying but an exhilirating way to die, at least if it really happens that way.
Speaking of dreams, I had a strange one last night. I dreamt I was in a very old house, victorian style and really fancy. There were others in the house with me, but they weren't people, they were ghouls. Their skin was bluish grey in color, and they had wild hair and some had fangs. There was both male and female ghouls. The thing is, I wasn't afraid of them, it was like I was part of the family, and then I realized that I was a ghoul also. They were all bloody and at one point I went into the bathroom of the house, and it had this old style bathtub and in the bath tub there were humans and some ghouls were feasting on them. This really grossed me out, and I didn't want to accept that I was also a ghoul and this was how I would have to feed myself. It was strange too, because there was a sexual undercurrent to the dream. One of the female ghouls was giving off this ultra-lustful energy, and I was very attracted to her, but I kept thinking in the back of what was left of my "human" mind, that, wait a minute, this is a disgusting, deformed atrocity, not a beautiful woman. But my libido told me different. Pretty creepy.