Any draw-backs to Immortality?

Getting your head cut off?

Okay I know thats from highlander (just had to put it in)

There are a bunch of questions I would want to know, like:

If you hand gets cut off, do you end up with no hand?
(Okay I wouldn't test this one, But I would want to know how far you could push the limits)

Like would you need air to breath? If not then you could single handedly hit the space race and not worry about running out of oxygen.

Could your body take high pressure changes?
If it could then you could go to the depths of oceans (as well as the void of space)

Why get upset about people that die around you over time, when you could examine the universe to it's extents without fear of not making it very far.
If you could live forever, after a very long time you would have experienced everything thats is possible to experiance but what its like to die, and i think you would end up trying to kill yourself, devote the rest of your existance to trying to kill yourself.

you would become extremely jealous of the people of earth who can die so easily... and eventually you would convince yourself that death is good, ok etc, and go around and kill everyone saying"its better this way, your so lucky ...etc"

this is just one possibility...

there is an infinite number of them...

And worst of all, reckessness, and a disregard for life. With immortality will probably come the ability to medically fix anything, people would shoot heroin all the time, cut off limbs for a kick, drive insanely fast in futuristic cars, etc.



but I'd go for it if given the chance.
it would be a terrible pain at first , but when sometime we invent a time machine , all would sort out. I could choose the time I live in. Presumably this century.
It's possible

Not dying of natural causes is just a nessesary step in evolution, an evolution wich humans declare upon themselves,...

with "gen-treatment" it's not in the realm of science-fiction anymore, I say this thread belongs in the filosophic section!

You can prolong your life but ofcourse you can always end it by un-natural means,...(cyanide i.e.)

Having a longer life permits humans to see what mistakes they made and maby even correct them,...(if the mistakes where not too harmfull and dreadfull)

It would permit to see the earth change,....for the wors (cause I don't think people are full aware of it) and that would make people more concious and causious about their doings and goings troughout life,...

unless they would deny their suffering and go on and behave real stupid and would go on intoxicating the earth and getting sick and telling their children that they will have nothing to worry about cause they are rich enough to buy the cure for AIDS and CANCER ect, ect,....

And in that case: the people that are in power: they would stay longer in power: whilst the people who don't have the money to buy their gen-treatment: they would die off, leaving only a small group of real old farts who are in charge of things and a group of relatively young people who are working to survive and to buy their daily ration of clean air supply,.....

No downsides? I think either you give everyone acces to imortallity, or it should simply be banned,....and forbidden,....

but If any human being, with a little brain stops and thinks about it then he/she would come to the conclusion that there already is some form of eugenetics going on and that there are already gen-treatments that prolong the 'normal' life-span,...

so it's actually an actual and burning issue,...and I say you people are just laughing it away and talking nonsens and not treating it seriously with the attention it deserves!

think people, think,.....